Decoding Potential Review Started
Take a few minutes to read what I did first thing this morning. It is delightful and for me, living in my log cabin, just a bit sentimental and a little more rewarding than it may be for some...
This lovely couple has become online friends: The Browns! Remember, I just finished reading David's second book in his Warrior Citizen series! Rebecca, his lovely wife, as you can see, keeps busy in addition to editing David's work...
I'm reading an older Catherine Coulter book right now. Mad Jack is set in the 1800's and is quite different from my past reads from Coulter. It is interesting to come to know an author through their recent books and then take the time to go back and read some of their earlier works. Have you ever noticed that many of the top women writers of today actually started in the romance genre.
I don't read too many romance books, but I've found that going back to read books by my favorite authors always is rewarding. Even then, there is a certain spark, a style of writing that puts their works above others. To someone who enjoys mystery and suspense, I'm always glad they've expanded their horizons. Still, reading for comparative purposes always is enjoyable.
I'm involved with a new review for Decoding Potential. This nonfiction book is by Dr. Robert J. Flower, and is proving to be both a challenging and informative read.
Some of the most important words I read are those in hymns of praise. Based upon Psalm 100, have you heard these words:
I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart
I will enter his courts with praise
I will say this is the day that the Lord has made
I will rejoice for He has made me glad
He has made me glad
He has made me glad
I will rejoice for He has made me glad
He has made me glad
He has made me glad
I will rejoice for he has made me glad.
Sorry you couldn't hear the music to go with those
beautiful words. When I do, I normally wind up clapping my hands and smiling.
I hope as the days move toward Thanksgiving, that you too are thanking God for his blessings.
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