Thursday, April 30, 2015

Adolfo Presents "Jazz Chimera" and more! Celebrating the close of National Poetry Month~

Jazz Chimera

Beat the drum to start the tempo;
strike the cymbals
for a silvery tone;
sound the sax
for an indigo mood;
let the horn sing out in despair.

Sing all
with disconcerted sounds.

Combine the pastoral 
to the storm
with clarinets and strings,
the thunder with the base
and the fury of a gong.

Let the bodies quiver from within 
and build
the jazz's chimerical beat
into a tantrum
of ecstatic expectation.
--Adolph Caso

Sera D'Ottobre

Penombre di nuvole rosse
affiancano l'orizzonte lontano
sfolgorato di un sole d'autunno
e con se si fonde il mio animo.

La sera silenziosamente scende
nel cinguettio frenetico di uccelli

sugli alberi che non son piu di ieri
--Adolph Caso

On the evening in October 
Shadows of red clouds
 alongside the distant horizon
 shone forth of an autumn sun
 and if it melts my heart . 
 The evening falls silently
 the frantic chirping of birds
 trees which are not more than yesterday


mi arrivi
e investi i miei sensi.

L'anima trema

Dio! io dico
L'estasi esclama!
--Adolph Caso

 divinely I arrive and invest my senses.
 The soul trembles
 God! I say 
The ecstasy exclaims!

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