Freya's Child
By Alvin Franzmeier
ISBN: 9781604943658

241 PagesIt was 1939 and most of the world was watching as Nazi Germany invaded and took over countries. Would the US become involved? Alvin Franzmeier sets his book, Freya’s Child, during this time; however, within the background, the novel presents an alternative history that will fascinate readers in its potential...
Dr. Hulda Schwarz was a sergeant in the SS when she was told to meet with Nazi Schutzstaffel Reich’s Fuhrer Heinrich Himmler. Nervous at first, she was thrilled when she was asked to discuss a runestone that had been found in Minnesota. Many believed that the stone could have great significance for the future of the Reich. She shared a part that she had already been able to translate:
Shine Freya Moon gold bright and clear
Your day of rest draws near
Valhalla calls her maiden home...
For the German Nazis, they believe that the stone would lead to gold...
But for Dr. Schwarz, it was far more important. She tried to explain to Himmler about the true discoverers of the Americas when the Scandinavian countries had traveled into Canada and down into America in areas now included in the state of Minnesota. Finding a Runestone seemed to prove this to be true.
And to Dr. Schwarz and other believers, it was believed that the poem was foretelling the return of the goddess Freya and it would be her race, the Aryan race, that would now rule the world. Dr. Schwarz was willing to ride the Hitler wagon, though she knew that most Nazis were atheists.
When Dr. Schwarz arrived, it seemed that a strange number of coincidences had led her there and were supporting her beliefs. She was a Volva and practiced Seidh. Indeed it was her extensive research and study of her faith that allowed her to translate the words (runes) on the stone. She believed the prophecy pointed to their destiny as the leaders of the Aryan people and that blessed Freya, becoming incarnate in a promised child, would guide them.
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That child, however, happened to have been born to Albert Freitag’s family. He was a Dakota County deputy sheriff; however, because he spoke German, he had been requested to work with the FBI on occasion because it was known that there were Nazi soldiers and sympathizers in the United States.
Tillie, his wife, was pregnant and was afraid for Al to go undercover. Especially when she met the beautiful Hulda Schwarz and saw her interest in her husband! But it was more than jealousy, she was afraid of Hulda and later for her child...
Al tried to reassure Tillie, but within himself, he worried and wondered. He seemed to be under a spell whenever Hulda was around. What was worse, his job demanded that he travel with her to try to find out what plans were underway by the Germans...
Alvin Franzmeier’s merge of the legends of Valhalla with the political power and takeover by Germany is a wonderful blend of history that results in an adventure both suspenseful and fantastical in its possibilities. I thoroughly enjoyed this and lovers of both history and mystery and suspense will find this tale well worth reading!
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G. A. Bixler
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