Saturday, September 17, 2022


 I have a Question for you to consider as I begin...
Have Americans been played--
being puppets With Others Pulling our Strings?

I graduated from the Albert Gallatin Senior High School, of course, named in honor of Albert Gallatin, which is located close to the original home of Albert Gallatin, in a small community called Friendship Hill... (Close to Point Marion, Pennsylvania) I graduated in 1963, probably before many of you reading this will have been born...

I lived in a small town right below the Albert Gallatin Home and Schools. In case you didn't know, Albert Gallatin was the Secretary of Treasury under Thomas
Jefferson and his home has within recent years been added to the National Register for Historic Buildings.
Before being placed on the National Register, it was privately owned... During some part of that period, my aunt was a caretaker and for most of my life, when we wanted to take walks, we would head up to the Mansion,  as it was called...

The home was completely renovated and some period furniture has been added, although much of the building is not opened for viewing, at least the last time I visited...

These dreams go on when I close
my eyes. Every second of the
night, I live another life. Every
moment I'm awake, the further
I'm away.
Dayla Maylen listened to the
words of the song playing softly
on the clock radio...To her it seemed
like only yesterday that her life had
changed dramatically...but Brady
had passed away 3 months ago...
That was a, to be later remembered visit, sadly. Ruby Moon-Houldson. came to visit me and I took her for a tour. It was the last time I ever talked to her. She
 was an avid writer with whom I first became acquainted through her first book I read... I recognized the general theme behind the book and wrote to ask her about it. She said I was the first and only individual who had noticed... Ruby had written many books, many, I believe, I also reviewed... She was murdered by her son who was out of it through drugs... When he discovered what he had done, he committed suicide.  Such a sad ending to a true artist and friend...Do type in her name under blog search in the right column if you are interested in reviewing or reading what she had written...She is stilled missed after many years. You see, her first book was based upon a true accounting of her life, as an abused child.  Her escape was into a fantasy life with one of the characters of the original Star Trek... Her story showed how it had actually saved her life.  I was and always will be a Trekkie, although I was surprised at which character she had felt "safe" with. I was proud to know her and have even just a few hours of sharing, as she traveled to her next book site destination...

 I attended Grade School, within walking distance from where I lived, both in New Geneva, a village along the Monongahela River. Later, I attended Junior High in Masontown, PA, where, thankfully, I was able to meet many more people and made good friends, one of which was the first Black person, Marian, I had ever met personally. More about school activities on another page...

All of the above is background for the main thrust of this article. In reading Gary Hart's book, The American Republic Can Save American Democracy, I had an epiphany and since I used the dictionary to make sure I was using the right word, here is the definition for easy reference:
An epiphany is an experience of a sudden and striking realization. Generally the term is used to describe a scientific breakthrough or a religious or philosophical discovery, but it can apply in any.
I'm not sure it was a God Incident...but here's what happened. As you know, I was planning on, originally, reviewing every chapter of Dr. Brown's book herein. Although I had already began to wonder, would I be spending my time most efficiently. Let me quickly point out that it is an excellent book--if you are interested in the background and events related to the interaction of the Evangelical Christian church with the Republican Party and, specifically, the former president. I read it because I was concerned and needed to know for my own edification. If you have that need, then I would highly recommend this book as a great literary and historical overview up through nearly the present time period. However, the book provides absolutely nothing related to what we are all asking.

What next? What can I do? What can we do...What should we do...

And as I started to read Hart's book, I was immediately receiving answers. And there was not one word about...religion...

I then had a flash of what had just occurred... DeSantis and other governors, using people as political tools, and sending them someplace else, lying to them, and not even telling anybody that a group of people would soon be arriving in their town... As we now know if you are watching the news... The people there took them in... lovingly, just as Jesus would do and asks us to do...

The outrageousness of these acts by the Republican Party made no sense to anybody who would cover the story as a commentator, and I was stunned as well as...angry at the cold-hearted actions of people who spent so much time talking about Christianity...but living a lie...

And then the next question came to my mind. Has the majority of Americans been played... Have we had the puppet master(s), just as he incited his own followers, also purposely using such extremes so that all of the rest of America would be upset enough to spend our time following all of these crazy things that made absolutely no sense from a political standpoint...while ensuring that the democratic party and women in particular would be thinking more about abortion, for instance, than

You see, the reason I started the article with my schooling was because I WAS TAUGHT CIVICS IN HIGH SCHOOL! According to Hart's book, it is no longer taught... So I of course immediately went to YouTube and found some of a school and one of the League of Women teaching an adult education program...

Think about that...I'll try to confirm Hart's statement that Civics is no longer taught, but as a former Senator, I have to assume his credentials for writing this book are excellent... And, by the way, if you can afford it...GET this book right away! It is a MUST-READ, even if my epiphany is not relevant...

Because the very first answer that Hart states clearly and over and over...Civics is NOT being taught to our young people any more! There is no mandate for them to learn early in life about the government under which we live! Soooooo, you know what the next question I was asking... Just when was the decision to eliminate Civics as a separate class made--and who and why did it happen...

You know folks, about 10 years ago, I started hearing about "the dumbing of America..." Well, I ask you to also think about that...because, in my opinion, that is a true statement... Even in couched in humor... Dumber and Dumber...there has been no major effort to prepare students for living in America...Unless of course, they were white and heading for College and therefore took the Academic courses... Forgive me, a little sarcasm came out...

Personally, I took the secretarial course...I, like the rest of my siblings, wanted to get a job as quickly as possible to help our Mom and relieve her of the constant financial burden she bore. By the way, I was Salutarian--second highest grades in school and first in the commercial area. I later learned that my classes totally prepared me for a job and were the same as my older sister took in business college, after she changed her career choice from being a nurse. I got a job at the High School right after graduation for the summer and was working full-time in personnel in July of the same year I graduated...

If you are like me, you know for any crime one of the best ways to begin to solve the case, is to follow the money... If you don't know much about what the government actually does and who does it, I hope you'll take time to at least get acquainted via one or both of the above videos...or find many more available! 

For you see, part of my realization was that, as we are being torn apart by malicious and cruel antics by red state leaders and more, it could very well be possible, that, not only in those running in the next election, but many may have already been hired into positions that deal with the voting process in some way... For the first time in my life, I'm considering a conspiracy theory... What if, even if we vote at the polls, there are people there hired to destroy some or all of them that do not vote for republicans... It may sound wild, crazy...but then, again, the election is what has been attacked since 2016 when Trump were was "elected?" If I remember right, he did not win the popular vote...only through the electoral college... That is one of the investigations now underway! 

So even if you think I'm crazy, do take the time to learn how you can ensure that your vote counts! And, hopefully, it will be to ensure none of those supporters of Trump actually are elected. Either way... Be careful...given their continued relocation of people into places and leaving them, helpless and scared...? Hey, I wouldn't be surprised if a change of poll sites would be announced at the last minute..."Sorry folks, we tried to get the word out..." year, right...let's start considering that Trump is right for once...The election will be rigged! So make sure you plan for voting activity! 

More on Gary Hart's book coming!

God Bless


I Am About my Father's Business

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