Loyalty Oath versus Freedom of Speech - If you wanted to do a search on government records you will see that much has been done related to the use of Loyalty Oaths... In 1963 I started to work at West Virginia University in the Office of Personnel. I was hired as Records Clerk, the individual who spent time with each new non-faculty employee at WVU, working to deal with all of the proper paperwork to become a full or part-time employee at the University.
In the Foreword to his new book, the Fantasy Five, Harold Michael Harvey is talking specifically about the south, in the State of Georgia in the 1800s:
Beginning on April 1, 1867, Georgia began registering voters for the new state government emerging from the ashes of the Civil War. In Bibb County, “over 2500 Blacks took the Loyalty Oath* and registered to vote, while about 2,000 Whites agreed with the Loyalty Oath (Thompson, Reconstruction in Georgia, p. 186).
Here we learn that the Loyalty Oath was used in 1867 in order to vote... While I, in 1963, was asked to sign a Loyalty Oath in order to work at a State institution, West Virginia University. It should be noted, that, WVU is a Land Grant University and therefore has ties to the Federal Government. This is important since reporting to the Federal Government, as outlined, was an ongoing activity at that time...
However, by 1964, "Focusing on the issue of vagueness, the Supreme Court in Baggett v. Bullitt, 377 U.S. 360 (1964), struck down the 1931 and 1955 provisions of a Washington state law that mandated loyalty oaths for state employees, thereby interfering with their First Amendment rights of association. For me, that only meant one thing, since I had no problem supporting the United States in a loyal fashion, but, that, I no longer had to explain to the many diverse individuals who had begun to work at the University, as to what and why the Loyalty Oath was required... I remember it was a simple oath on an normal typed paper with, maybe, 10 lines which included signatures.
While I worked at the University, I noticed at the Mountainlair, the Student Union, that there would always be a small section where Black students would congregate. It was an open area, anybody could have joined them, but there were no white or other non-Black students who ever sat in the area for lunch... Frankly I didn't think too much about it until...now... At that time, there were separate Black churches, but those churches normally joined with other churches to celebrate special events... Since, I had met my first Black girlfriend in the 7th grade, I had already been involved emotionally with the Black community. I worked with many Black employes, met with them for events, and so on...
The evolution from the 1800s for our Black citizens has been forward... Now it is going backwards! When, in Georgia the Black citizens began to see a major need to become involved in the political actions in Georgia, there were many whites who were not happy and were, in fact, openly hostile for the forward advancement of Black citizens. They'd had to fight to even get the right to vote, but at that time, the white people still refused to allow them to hold office... All done by the voting apparatus which had been denied for centuries...
You know, when white people bought Black people and made them slaves, with no pay, no rights, and, often, with white men raping the Black girls and women (to provide more slaves)... You know, their biggest source of money was...slaves! Real estate holdings were valued at $4,777,551. Personal property, most of which was enslaved labor, was valued at $10,279,574.00.* Could you ever imagine trying to tell your child that you are worth only 2/3 of the value of your white neighbor? That was bad enough! But when Blacks started to try to find work for which they were paid, it was at a much lower rate that was paid to white people! AT THE SAME JOB!
This was my response to the video above...
You know, I am sure I am older than any of you who agree with this nonsense... I DO NOT. Let's look back at the fact that Black people were slaves owned by white people for hundreds of years. Trying to think that means nothing is just what those who "don't think" about other people say...Yes, I'm addressing those who claim they are Christian--those who Jesus asked that we love ALL People. Those who think that they deserve a job just because they are a white man! Believe me, there are many Black men and women who are just as qualified as YOU could be... but many of you are not qualified because for whatever reason you chose not to prepare yourself to QUALIFY! That's the simple part! But, let's consider the fact that many carry over historical values taught by those who were in the KKK or some other cult-like family who were angry at those who were not like them, just because they were not like them... Now the claim by evangelical christians and the lie that God intended America to be White...Get Real!!! Jesus WAS NOT WHITE! I was hired because I was qualified... I had two white men to work with at first... Later under Affirmative Action, I would have Black people with whom to work. I can guarantee you they were qualified... And, because of that I chose the Black person over a white person. It is the Law! Equal Rights for All People...It is NOT about race unless you are yourself prejudice and biased... That's the bottom line for me...Affirmative Action should work until statistics show by percentage of Americans that we are all equally treated under the law... ALL people NOT just white people! If you disagree, that's why you voted for Trump...and that, itself, is your problem even if you don't see it...yet... By the way...Trump has already declared that food prices going down may not be possible... See what I mean? You listened to lies and you bought it... NOW all of us will pay for your opinions and lies!
Think about it, their slave labor, for which no wages were given, was valued for over $10M in those early years! And, then the government got involved to provide more "benefits" to Black people, even though White people considered them their Rights. We've already heard this administration/republicans referring to Social Security as a benefit program... How many times do we have to explain that WE ALL WERE REQUIRED TO CONTRIBUTE PART OF OUR SALARY TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY PLAN! IT IS OUR OWN MONEY, EVEN IF A MANDATED PROGRAM CREATED BY THE GOVERNMENT. THIS PROGRAM IS NOT A BENEFIT...IT IS A RETIREMENT PROGRAM JUST LIKE THE STATE TEACHERS RETIREMENT PROGRAM FOR SCHOOLS AND UNVIERSITIES have...
My point in bringing this into this conversation is that some republicans say that this fund is no longer able to support the program. I say that it has then been mismanagement! That does not change the fact that it is our money and the Federal Government/Congress - And The Executive Branch - was responsible for ensuring that fund was always responsive to the needs of all American citizens!
Finally, all of the rest of those issues highlighted in red in the previous post relate to prejudice, bias, and downright white supremacy.
The fact is that Black people in America (and also women) have been fighting for hundreds of years to move forward once they were no longer slaves... Indigenous people barely can live without support from the outside due to what white people have done to them. Jews, Muslims, other non-white people have traditionally been abused in one way or another by the white people who once came to America to escape abuses that, then, they used on all other people other than themselves... Frankly, at this point in my life, I am sooooo disgusted with the white citizens of America!
Despite the ongoing efforts of each individual, of each community, of each race to attempt to move forward to become, as our Constitution says, that we are all equal and shall enjoy equal benefits as do all other people! Yet, no, many white people cannot deal with it! Can They?!
I never knew any Black people until I was in the 7th grade and rode the bus to junior high in another town from where I lived. Marian Davis became one of my best friends through graduation from high school... At the same time, in my hometown, I used to take walks, which were about the only entertainment we had at that time... We passed a house one day and the individual with whom I was walking said that the residents were members of the KKK. I was shocked...I knew about that group and I was surprised that they were still in existence. Later, I was even more shocked when I learned that he was married to one of my friends with whom I had gone to school... It was then I began to wonder just how we could have grown up that would make such a difference in our views. One of the ways I was affected during my childhood was by music... Steal Away was one of the songs that became a favorite...
As I grew in faith, I began to look for a father figure and realized that I already had One... Who I have learned would always take care of ME...
- IF the election was NOT hacked in some way, then I must assume that a large percentage of America--White People--are racist and/or sexist. If Joe Biden won the majority vote, even though Trump and his followers still lie about it, then race or sex IS/WAS a factor in choosing a criminal over a Black Woman who had the legal and experiential background to become the President of America, Land of the Free... Instead a lying criminal was selected. And is now choosing individuals with criminal backgrounds or anti-American ideals to reign at his side.
- Trump has already declared by Executive Action that DEI programs are to be eliminated. Legally he does not have the authority to do this. However, YOU ALL elected all republicans and, supposedly, nonpartisan people into Congress... And the republican-led Supreme Court has already declared all Trump's actions in Office as legal... then this criminal can do anything he pleases all because of Racist and/or/both Sexist opinions...
- Trump has already started gathering up immigrants who had not yet been able to meet with courts on asylum due to lack of judges. But ICE is openly not only gathering those who are criminals, but ANY undocumented immigrants they find, no matter if they had been seeking asylum...
- Trump has put All government DEI people on leave. Who and how it will be determined that they will be permitted to stay is not known. Let me guess...republicans who pledge "loyalty" to Trump will retain their jobs. All those who voted against him will be fired, based upon NO justification other than they do not support Trump.
- Trump has removed all legally approved programs such as Affirmative Action, ADA, and any other program that does not fit with HIS AGENDA...NOT, based upon the needs of Americans...
- Trump remains a liar... Blaming Obama, Biden, the DEI employees who might have been flight operators for the latest catastrophe in the United States... The deaths of hundreds...While he gave a preliminary statement which he fully read because it was not His words, his true opinions and coverup lies quickly followed...
- Now, I am now going to be a feminist in saying that white and/or black or any other race male who voted for Trump have seen what women can do when they are in charge...And they are afraid of US.
- In E. Jean Carrol's book, the woman who won an ultimate $5M after two different trials, for defamation as well as sexual assault by Donald Trump, she asked the question, "What Do We Need Men For" or something along those lines (do a search if interested) Since I have never chosen to depend upon a man to live my life, I was somewhat shocked that, as she traveled across the country, many and even most, if I remember right, said "Absolutely Nothing!" Women have learned that they are equal, just like the Constitution of the United States says...
- But, like the White slave owners who not only used slaves for farming their crop, they also used their women sexually and/or for acquiring new, free slaves... I don't speak against all men... In my experience, you don't see this kind of man in the democratic party, normally... Some will be pinpointed, like Mendez who is now in jail.
- I've had 3 men for whom I worked at West Virginia University who were good men who cared about the University. Trouble started, for me and other women in high-level positions, when the president changed and men were hired to work to get rid of women in those higher level positions. I was one of them, having worked myself up through ranks until I was Acting Director of the last office I directed. Soon, military leaders (3) were in that office, a reorganization occurred. NOT ONE OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS EVER CAME TO ME, AS ACTING DIRECTOR, TO LEARN EXACTLY WHAT THE OFFICE WAS DOING... I have to assume they didn't care...or they had their own goals, just like Trump, to do what they damn well pleased, regardless of anybody who might get hurt.
- And, because of these power-prone men who didn't think they needed to know what their subordinates did in order to direct the departments programs, they concentrated only on what they wanted...and covered themselves via lies...
- I became a whistleblower... I went directly to the Academic VP to whom I had dual responsibility for all academic issues. I was told by the new Asst VP that he was now in charge and I would not need to interact with anybody else... What a Fool! Just Like Trump! He had NO idea what or how much work it takes to run a major office, little on the entire country's federal government.
- And I know republicans are to blame as well. When a family member "shamed" her granddaughter for voting against Trump, that confirmed what I already knew. These republicans have NO idea what they do, what the government is responsible for, and apparently don't care. They were told maybe 100 years ago that republicans are "the" party to support... And haven't bothered to ever change an opinion based upon a real study, research, or even an understanding of what a politician is saying... That's what we are dealing with! I was told by that same individual that if I were a Christian, I had to register as a republican??? Well, that did not happen! I had heard the statement he made about being able to do anything when he was a star...including grabbing women...
- Many have talked about dumbing down America. That may be true, but I don't think that is the problem of the majority who voted for the republican party. They have been trained through their parents, their religion, possibly, by the opinions of their peers, and most of all by their lack of interest in details of exactly what is going on in the republican party (and the democratic one)
- Books have been banned by complaints of a few republican members... The word Woke, used by Blacks, to indicate that we have moved forward, woke up to all the garbage being thrown at non-whites and white women... I am proud to be WOKE. I have devoted my last 10 years to ensuring I read the books that are important at this point in America. And I am fighting BACK.
- I was once a member of the National Secretaries Association, which no longer exists, because women's positions have evolved to be more than typists or appointment makers... But during that time I helped to sponsor classes to improve the skills of secretaries, in communication issues of all kind, including non-verbal...
- And I continued to participate in the non-academic program to recognize through CEUs of classes taken that were geared toward professional development. That program is still in existence... I had hundreds awarded, the exact count is no longer relevant to my memory...
- I enrolled in a experience-based Board of Regents program which gave credit for classes which taught what I already knew or learned on the job, but learned through experience... I earned credits that gave me the equivalency of expertise expected at completion of the junior year of college.
- I moved into a non-clerical profession based upon the new Director of a new Office who asked me to apply, based upon his coming to know me in my work in the President's Office, having worked for two Provosts (second in command of the University) as their personal assistants. The Provost for Instruction, Jay Barton, was later still my boss, as the organization of this new office directly supported the academic programs of the University. Which was later changed, even though I didn't act on orders... just like Trump is hiring his cronies to do what he wants to do rather than what the academic program required of me.
- During that entire time, my successful completion of my job was prevented by only one thing. A white superior(s) who had no interest in what I was doing, didn't bother to find out, and yet wanted me to only report to him, do his bidding... Claiming he knew everything about the office's responsibilities. NOT!
- I am loyal to the United States at an advocate for its Constitution. I cannot and will not be loyal to a man who requires non-disclosure agreements for any actions that he wants me to do... I hope you recognize what and why I am saying this... Rich men have used Non-disclosure agreements in place of a loyalty agreement. The purpose of NDA is to prevent the ability of a "wronged" individual to gain legal restitution for grievances they have suffered...
- As I was contemplating leaving the University, I made one final attempt and hired a lawyer, to attend a meeting with a Board of Regents representative, which was the last level for WVU appeals. The representative took my side completely. I was offered a job description that was for a lower level position which was already held by another individual. I looked at it and asked what is Paul going to do, this is his job. The Assistant Vice-President, one of the bosses who had not bothered to acquire knowledge of what I was doing...nor, obviously as to what that job description I was being offered covered...
- Yet Americans have voted in such a man... Condemned by his brother's children for stealing their inheritance from their dead father... A man whose charitable organization was being used for personal things, like a portrait of himself. The New York state forced that to be closed and the entire family was forbidden to ever again run a charitable organization--or participate in other ones!
- You may recognize a similar situation for the man who is now the Secretary of Defense, which has one of the biggest budgets in the government... My opinion, Trump will be selling arms to foreign dictators from the Defense Budget, but the money will not be deposited in the Defense Budget... Get the idea... Why else would you hire a totally incompetent man with such a shady background, including abuse of his second wife...
- Have YOU listened to any of the Senate hearings on his proposed cabinet? NONE of them will respond to questions that may personally affect their president/cult leader. If you haven't, I suggest you find videos and listen to them, especially the questions and responses asked and responded to by Senate Democrats. A couple here... And, if you don't know who is asking pertinent questions, then, in my opinion, you have voted for Trump and are NOT Woke!
- God Help Us All... I believe firmly that God is Watching. There may be retribution for Trump for his lying judgments of people who do not support him. And we may never see America's retribution of this man. But God knows the difference between Trust and Lies. Those who claim to be Christian yet vote for a leader who is unqualified, a liar, and was, as one big example, totally unprepared to deal with our Covid Pandemic where over 100M were killed just in America and people are still dying from it... But Trump now wants to place a man who has preached anti-vaccines philosophy, and got paid for it, and put HIM in charge!
- My Truth is that there is NO man that is above God. Those who are using God's or Jesus' name to try to lie their way into the Federal government may have only one long-term judgment... By God Himself. You know, I read a book called The Light of the World by Tim Spiess. What he has done was to provide with commentary, ONLY the words spoken by Jesus... Think about it, if you are willing. Jesus came to die for all of us... Even his disciples talked of his kingdom on earth and, when he was betrayed and moved through the government officials, those who had condemned and paid for his capture did not speak again. Some of the crowd thinking of his possible death, chose Barabbas, a criminal to save instead... Others cried and wept at the loss of their beloved Savior. During the time I was reading (do a search to the right if you did not read my review of this book), for the first time ever, I was able to read His Bible, His Words alone--not those who differed in opinion, or changed it based upon their own experiences, such as Saul who became Paul... What I am saying is that, by the time I had finished this book, I had learned more about Jesus, ALONE, the Son of God, in One Person who had died for ME, for US... Through thousands of years, many had used words by other than Jesus to guide them in their condemnations of those they thought as evil or against God. Yet Jesus taught that God is a God of Love and Truth... And that He wanted US to Love All of His Children, be they black, yellow, red or white!
God Bless