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Friday, July 17, 2015

Restless Leg Syndrome Discussed in Self-Help Book by Nick Bell...

self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems. The books take their name from Self-Help, an 1859 best-seller by Samuel Smiles, but are also known and classified under "self-improvement", a term that is a modernized version of self-help. Self-help books moved from a niche position to being a postmodern cultural phenomenon in the late twentieth century.

I've read self-help books most of my life and, in some situations, like with the books of Dale Carnegie, have combined their reading with classes. So I'm very familiar with content, style, material normally presented, etc.

Most self-help books are written by an individual that has had a personal experience and/or expertise which he or she is willing to share in the hope of helping others. Even some poetry books, like those I've recently read on aging, could be also classified as self-help since they share that personal experience that provides the empathy with which they can share their knowledge. I also worked with a poet who used his experience, living with AIDS, to share his own pain with others having the similar experience. This type of book is considered non-fiction, did you know that? It also has one of the highest sales of all genres... You should therefore do your shopping when considering buying this type of book, especially in these days in which it is so very easy to publish...

I found the this book on the wall at my Face Book Reviewers Roundup Group. I have Restless Leg Syndrome so was interested to see what was being said. The book is just 17 pages long and sells for $2.99. Another book cost $12.99 and had 256 pages... So depending upon what you want to gain from a book, consider this difference...

Restless Leg: The Ultimate Guide to Eliminating Restless Legs Syndrome and Getting a Good Night's Sleep (Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment Book 1)

By Nick Bell

If you are a serious reader, the title of this 17-page book should alert you...

If you have never heard of Restless Leg Syndrome and know you have some type of physical feeling that is bothersome in your legs, then this book may be sufficiently long enough to make you aware that something could be medically wrong and can be treated.

The booklet is well-written and has presented sufficient researched material to make it worthy of your consideration. However, any author that claims to be providing the ultimate guide is...frankly...lying. This booklet may be helpful, but it cannot take the place of sound medical advice and may result in your not taking the time to talk to your doctor about what could be something much more serious. Yes, the author does constantly refer readers to your doctor...But why then write the booklet and title it as something that will totally solve your problems?

For a long period of time, I struggled with restless Legs Syndrome. At first, I didn't even know what it was or why it was happening. I found this whole situation very frustrating to say the least. After finally researching the problem, talking to friends who had it and even consulting various doctors, I came up with a plan of attack to eliminate it from my life. My plan wasn't perfect at first but after a few tweaks and small changes, I began telling my RLS suffering friends and family how to eliminate it from their life...

Restless leg syndrome is a disorder associated with the nervous system that primarily involves one or both legs. The condition causes a have the urge to move around one or both legs with no apparent reason. It often causes restlessness in the legs that can result to difficult in sleeping at nice...

As I said, this booklet is well written, presenting as a paper you may write for school based upon topical research. If you prefer somebody else doing that research, then this may be just the book for you. For myself, there were too many references to other diseases--chronic renal failure, diabetes, iron deficiency and Parkinson's disease, to make me feel comfortable about following advice purely from the book.

Patients have been recorded to complain about unwanted and involuntary movement of the legs that can be quite bothersome. In these cases, the condition can be diffuclt to diagnose since the phenomenon can be masked by the day to day activities that a person goes through. Even the pain, aching and tingling sensations felt by the patient can be easily disregarded as stress and muscle pain from a hard day's work...

I can only assume that this information was copied out of some other book, perhaps by a doctor, since the writer uses the word patients, diagnoses, and other references which are easily identifiable as those that would be written by a doctor. Normally in a book such as this that is not written by a physician, you would get references from which the writer is getting his information. You would also normally read about it in first person...

For instance, "I have found that my right leg is more likely to go into restless leg activity. Since my sister and I both have the disease and we both have a body deformity that shows that our right side is lower than our left side, there may be a correlation between that.

However, once I identified that I was experiencing the syndrome...all I did was start moving my legs. By constant extreme motion for a short or sustained time period, I am able to feel relief..."

Now in no way would I claim that I have the ultimate guide to eliminating this disease...I am merely stating that I did not research it, I did not consult with a doctor...I just applied some basic logic that if my legs were restless, then I needed to get them moving...

Frankly I really got nervous, when the writer started talking about medications...

As all of you know, when an individual chooses to write about something that required education and/or experience, I want to know that individual's credentials.

Needless to say, I was not satisfied with this book or the author. It is clear to me that the individual is a writer that has chosen the self-help arena in which to make a living...Do check out the range of topics for his books, especially the one on yeast infections written under a female pseudonym... Sometimes this type of booklet can at least give you information that you did not previously know. But, really, do you want to learn about health issues from an unknown? You decide...


Hello, my name is Nick Stevens.

Thank-you for taking the time to check out my books and allowing me the opportunity to introduce myself.

So, who is Nick Stevens?

I'm just a regular person who has seen a lot and experienced a number of different things. I think one of my greatest assets is that I'm a big observer of people and situations. Being a middle child, I had to learn to observe others and act in a certain way in order to thrive in whatever environment I was in. I carried this trait into my adult years and now use it as a strength for the books I write.

In fact, my ability to observe has been mostly focused on people and situations. In particular, I've learned to model people that are successful. Also, I have looked at certain problems and negativity in my own life from the viewpoint of someone trying to solve a problem. Through the course of my trial and error experiences, mentors and my own research, I have developed a number of books that speak directly to where I've come from and where I'm going. My goal is that you take some positives out of each book and that it helps you in some way. I get no greater satisfaction than when someone I know tells me that one of my books helped them in some way. It's really an unbelievable feeling and the main reason why I do what I do.

So, in closing, thank-you for reading my bio page and I wish you all the best on your unique path in life.

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