Only the Lonely
By Susan Gabriel
Black Velvet Seductions
ISBN: 9780980224665
170 Pages
A Sensuous Journey from Black Velvet Seductions has once again surprised me with the unique book—Only the Lonely by Susan Gabriel!
Summer Solstice is a late-night radio talk show host who spends time each night sharing and talking with those that are alone—and lonely. Her voice is low and sexy as she talks through issues about lost relationships or fighting off those that call just wanting to talk about getting together!
Until one night she gets a call from Bob. She can hear and feel his fear is real and in trying to calm him, she reveals a secret about herself. A secret she should never have shared!
Worse, her next caller picks up on her revelation and wants to talk more about it!
Even worse—when she goes outside for a cigarette, the last caller is there waiting for her!
Though younger than she is, she recognizes maturity and his eyes seem to reveal years of experience. Having the “face of an angel” and a body that spoke clearly to Summer—things that her own was quite interested in hearing! His name was Lucien and their relationship would not be denied, though they were from different worlds!
Oh yes, quite different worlds! Lucien is a centuries-old vampire.
He feeds on the lonely, those who are so lonely they actually want to leave this world.
And so, when Bob, the fan who had called her and confessed his fear that he was seeing vampires, was found dead, unfortunately, Summer immediately realized that Lucien might be the one who had killed him. And then more fans of her late-night show were found dead, wearing a t-shirt that she had just distributed that week!
Then Summer is attacked and seriously hurt right after she realizes who was killing her fans.
After a very erotic beginning to this book, readers are suddenly pulled into a different world. Summer is unable to care for herself and has no family to help. A vampire as a caregiver? Who knew that was possible?!
The dramatic switch that ended this book left a much more lasting impression on this reader than the one that most of us would have expected. Susan Gabriel has succeeded in creating sympathy, understanding, and even admiration for her lead vampire character, in Only the Lonely. The beginning was fun; the ending memorable—you can’t lose with that combination! Highly recommended, with alert for the adult content.
Book Provided Free By
Black Velvet Seductions
G. A. Bixler
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