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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Learning More About the James Bond Life...

Frankly, Paul, this one looks good in anything! gab
James Bond Attire for All Occasions

By James Kyriazi

One thing to wear for any event, casual or formal.

Bond Attire for All Occasions Good dark pants, long sleeve dress shirt, and solid color sports jacket that can look like a suit jacket.

Don't button the jacket and be sure to have a good looking belt. If it's a casual place you're at, you carry the jacket. More casual you can fold (not role) your sleeves up two turns. If you hit a more dressy place, fold your sleeves down and button them. To be more dressy, put on the jacket, but do not put your shirt collar out over your lapels.

You should carry a tie in your jacket pocket in case you hit a place that requires one. A quick trip to the restroom to put it on makes you ready to go first class. Carrying the jacket looks cool, even if you have no intention of wearing it that day. You can drape it over your arm, or if you're in a Sinatra mood, carry it over your shoulder.

If your jacket has an inside pocket with a button, it's a good place to put your glasses, where they won't fall out. Be sure to wear black leather shoes with this and you'll be looking Bond no matter the time, place, or occasion.

James Bond's Secret Power

By Paul Kyriazi

Don't give your power away. , .

We like James Bond because he's so cool in intense situations. That is his power. To call up his talent at will, without letting the situation or villains rattle him.

He doesn't let his foes take away his power. And for sure, never gives away his power. So why should we give away our power to unkind, abusive, and uncouth people in our lives?

"I would never give my power away," you might say. Yet, anytime you are angry, resentful, or fearful of a boss, friend, or lazy store clerk you are giving your power to them.

Find a phrase that you can think of that relieves your tension, before you give your power over to them. Like when Bond in From Russia with Love says to the villain, "What lunatic asylum did they get you out of?"

Don't say it aloud. Just think it to yourself and keep your power. Or just remember the words of Booker T. Washington:

"Let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him."

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