Sunday, July 12, 2009

Review: First Book in Spotlight Author Ruby Moon-Houldson's Guardian Series Leaves You Wanting More!

Guardian of an Immortal Soul
By Ruby Moon-Houldson
E-Book Time, LLC
ISBN: 1598240153
200 Pages

Just finished the first book in the Guardian Series of Ruby Moon-Houldson. In a recent interview with the author, Ruby indicated this was her second best loved series because she could do so much with it! Indeed!

And may I add... Wow!

Ruby has a way of placing an issue out to be solved and then proceeds to have her characters solve it, only to have added another bit of mystery by that time! The buildup of suspense continues until readers are so caught up in the story that they are living and wondering along with the characters—what in the world is going to happen next! At the same time, the author is one of the most prolific romance writers I have read, ensuring that lovers of this genre are very well satisfied.

No wonder the author talks about being able to do “anything!”

This series features Jadyn Rina Hanan and Christopher Varatoo. Christopher is a fireman/fire inspector and due to a skin condition must only work at night. (Hint?) Jadyn is an author and lectures at a local college. Her specialty is myths, legends and truths concerning paranormal events and mythical creatures.

Upon reaching their 30th birthday, both Jadyn and Christopher begin to have dreams—of each other! It is Jadyn who takes the initiative to try to find the location in her dream and determines it is a club about a half-hour away from her home called The Night Life. Two friends of Christopher, Adrian and Randu, own the club; and they are very anxious to help them meet, so when Christopher is not there initially, Jadyn was encouraged to wait!

Actually, it wasn’t love on first sight...

It was the rebirth of memories of their special love! For Jadyn had been reincarnated seven times and in each life, she had met and loved Christopher...

And in each life, she has attempted to return to Christopher what she has held for him for over 700 years. Jadyn is the Guardian of Christopher’s Immortal Soul!

Jadyn has discovered one more thing about herself—she is a witch! Quite a lot to swallow for an expert in mythical creatures! But her love for Christopher becomes more important than anything else in her life and she declares that, this time, Jadyn Rina Hanan, whose name means, God has heard the cry for mercy, will succeed! Already one impossible thing has happened, Jadyn is pregnant by a vampire!

There is a lot to learn about this series and its characters, so I urge you to read this first book before you proceed with any others. You’ll learn that even in the vampire world there are good and evil ones. You’ll learn about the “upper realms,” and that both Jadyn and Christopher much more! The series was supposed to be a set of six but due to its popularity, the author is presently working on book 10. Over the upcoming weeks, I’ll be reviewing the entire set! How cool is that!

So, how about it fellow readers—join me in reading a great romantic sci-fi series, beginning with Guardian of the Immortal Soul by Ruby Moon-Houldson. Let’s talk about it soon!

G. A. Bixler

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