Tuesday, April 28, 2009

SOULFUL SHEE M. G. In Purple Passion Highlighted Today as Guest Poet

A beginning introduction is needed for today's poet...anybody who meets her at Authors Den will immediately gravitate to her words, her feelings, her love...I share two of her deeper poems with you here and note that she continues in narrative as well...but go reread at A/D if these touch you, by clicking on the title, as she has music selected to go with each poem... Beautiful!!! Feel the Passion!

* Strong meaning meant here for those whose spirits feel worn down, and not understood, you are heard and loved...

Depression Lurks in My Soul
WITHOUT It Creations Would NOT be Found

Within me
depression lurks
oh you don't believe me
well chocolate is my antidote

too much and it can hurt

Depression use to be strong
years ago
till I let that weight of a fellow go
where he wanted, who knows

Depression made me sleep a lot
made me feel fatigued and sap
all the energy I was wrought
so don't tell me depression was not my down-slot

It took me in the drainage of hell
I climbed back up from all the swill
fresh air revived me right quick
the Lord did his best with me,

as I would assist

Depression is a bummer
pulls you down like a strong plunger
quenching your mighty endeavors
it's like a sword to your chest,

not giving you any rest

Depression can zap you of life
if you let it pull you down into more strife
do what you can to rescue YOU
your spirit is waiting for you too.

Copyright ♥ © S. M. G.
Apr. 23, 09


Ideas that may help, before/with medication

and a Dr.'s assistance, before it's too late!

Daily spiritual talks with the Lord!
God Bless YOU as you do!

A fresh walk in sunshine and even rain
the cleansing will wash away your inner pains.

Fresh water daily is a sure cure
as much as your body can endure.

Talk and writing, painting, gardening,

cooking, bike riding, any movement
will make your spirit proud.

I wish you the best in all you do
to bring a lasting happiness to you.
And, Those patient around you too!

* This is to "THOSE" feeling this!
Your heart will know and want to express...



This is the BEST Poem I've Ever Written!
(Brought me to tears, He sure has His ways to get across an important meaning, Jesus sure does)!

A final closing of the dark curtain
befalls on those of once certain of knowing
strong energy spirit still seeking
while caring people continue crying

The end all to what was
a soul laying there just because
feelings in one's mind run amok
wanting this lovely presence to wake up

As their spirit will now rest
their face in frame you hold close
to your breast
reading the eulogy to all guests

Your own strength you invest
causing you weakness you begin to express
everyone's eyes you try to process
loneliness is all you caress

An empty longing is met
you begin to look forward to the bright sunsets
your life is now your only asset
when you awake to push away lasting regrets

Your memories all cast into a vast net
to society you feel a weighed-down debt
I am here to say
don't fret

The more you begin to connect
the transferred sadness you will soon forget
to share with others will feel like kismet
as much needed love you will get.

Copyright ♥ © S. M. G.

Can I just say: IF you are close to someone and you inside LOVE THEM ( but have a hard time showing or telling them) PLEASE go and visit and give a hug, the rest will follow! Grab a bus or ride a bike... but SHOW THEM! When they pass on, there is NO 2nd chances!!! And... YOU find yourself thinking of them and your own chances and it's too damn LATE! * I wish I saw my mom and took her out MORE than only 1 time a month. She only lived 20 minutes. from me, and I let MY DAD stop me, because of his STUPID demands on HER time! I SHOULD HAVE USED MY DETERMINATION and NOT LET HIS WORDS GET TO ME OR HER! I LOVE YOU MOM! and Grandma too, and I MISS YOU Both! and PAPA! MOM, if "YOU" were here, I would cook a meal for you and we would be smiling, YOU too, Mae Mae, I would still be digging and replanting your garden - New owners now, Or I still would! GO SEE THE ONE YOU LOVE! OR CALL! OR EVEN WRITE! a memory that will last "THEM" and YOU, but a HUG is the BEST of all!

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