Live Chat With Michele Doucette at 1:00 EST on Friday, November 12th |
My name is Michele Doucette and I hail from Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada. In the days of the French Acadian people, Truro was known as Cobequid, and referred to today as the hub of Nova Scotia. The twice daily tidal bore on the Salmon River makes a marvelous natural spectacle with the level of the river rising one metre in just five minutes and reaching the high water mark of 15 metres (49 feet) within the hour. This specific phenomenon particularly dramatic at spring tides when the water can rise as high as 21 metres (69 feet). These huge tides are responsible for some very striking coastal scenery in the Truro area.
Upon graduating from Mount Saint Vincent University in 1985, I married and moved to the west coast of Newfoundland, Canada. I have been employed as a Special Education teacher since that time.
When did you first start writing?
As long as I can remember, I was reading and writing. I can even remember winning spelling contests in Grade 1. I just had such a love for the written word that I always knew I would become a writer. I probably began writing in earnest when I was in Junior High.
Was there any person, or persons, in your life that inspired you to write?
This question will always take me back to my maternal grandparents, with whom I shared a very strong relationship, probably because I was the oldest grandchild born in Nova Scotia.
My grandmother was French Acadian (Breau) as was her mother (Mallet). As shared in the book, I would always listen to them speaking their native tongue (French) whenever they would get together. Despite having lost this aspect of my culture, perhaps this is what instilled, in me, a sheer love of history.
My grandfather was Irish (Feeley). As shared in the dedication section, he was the best storyteller that I had the pleasure to know. It mattered naught how many times you had heard the same story, over and over again. I guess you could say that he had a charismatic way about him that would draw the people back, time and time again. He, too, had a love of both books and words.
Is writing something that comes naturally to you or is it something that you have to spend a great deal of time working at?
Writing is as natural a form of expression to me as is breathing. That is about the best comparison that I can make. Writing is something that I am passionate about. Passion + Skill = Voice. Writing allows me to share my voice with others.
From where do your writing ideas come?
Mostly, they come from experiences and/or topics that I am deeply passionate about. Lately, I have been receiving ideas and images in the form of dreams (which I later record). There are so many ideas waiting to be birthed.
I began working on my family genealogies some 15+ years ago. In the course of investigating my maternal lineage, I was astounded to discover a 9th G Grandmother, Catherine de Baillon, with proven links to Charlemagne. That was when individuals and families began branching off to many personages of royalty, including Emperors, in different countries.
Given that history had always been my passion in school, my genealogical endeavors were merely an offshoot of the same. I have primarily French Acadian roots (maternal: Breau, paternal: Doucet(te) and Muise) as well as aboriginal ancestry on both sides.
It was at this same time that I was also quite enthralled with the plausibility of a holy bloodline as discussed in The Holy Blood, The Holy Grail. I was also a member of several online groups related to the research of the Sinclair/St. Clair family and their connections to King William I of England (also known as William the Conqueror), another notable ancestor of mine.
Having identified my own mtDNA results, I was fascinated by what was coming to light and how it was going to serve to rewrite history. I had also been delving into the metaphysical realm, courtesy of my spiritual journey of close to 20 years. An avid reader, time travel (quantum) had been a favorite genre of mine for many years.
Somehow, all of these different elements found their way into the fabric of the story itself. In a plot that came to me in 1996, I knew how I wanted the story to begin and I knew how I wanted the story to end. While I was sure about certain elements for inclusion in the story, I was still very surprised at how the story unfolded. When the time came for me to begin writing, the entire process took less than six months.
How would you describe your novel?
While I would describe it as historical fiction, in truth it is some much more. Visionary and Metaphysical fiction is another term that comes to mind. Having said that, the story embraces a multitude of differing elements: French Acadian history, the pre-Columbian voyage of Henry I Sinclair in 1398, the Cathars of Montségur, the Knights Templar, the Merovingians, elements of quantum physics, metaphysics and spirituality.
Coming at it from a purely personal perspective, while there is much truth contained within, it is up to each individual to accurately discern his/her own Truth throughout the reading. That having been said, each person will come away with their own thoughts and reflections.
I was most pleased to read, in your written review, that A Travel in Time to Grand Pré was not in the least what you were expecting. Like you, I am also an avid fan of unique. (Read My Review)
What do you want your readers to get from this book?
First and foremost, I want them to be thoroughly entertained, to enjoy the read for the absolute pure pleasure of reading. An avid reader myself, this is always what I am hoping for when I pick up a new book. I want to be utterly fascinated and drawn into the storyline. I want to be able to create pictures in my mind as I am reading. I want to be able to escape and feel as if I am actually living the story. Likewise, this is also what I would hope that my readers would get from their reading.
Secondly, I want the reader to be able to experience a multitude of emotions (laughter, tears, philosophical thought), all of which earmark a writer who has been able to become one with the text. When I am moved by a piece of writing, it leaves it indelible mark on my soul. If I have been able to do the same for each of my readers, then I will have been satisfied by my efforts.
I have been told by a great many people that I am a catalyst, meaning one who leads another to new information and/or new discoveries, therefore precipitating an event or a change. If this serves to be true for a great many who read A Travel in Time to Grand Pré, while ingesting the spiritual messages scattered throughout the text, making them their own in the way that was needed at the time of reading, I will have succeeded in my undertaking as an author.
It is also my hope that each time the reader revists the text, that he/she will glean something new and noteworthy about themselves.
Being a writer allows one to avail of artistic license when it comes to interpreting research, especially if they wish to place a different slant on something that may have been discussed by another writer. For myself, it all comes down to creating believable and credible characters, seamlessly weaving them into a dynamic and entertaining storyline.
If I have been able to provide the reader with a storyline that touches their inner being, allowing them to experience a myriad of emotions, then I have succeeded. If I have been able to weave a tale that leaves the reader thinking about the endless mysteries and possibilities that each of us carry within us on this journey we call life, then I have succeeded.
Your goals for your writing are, I believe, illustrated through the presentation of your story as well as the breadth of your documentation and even your extensive bibliography. To whet readers' appetites more, Tell us about some of the more prominent characters in the book. How did you bring them to life?
Every writer has to take the time to become one with the characters that he/she creates. In this way, they draw on their own experiences of life. As a writer, you do your utmost to create personalities that are both believable and credible.
Madeleine Sinclair connects with the Knights Templar, courtesy of her Sinclair lineage, a lineage that connects with King William I of England. While she has always been fascinated with her genealogy and the numerous royal connections that abound (sounds like someone you know already), she has always felt more at home with the French Acadian ancestry of her mother. These are the roots that have always beckoned, although she knows naught why.
Michel (dit Sophie) LeBlanc connects with the Merovingians, courtesy of his connection to Bertrand de Blanchefort, the sixth Grand Master of the Knights Templar, a great reformer of the order from 1156 to 1169. Michel does not understand why he is not content with his life in present day Acadie; that is, until he meets Madame Pêche.
Madame Pêche, a time traveler from fourteenth-century France, propelled forward to eighteenth-century Acadie, becomes both Michel’s dearest friend, as well as Madeleine’s confidante in 1754 Acadie.
Gabriel Sinclair, a Mi’kmaq cousin to Madeleine, courtesy of Henry I Sinclair’s pre-Columbian voyage of 1398, has a special treasure that he gifts her with, for she has been decreed the one to share this ancient and valuable tome with the citizens of the twenty-first century.
Together, these four central characters become involved in an unveiling that has long been destined by time itself.
It is that "unveiling" that I am looking forward to discussing with you further! First, Where did the inspiration for the character, Madeleine Sinclair, originate? Is she based on reality or purely fictional?
A dear friend of mine asked me this very same question, sharing that she re-read the Special Message from Madeleine Sinclair several times and was convinced that she is a real person and not a fictional character, telling me that I should be very proud whether she be fiction or not.
In part, Madeleine has been based on my life.
When I speak of childhood memories and summers in rural Nova Scotia, I am talking about my personal experiences on the farm of my maternal grandparents in Wentworth. In truth, breakfast cooked on the old wood stove was my favorite part of the day. No one has ever been able to boil an egg like Granny, myself included.
I would often wander across the road and down to the intervale, sitting beside the old oak tree on the bank beside the river. Indeed, I have always been a lover of solitude; that special time reserved just for me.
Listening to Granny and Granny Breau (my great grandmother) speak in French, I was totally captivated with the language of my ancestors. As stated, my grandparents were married on September 1, 1930, honeymooning at Grand Pré.
Like Madeleine, I also connect with King William I of England. Using knowledge of my genealogical findings, I then began to weave the storyline that resulted in this unique novel.
Do you think that time travel may really be possible someday?
If multiple dimensions of reality exist, then who is to say that time travel does not already exist?
Ahhh, the if...then...answer...that's why I could never become a true scientist... LOL So, How did you find all of the interesting historical facts that were woven into this story?
In the course of my maternal genealogical undertakings, all started to become clear upon discovering my 9th G Grandmother, Catherine de Baillon, a proven descendant of Charlemagne. I continued to research, to discover, to make online connections, to develop online relationships, to pose questions. Perhaps I knew that someday this information would be needed.
What historical myths would you most like to see changed in people’s minds?
In the course of my spiritual journey over these last twenty years, much time was spent in both reflection and introspection. As a High School student, I was grappling with the difficulty of trying to understand why priests within the Catholic tradition were not allowed to marry. Even back then I was questioning as to whether Jesus may have been married or not.
In the course of discovering this to be highly probable (and which I personally believe to be true), it all began to make sense. Given the historical background of the time, Jesus could only have been addressed as Rabbi (a Hebrew name meaning teacher) if he were married.
According to the Talmud, a man without a wife is considered incomplete (Babylonian Talmud, Yebomoth 62b). In addition, the Talmud argues that a man should love his wife as much as he loves himself, and honor her more than he honors himself (Sanhedrin 76b). In fact, it was believed that one who honors his wife was said, by the classical rabbis, to be rewarded with wealth (Bava Metzia 59b). In keeping, a husband was expected to discuss with his wife any worldly matters that might arise in his life (Gittin 6b).
The term rabbi was derived from the Hebrew root word רַב, rav. In biblical Hebrew this meant both great and revered. The title of Rabbi was highly honored by the Jewish people. This was not a poor, uneducated man. In truth, Jesus was a scholar.
Who was never accepted by the Jewish people as The Messiah...isn't that a reflection of His not following the Jewish laws, per se? We'll talk more on this I am sure at the Chat. But, A Travel in Time to Grand Pre does appear to contain some deep rooted spiritual messages. What do you see as being the most important message in the book?
Ahhh, you have now touched upon the portion of the story whereby I wish to engage the reader in thinking about the endless mysteries and possibilities that each of us carry within us on this journey we call life. The most important message is actually a dual message of love as well as divinity.
One of the most challenging tasks we face is to become nonjudgmental. As you learn to disentangle youself from both emotionally charged situations as well as from the collective mindset of laws, rules and dogma, you are finally able to experience your own freedom and resolution. It is the embracing of this higher vibration that an internal shift in consciousness takes place, thereby enabling you to Become (who you truly are).
This is the way to remembering the sacredness of all life. When you respond to people with love and compassion, you readily move from conflict to harmony. Such is the very freedom sought by all.
Living a life of gratitude, trust, love and peace is what generates more of the same, thereby continuously affecting others in a positive way.
Compassion is who we are. The keys to compassion lie in your ability to embrace all experiences as part of the one, without judgment. This is the greatest challenge that all face as they move towards greater states of personal mastery, which is the return to your truest form.
Demonstrating love through compassionate allowing means that you must love others enough to allow the range of their experience. Compassion is what you allow yourself to Become.
That's pretty heavy since time has shown that this is not a prevalent way of living in today's world. Which leads us to another interesting aspect, that being that the reader in drawn into the spiritual equation of searching for their own Truth, which also equates to getting in touch with their own divinity, as I understand what you are saying?
Exactly. This is such an important aspect to the lives we are here living as spiritual beings. It is my hope that the message(s) contained within this novel are what will deeply resonate.
For some readers, this may be the first time that they will have been exposed to such a message. In this light, it is my hope that the words shared within A Travel in Time to Grand Pré will serve to awaken all to the divinity that we share.
One must take the time to enter the stillness of their own being, for all inherent Truth can only be found within. You need nothing on the outside to tell you that which you already know.
We are approaching a monumental breakthrough as can be applied to consciousness, both individually and collectively. The more we come to know who we really are, the more we live who we really are. In this way, our divinity shall be made manifest through love, peace, harmony, empathy, compassion, acceptance and nonjudgment.
A dear, dear friend of mine put it this way: A Travel in Time To Grand Pré is a journey to infinity. Magical and visionary, the more often I read it, the deeper in time I find myself. There is always something new, and it feels like Michele has hidden it there for the reader to find.
I am honored by her heartfelt words.
What kind of an environment do you prefer when you are writing?
As with studying, I also need quiet while I am writing. At most, I might be listening to some tranquil nature tracks. I write in my study where I am armed with computer, internet, printer and copious books.
Can you tell us more about the other books you have written?
With the first edition of A Travel in Time to Grand Pré having been released on July 3, 2009 (in time for the Congrès Mondial Acadien), the revised and updated version was released on March 16, 2010.
The Ultimate Enlightenment For 2012: All We Need Is Ourselves was released on April 23, 2010. With an easy conversational style, making this an enjoyable read, with a message that is loud and clear, I have been told that this volume certainly builds the case for one to awaken.
Turn Off The TV: Turn On Your Mind was released on June 30, 2010. With concepts that are easy to grasp, it has been shared that this deceptively simple book is rather masterful in that it tames both the complex and the intimidating.
Veracity At Its Best was released on August 5, 2010. Veracity comes from the Latin word veritas, meaning verifiable truth. Extremely easy to read and comprehend, one reader wrote to me, sharing these words: I have read much and am in the midst of my spiritual education but after reading your book, I finally get it. What was especially helpful to me was your explanation of the physical indications of the vibrational changes. I had been feeling it very strongly for months now and was concerned that it was something failing in my health (which is definitely not the case). Your advice about doing whatever you have to do to adjust to the changes put my fears to rest. I understand now that to help the world, I need to find peace within.
The Collective: Essays on Reality was released on August 12, 2010. In the words of one reviewer: The second paragraph on page 67 says it all, with clarity and simplicity.
If we want change for the better, we need to understand first what we have to deal with, and secondly that real change will not come from the top down, but rather from the bottom up which clearly means that, in order to be in control of our lives, we must also take responsibility for ourselves. Collectively, all are responsible for the current state of affairs.
The Wisdom of Crystals was released on August 20, 2010. In the words of Kellie Jo Conn, owner/operator of Avalon Crystals: When I first started reading The Wisdom of Crystals by Michele Doucette, I was astounded to see that she really understands the inner workings of healing stones and crystals. This is not only a very good read, but highly educational for the beginner. It is also an excellent reference for the skilled healing practitioner. Thank you Michele for offering us another wonderful book on healing and health.
What are you working on now?
I am currently working on several manuscripts.
Healing the Planet and Ourselves: How To Raise Your Vibration is a book unlike anything that I have written to date. Being both a crystal guardian as well as a Crystal Healing Practitioner, many of the crystals are assisting me in this particular writing endeavor. While I still do my best to conduct research on specific stones, I find that their words are coming to me while I am doing my utmost to meditate upon their individual energies.
Germain Doucet, Sieur de LaVerdure: Ancestry of Michele Doucette shall be the final compilation of my 15+ years of research with respect to my paternal lineage.
Sleepers Awaken: Now Is The Time To Consciously Create Your Own Reality is a book that deals with the topic of creating at a conscious level.
Back Home With Evangeline which shall be the sequel to A Travel in Time to Grand Pré.
Where do you see you and your writing in ten years?
Now that is always the interesting question, isn’t it?
Knowing that I can officially retire from Education in 5 years and 8 months, I see myself continuing as now: researching, writing, publishing and editing the work of other writers.
I have always been (and will always be) a researcher. It is just something that I intuitively know. As a result, I will always have something to write about, be it related to history, genealogy, current DNA findings, spirituality, metaphysics, consciousness awakening. The topics, at this point, appear to be endless.
What do you do when you suffer from writer’s block?
I retreat to my sanctuary, attempting to relax and meditate. I also ask my intuitive self (Higher Self) for insight and guidance.
How do you become knowledgeable about the topic(s) you want to write about?
I am always researching topics of interest on the internet. I locate books that I have my local library bring to me through Inter Library Loan. I read them and take notes. I locate books on Amazon. I put forth topic questions to like-minded souls in the hopes that they may also have something to add to the overall research equation.
What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment to date?
When school broke off for the summer holidays on June 24, 2010, I had published two books. When school resumed on September 7, 2010, I had published six books, meaning that four were published over the course of my summer vacation. I felt so compelled to complete those works that I wrote, re-read and edited non-stop.
Aside from writing, my biggest accomplishments have been my two children. I trust that they are proud of what I have done.
Can we find you anywhere online?
Amazon Author Page
Portals of Spirit (my spirituality website)
Cyber Home of Michele Doucette (my genealogy website)
Doucet Surname Family Tree DNA Project
Truth For The World (my blog)
Zero Point Continuum of Life Nano Wand (as discussed in my book, The Wisdom of Crystals)
While I do not spend a great deal of time on Facebook, I can be found there.
How do you feel about social site marketing?
While I have not utilized such to any great degree for the marketing of my books, aside from my Facebook Group for A Travel in Time to Grand Pré, I totally agree that social site marketing is an excellent PR strategy. In truth, I would like to know more.
What tips might you have for aspiring writers?
If writing is your passion, you must write. The more you write, the better you get to be at writing. Keep writing so that you, too, may find your voice and be able to share it with others.
Do not kid yourself. Writing is demanding work. There are countless manuscript attempts, re-reads and edits to be made. Covers need to be designed. Permission must be received from photographers to use their images. Likewise for any images featured throughout the text itself. You need to decide as to whether or not to go the traditional publishing route (publishing companies) or the self publishing POD (Print on Demand) route. Then comes the hours of doing your best to secure notable PR for your book.
Do you see yourself continuing in the field as a writer?
Most definitely. As the saying goes, once a writer, always a writer.
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