NEW THIS YEAR: Separate fiction/nonfiction LEGACY categories for books older than two years.
New or old, we want to read your book. … Each year, independent publishers release extraordinary books to little or no recognition. The Eric Hoffer Book Award recognizes excellence in publishing. A SINGLE REGISTRATION gives you FIVE WAYS TO WIN by genre, press, the Montaigne Medal, the da Vince Eye, and the Hoffer grand prize. There is a category for every book. (See submission guidelines below or check our listing in Writer’s Market or visit
* $1,500 GRAND PRIZE * Low Entrance Fee of $45 * Many Categories *
* $1,500 GRAND PRIZE (the Eric Hoffer Award for Books)
* Winner of the Montaigne Medal for most thought-provoking book
* Winner and First Runner-Up awarded for every category
* Honorable Mentions for every category
* Individual Awards for Micro, Small, and Academic Presses, as well as Self-Published Books
* Coverage in The US Review of Books (, the annual anthology Best New Writing, and on
* Gold Seal Certificates
* Worldwide Exposure
CATEGORIES: Art, Poetry, General Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Children, Young Adult, Culture, Memoir, Business, Reference, Home, Health, Self-Help/Spiritual, Legacy (fiction or nonfiction).
In this tough economic time, your book is always a great value, and the Eric Hoffer Book Award is the most economical way to achieve publicity and recognition. Read previous contest coverage in the US Review of Books ( and view past winners and press releases at
Internet payment for entrance fee now accepted. (visit
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES (entry deadline January 21st, 2010):
AWARDS ARE OPEN to academic, independent, small press, and self-published books that were released or copyrighted in the last 2 years, including unique books with small print runs. (Books over 2 years enter the LEGACY FICTION or LEGACY NONFICTION category.)
AWARDS/PRIZES: One grand prize will be awarded for the entire contest. In addition, each category will be awarded a winner, runner-up, and multiple honorable mentions. Books must be registered by CATEGORY and then are automatically considered for Individual Press Awards, the Montaigne Medal, the da Vinci Eye, and the Hoffer Grand Prize.
FOR EACH ENTRY, submit the book, entry form, and $45 fee (check, money order, or Internet payment receipt) to Hopewell Publications, LLC, PO Box 11, Titusville, NJ 08560. Be certain to specify award category and press type. Registration will be confirmed via e-mail. All entrants will be notified of winners, after April 30, 2010. Submissions must be postmarked by January 21, 2010.
JUDGES may include authors, editors, agents, publishers, book producers, artists, experienced category readers, and health and business professionals. Note: Contest closed to the staff of Hopewell Publications and previous WNBA winning entries. At the low entrance fee, it is not feasible to provide judge’s critiques for each entry.
ENTRY FORM (submit one entry form per book):
You may also visit and click on the “Nominate” link.
Book Information
Category (see below):
Press Designation (check only one; see description below):
Self-Published __ Micro __ Small __ Academic __
Contact Information
AWARD CATEGORIES (select one per entry application):
* ART: titles involving the experience, execution, or demonstration of the arts, including art, fine art, graphic art, architecture, performing arts, design, photography, coffee table books, and poetry.
* POETRY: Titles with poetry or highly stylized prose.
* GENERAL FICTION: non-genre specific fiction, including literary, short story collections, and mainstream.
* COMMERCIAL FICTION: genre specific fiction, including mystery, thriller, suspense, science fiction, religion, romance, and horror.
* CHILDREN: titles for young children, including stories and picture books.
* YOUNG ADULT: titles aimed at the juvenile and teen markets.
* CULTURE: titles demonstrating the human or world experience, including multicultural, essay, women’s issues, sexuality, gay, lesbian, memoir, aging, travel, sports, true crime, and current events.
* MEMOIR: titles capturing specific personal experience.
* BUSINESS: titles with application to today’s business environment and emerging trends, including general business, career, computer, and Internet.
* REFERENCE: titles from traditional and emerging reference areas, including history, psychology, biography, education, sports, recreation, training, travel, and how-to.
* HOME: titles with practical application to home or home-related issues, including general home, gardening, cooking, parenting, family, interior design, animals, and pets.
* HEALTH: titles promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being, including psychology, fitness, and sex.
* SELF-HELP/SPIRITUAL: titles involving the mind and spirit, including religion, metaphysical, and mystical.
* LEGACY FICTION: all fiction titles over two years of age. (Unlike major trade organizations, we think good books last more than a single season.)
* LEGACY NONFICTION: all nonfiction titles over two years of age. (Unlike major trade organizations, we think good books last more than a single season.)
INDIVIDUAL PRESS AWARDS (select only one):
In addition to the above category awards, books will be singled out for additional awards in the micro press, small press, academic press, as well as self-published arenas. Please check one of the following types on the application.
* SELF-PUBLISHED – title financed by author or not by the publisher (regardless of press size).
* MICRO PRESS – title from a press producing 24 books or less per year.
* SMALL PRESS – title from a press producing 25 books or more per year.
* ACADEMIC PRESS – title from a press with an academic or library affiliation.
All registered titles will automatically be considered for the following:
* MONTAIGNE MEDAL – most thought provoking book(s).
* DA VINCI EYE – books with superior cover art.
If you don’t see your category or cannot determine your press designation, please e-mail us with a description at, and our staff will guide you. A great book will supersede any category designation. Category designations may be reassigned to better suit the submission. Judges may include authors, editors, agents, publishers, book producers, artists, experienced category readers, and health and business professionals. After the contest, books will be donated to libraries, schools, and hospitals where appropriate, which are fine places to promote your book!
Fax: (609) 964-1718
The Eric Hoffer Awards
PO Box 11
Titusville, NJ 08560
Please be patient. We receive many inquiries this time of year. We will help you.