Friday, January 17, 2025

Last TV Interview With President Joe Biden - I Shudder as Money and Power Dealing Begins - Open Memoir


I wanted to include this... What he says about oligarchy is true and could never have happened without a coalition of those who sponsored the Project 25 document... They are who is in control--Money and Power Controllers! No,  the President cannot do everything they want!
She makes an interesting statement when she certainly lacks access to complete information...
But...isn't it important to know the reputation of America?
I worked in higher education... I worked my entire career and NEVER GOT SUPPORT FOR MY MAJOR ASSIGNMENT
The CFO (money controller) reported directly to the President...
When additional leaders were added at the top, it just became worse since more programs were added in that priority list
Do you ever consider that the government is nothing more than
a lot of "corporations" each vying for support...
I learned it is impossible to do everything needed, but that doesn't mean somebody did something wrong as this woman's sarcasm implies.
The fact is that there will always be a shortage of funds if the world wishes to improve the lives of we who live on this planet...
Give the good guys a break!
Get rid of those who do nothing but complain or lie 
There are too many people out there who are and have worked throughout their lives to do a good job
Some of us never achieve the end products of those lives...
That is Fact... We Must Work Together to Create Ways to Change FACTS of Failure to FACTS of Accomplishments...

Biden has done more in the only term as president than any of the recent former presidents has accomplished... Period!

My Guess? 

The Amount of Money Spent on the last election (or any?)
could answer the world-wide hunger crisis for a year...or more???
The costs are unbelievable and ridiculous!
Especially when we see how and what was done...

How bad can it get NOW???
Remember all of these past events?

Not even past presidents are willing to support his second term...
This may not be true, just listened to The View and they were only talking about Michele... BUT, if it isn't's a perfect example how communication attempts are ruined...

Once upon a time when the outside world was sane and I had about 10 years of peace and quite after going through Job Burnout, I felt I might be able to write a book, which I had already titled Emotionally Damaged: Living With Job Burnout... I thought it could be helpful and provide a real-life story by which one individual reached Job Burnout based upon Mismanagement...or Should I say, A Change of Administration...

I had even begun writing what I would be calling an Open Memoir, which would be produced sporadically within my blog... 

And then 2015 came and I, for the first time in my life (no kidding) heard the name Donald Trump... It was the infamous "Grab her by the Pxxxx that changed my entire life... Seriously, think about it... I, one individual, had been abused in various ways on my job at West Virginia University. No, it wasn't physical abuse! It was mental abuse! I'm sure I'll be talking about that again...

Mental Abuse - The type of abuse that Trump immediately placed on the entire nation from Day 1... You know what, I soon realized that I could not possibly deal with my own personal situation, while at the same time, one man was wreaking havoc on millions of people... I knew this man was dangerous... I had been overwhelmed by individuals in power over a few... Trump was overwhelming the entire country with lies, threats, misinformation, nonstop repetitive chaotic rhetoric, not to mention that he had no credentials to actually be in the presidency!

And it never stopped, even though he was no longer president...he just kept doing the same thing...The ravings of a narcissist, soon became an awareness that he was a sociopathic narcissist who cared about nothing but what affected HIM... Yes, I am not qualified to claim his limitations.  limitations... OK, fine,  but I have read his niece's books as well as his nephew's book, which their uncle in their lives and about his early life... Mary, his niece, is now a psychologist... she's my source...

In any event, I became almost a fanatic watching what he was doing. Or mostly Not Doing... I had worked over 35 years (much like Biden) and started at the lower level, moving upward based upon study, expertise gained, and longevity in administrative positions on campus, first in Personnel and then in part of the President's Office, finally, moving into higher levels, beginning in the technical ranks... Nearly every single day, I was having flashbacks of similar on-the-job activities thatI'd gone through. listening to the news, ... Soon I realized that there was no way I was not going to work to get this man out of office. I changed from an Independent to a Democrat and have voted straight democrat from then on... Because I had seen just how corrupt the republican party had become and knew that Trump was picked on purpose, for a bigger plan...

Do you remember how often Trump was called to the carpet, for what he said, what he did or didn't do? He was impeached twice... I want to stop there because, we who watched knew what was coming...

Donald Trump was impeached because of his desire to make a deal with Ukraine's president. He wanted him to do research on Joe Biden and his son to get what dirt he could find, more or less. He even sent his lawyer there to push buttons behind the scenes. Now, here's the thing, Trump was holding up an allotment already approved through Congress--they would get the money when he got the "dirt." That was illegal!

The Impeachment passed the House, but not the Senate, due to republicans... However, the investigation was televised and we all had the opportunity to evaluate Truth... Documentation was provided that the command was indeed made to hold up providing funds that Congress had already approved... for this specific allocation. The Executive Branch (President) is responsible for the implementation of APPROVED actions only...

So, let's consider right now more of what has happened... January 6th, election violations across the nation and so much more had occurred or been discovered. Trump was being tried by 4 state courts as well as federally. We watched as one case was delayed by a Trump appointed judge over and over. We watched as the personal life activities of an AG was so skewed that that case was destroyed. The two NY court case were both won... But in each such case, Trump had different lawyers dealing with each and appeals were going on all the time...and, of course, the news followed the televised court cases, and could only listen to Trump when he came out where he lied, obfuscated, blamed the democrats, etc. Little was actually publicized of what Biden's administration was doing, routinely... Media choices have been questioned often...

(By the way, if you think this is all new, check out the history of court cases in which Trump/family were involved through the years)... Even his book was ghostwritten... because he obviously didn't do well with any deals that we've seen that he personally actually did...) So, for the majority of the 4 years that Joe Biden was in office doing wonderful things for America, the media covered the hottest news, Trump's court cases where excitement was sure to exist, rather than the boring reporting that a bridge had been built, or a city got a new water system...or whatever Infrastructure projects did occur... They were rarely covered and Trump kept lying, lying, lying... So much so that soon the republican majority Supreme Court (created by preventing Obama candidates to be even submitted for consideration) began acting as if Trump was already president and all those court cases of actual criminal activities for which he was indicted were dismissed not because they weren't real but because of Trump's constant falsification of everything... delay tactics... as well as the amazing decision by the Supreme Court that claimed that anything the President did during his term was immune from any type of action... Common Sense tells us that is categorically crazy!

Get the Idea - Lies or False Conclusions said over and over and over
and people begin to actually believe...That's why, up until the Trump presidency, very few actually created the chaos of lies/rhetoric initiated and incited by Trump...Inciting fear through Lies is...Just...Wrong!

And that leads to all that has happened even before Trump is inaugurated!

Let's look at just one 10 pm News review this week

Candidate for Secretary of Defense in for congressional review
Note that the mother of this candidate wrote a letter to him about his treatment of women...!!! She later also changed her statement

During the Discussion on Senator Ernst is the key point
I want to spot... that is, she was originally opposed to the candidate
After harassment by MAGA, she, I believe, voted not her real evaluation of the candidate, but what she was forced to do... 

Can You Imagine that an individual for the Attorney General
said at her full hearing that "they" targeted Trump right from the beginning... Now, like I said, I've been watching closely for the same time period... and the only THEY that was acting properly were those individuals charged with upholding the Constitution of the United States, which was being totally ignored by the President who could care less about what he should or should not be doing... Witch Hunt became a household term heard across the land... 

Now, I ask you to think about multiple issues discussed on the videos!

Loss of homes and lives in California!

Now those who lost their entire lives are expected to be affected by the President and the Republic Party trying to make a deal for less coverage if the government of California doesn't do something for Trump...
It's  being said that some type of deal must occur before disaster money would be provided!!! 

Ready for another impeachment trial for the president and speaker of the house???

The President of Ukraine did NOT give in to political pressure by the Trump call to him and onsite pressure by Rudy Giuliani and those helping him, one of which testified at the investigation on what they were doing...

Senator Ernst has received so much pressure, that she changed her voting as originally planned... Senator Ernst served in the Military
The candidate has stated that women should not be permitted there!


Folks, Do you realize that the guy is not yet even the President?
Money and Power, though, is evidenced in everything he does or says...
I wish to thank my new connections at BlueSky for sharing all the pics...
I had never been so brazen to say some of these things that are being said Now I realize that if I had talked more maybe more people, especially my family, would have started to believe me, Truth, and the Democratic Party, MSNBC
rather than the lies, disinformation and so much more being spewed out for the last 8 years... God, help us through the next 4


A final Point... If we allow criminally charged, indicted, and convicted individuals in the government, we might as well start looking to move out of the country like many are already talking about...

Trump is a convicted felon, recently charged after being found guilty
The Secretary of Defense demanded by Trump--Powerful position--
was fired for mismanagement of funds for Vets Org!
And this guy is going to be in charge of the highest single budget in our government...

The thing about this: Yes, they are going to be "Yes" men for Trump--all of them...The thing is, those two alone don't have the capability of even understanding when something that is being discussed is wrong, or right... 

Don't be surprised if you see Marines walking down the street of a US city one day at the command of Donald Trump, with the "Yes Sir!" from the Secretary of Defense...

And, oh yeah, let's get some planes up over my Golf Course... Can't have another sniper try to shoot me while I spend my normal times on the green...
Can't be too careful... I'm in Charge NOW

And let me know by lunch how many immigrants have been thrown out of our country and how much it costs us...figure we'll charge the country who allowed them to invade us...

Did you get the names of the Chinese immigrants working on the Panama Canal ... We need to move quickly to get that going...

And don't tell me I have to get approval from Congress... to get a new jet to replace Biden's...
It's out of Date so see if you can get Musk to give it to me as a gift

How many times do I have to say--I'm immune to anything that happens while I'm in office... A Jet is needed when I meet with Putin... and go visit my friend in North Korea...Maybe I can talk him into more soldiers being sent to Putin to fight against the Ukrainians...

Hey, did you hear that the guy wanted for Secretary of State refused the job...Get somebody putting pressure on, maybe threaten to "ensure" his wife doesn't get back in office next election...

Cancel all the prayer breakfasts! 
I'm so sick and tired of having them people put their hands on me!

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