Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day? - NOT! Now Reading by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse - The Scheme! Open Memoir


Kate Smith, in 1943 introduced a song that had been around even longer... I have been happily singing it through many celebrations of July 4th here in the United States.

But I awoke early this morning and found no joy in my heart or mind to sing... There have been many people who have talked about the danger of what the republican party and its backers have been planning for America and it sickens me to my stomach... Where and how and who are these people providing what is called "dark money" which is being used in so many different ways to break and destroy our American Democracy? Each jab leads me further into sorrow and PTSD, but I have to say that even at the worst of my depression, I have never felt so lost and discouraged for our country. Yes, I have God's strength and his refuge. But I find, in times like this, I have little patience to wait for the seemingly "miracle" it will take to correct and bring back all that has and is being destroyed... Too many people have already been hurt or died... 

I think I am like most Americans in many years. I had no reason to be concerned about the political life of America. I was thankful when Nixon was held accountable. I was proud when Obama was elected as President... That's about as far back as I can say I was in any way influenced by politics. During my career at West Virginia University, I had come to know Senator Byrd of West Virginia's activities to support our area, so I naturally turned to the democratic party seeing a man who was constantly involved with his state in one way or another. But I had never really voted or felt a "call" to... The country was moving forward while I was working hard to handle a new job and, hopefully, to move upward in positions on the campus. I became very involved in campus activities based upon the acts coming out of the government to improve people's lives: Civil Rights, Equal Pay Guidelines, Affirmative Action, Women's Concerns, The Disabilities Act... So many things that I wholeheartedly felt that the government had my back... And yet, even then, I have learned through reading that there were always those behind the scenes instigating changes, inciting prejudice...Only to see it fling the doors wide open in 2015...

When a group of those in the Evangelical sect of Christianity chose to support Donald Trump for president. I was shocked, mainly because I had already heard the "grab 'em by" tape... Then as I read a woman writing books discussing the Biblical Hebrew language translation, suddenly decide that she was grateful that Trump... Huh? What is going on... I even wrote questioning her and got no response... How could these people be supporting such a man as we were finding out more and more about his actions toward women, toward anybody who was not white, and even to those who were openly marching against Jews... Even now as I write, I begin to cry, upset. How could this be happening here in the country which once received a statue of liberty from France in honor of our freedom and welcome to all peoples...

This was the America that, my mother had quickly declared to me that I was an American, when I had asked about my heritage... She must have been devastated by the Nazi actions in the war and wanted me to not even think about my heritage... Now the Nazi flag and followers were part of the followers that attacked Our Nation's Capitol on January 6th! Incited by the past-president who may never be held accountable! THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING IN AMERICA, I CRY, YET IT IS! I find I am glad my mother is not here at a time when Nazi sympathizers play a role in the act of insurrection...

During the Trump administration, I was spending a lot of time glued to CNN, and later, MSNBC, which I found had more of a diversified news staff, which I appreciated... However, after he was at last voted out and yet kept on being part of political news, I could no longer deal with it emotionally. I chose to tape only The Last Word. I like the commentator, who had a background in Congress and and I would listen to him each morning to catch up on the latest mess that was being created by the republican party affecting our lives.

It was on The Last Word that I first heard learned of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse--and his books--who was keeping on top of what corruption was being done within the Supreme Court! I found a champion in his keen dedication to discover the Truth!

I have always been concerned about those who lie and refuse to accept responsibility, even if only saying a "I'm sorry." I've faced it in my own personal life and I of course constantly saw the former president refusing to acknowledge what we all heard him say as truth. And then lie about anything and anybody. I remember well the Kavanaugh trial. I believed the woman who was now a professor, who accused him and watched his face as he tried to obfuscate rather than answer. Whitehouse notes that none of the investigations on questionable actions for candidates or the justices himself have ever been done.

It was bad enough for me to watch the former president in his constant lies, but, we now face the fact that the Supreme Court has become so bold that they are acting as planned in what is being openly announced that the republican party is moving toward. A Civil War (without the guns?) I have chosen not to read the 800+ page2025 manifesto that SPECIFIED what they plan to do... It should be noted that this is not a congressional document of the republican party...  The little I have heard is totally repulsive to a woman, to a Christian who follows Jesus' command to love one another as we love ourselves... At this time in America, I quickly point out that I believe this is a broader and higher goal, similar to the "do no harm" philosophical statement. None of us are capable of not lashing out from time to time, but, I hope, the majority of us do not move to act to the detriment of other people...

And yet,,, The Scheme clarifies just how wrong my thinking has been... (Notice the expanded title!)

The Title Tells You Exactly What Has Happened! And we saw it happening... For instance, remember the Republican Majority Leader during Obama's presidency who refused to bring to Congress his appointment to the Supreme Court, using lies and delays...? That was the first step of The Scheme... Here are just a few selected excerpts. I recommend this book be read immediately if you value our Democracy... I'll be writing more once I get further into the book...

Justice removed, then, what are kingdoms but great bands of robbers? —SAINT AUGUSTINE

This book is dedicated to the small brave band of writers, researchers, and scientists who investigate and report on the poisonous creep of secret influence into America’s democracy.

...there’s no reason climate should be a “red” or “blue” issue—we all represent people who have lost their homes to floods, fires, or hurricanes; who have seen crops, herds, or fisheries suffer; who have had their air and water polluted. How had we gone so quickly from regular, bipartisan Senate work on climate change to gridlock? As I dug deeper, the parts fell into place. Citizens United had allowed the fossil fuel industry to use its massive money advantage to strike at this bipartisan progress, and it struck hard. Once the Supreme Court gave it the green light, the fossil fuel industry set its political forces to work instantly, targeting pro-climate-action candidates, particularly Republicans. Congressman Bob Inglis, for instance, was run out of the Republican Party over his climate heresy, crushed in a primary; being “Inglissed” became a word. A lurking climate denial apparatus, funded with anonymous money, shifted into high gear. Outside spending in 2010’s congressional races increased by more than $200 million over the previous midterm elections—a nearly 450 percent increase.2 My climate speeches became less about polar bears, pteropods, and science, and more about the fossil fuel industry’s dark-money front groups, which at any given time numbered sixty or more. I got my education in the dark arts of climate denial. I realized that dark money was the other side of the climate denial coin (as quipped by the republican party.) On several occasions, I rounded up Senate colleagues to speak in chorus about the “Web of Denial” that dark money funded to block climate action. I came to know the brave band of scientists who track this climate denial operation. I studied, and I learned. There was a lot of pain and anguish behind those climate speeches, and some anger, too. At the end of the day, I don’t know whether my long and often solitary effort accomplished a thing to advance the cause of climate legislation. I was up against the biggest political manipulation and disinformation campaign in modern history. My effort was probably a failure, a lost cause. I couldn’t not do it, however; I had to try, even if I was only beating my head against a wall. It was frustrating and maddening, and in the end perhaps in vain, but it accomplished one thing: it gave me an education into the massive dark money apparatus set up by the fossil fuel industry. So when the decision-making of the Supreme Court began to smell bad, when its decisions seemed increasingly outcome-oriented rather than reasoned in accordance with long-standing judicial principles, I had the instinct to look for dark money and phony front groups. Sure enough, not only did I find them, I found many of the same front groups and donor conduits that I knew from climate denial. They turned up, for instance, when the EPA issued its first-ever plan to limit carbon emissions from power plants and five conservative justices (then including Justice Scalia) blocked the law while it was still under review in the lower courts, before it had even reached them. This was a procedural eyebrow-raiser of a ruling without precedent in U.S. history, one that I reckon saved the fossil fuel industry $100 billion per year...

It’s easy to do the math. For simplicity, let’s use the $400 million from the hearing testimony. If you spend $400 million and get a $100 billion annual payback, you make your Court-capture investment back 1,000 times in four years. And that doesn’t count all the other helpful decisions a captured Court could provide. Capturing the Supreme Court is a lucrative scheme.

The Scheme to capture the Court has its roots in “regulatory capture.” Decades of research shows that when you regulate an industry, some actors in that industry don’t take it well. They don’t like oversight, much less oversight that is based on observable facts, that is informed by knowledgeable input and public comment, and that is implemented by career experts who know the industry well. A classic response by regulated entities has been to try to “capture” the agency meant to be overseeing them. A straight-up bribe could land you in prison, so capture is a longer and subtler game. This is a game with tactics. First and foremost, you try to control who gets appointed to the agency, and stack it with friends of industry. Put people in charge who will decide things your way. You can more or less take the agency over this way. You can also make sure that friendly members get cushy, well-paid, low-effort jobs when they leave the agency (the proverbial “revolving door”), and that the ones who are not sufficiently friendly get a cold shoulder. That sends a message. You can launch lobbyists at Congress to threaten the agency, putting its funding at risk or challenging its powers. You can bury the agency in paper blizzards of data, or burn its resources with endless litigation. You can develop pet theories that steer the agency toward the outcomes you seek. And you can promote a culture of chumminess so regulators forget they are supposed to be the referees and instead begin to see themselves as the pals of the regulated industry. This is what many people think happened with the SEC in the years leading up to the Great Recession, and what had happened at the Minerals Management Service prior to the massive explosion of BP’s drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Capture is a well-documented phenomenon. Hundreds of academic articles in dozens of academic journals have been written on regulatory capture, sometimes called “agency capture.”5 Big industries capturing agencies of government is a well-known and well-chronicled practice. For decades, this sordid practice was focused on regulatory agencies. It would have been indecent to think of our courts of justice, let alone our Supreme Court, as just another agency to be captured. But once someone had that idea, once that Rubicon of indecency was crossed, once powerful forces turned their arsenal on the Court, little stood between the Court and those weapons of capture. Once the decision was made to capture it, the Court fell with almost no resistance at all. Regulatory capture became Court capture. 

In the same way that ordinary decency kept regulatory capture efforts away from the Supreme Court, until it didn’t, ordinary decency kept covert ops tactics overseas against foreign targets, until it didn’t. Regulatory capture and covert operations became the methodology of the Scheme. Intelligence agencies around the world use covert operations to meddle secretly in other countries’ affairs. The United States has used covert operations to disrupt our foreign adversaries, and the Soviet Union, and now Russia, have been particularly adept at deploying these techniques in satellite nations and within their self-proclaimed sphere of influence. Russia has recently begun targeting us with “information warfare” as well. There is a tradecraft to deploying that malign influence in other nations and disrupting what might otherwise be a functioning political and social system. The techniques of covert disinformation and manipulation will be familiar to anyone who’s a fan of spy novels: agents who pretend to be something other than they really are, hidden funding sources, co-opted local organizations, front groups that obscure who’s behind the covert op, false propaganda launched to drive division and spread disinformation. Players in this shadow world persist at falsehoods even when caught lying. Truth isn’t the point in covert operations; disinformation is deployed purposefully to drive social discontent, with the purpose secretly to control elements of the society. Our well-known Conman is a master at this!)

Covert ops are a good model for understanding a key element of court capture: it has to be clandestine. David Robarge, the chief historian of the Central Intelligence Agency, has explained that covert intelligence actions are usually not secretive in their impact—“the whole point … is to make things different … you want people to notice.”6 The trick is in hiding the hand that is pulling the strings and driving the operation. To run its climate denial “op,” the fossil fuel industry borrowed heavily from the covert ops playbook. And the Scheme borrowed heavily from fossil fuel’s climate denial operation. Both operations secretly control things, hide their identities, and can lie with impunity. Staying covert often means evading the laws that require financial transparency and disclosure—laws that are wildly popular across the American political spectrum. An elected official who wants to stay in office long can’t very well repeal those laws. But an unelected, unaccountable set of Supreme Court justices can. In fact, they already have.

Remember all those activities that I talked about that were created to support individuals in America, well, I've had to sit watching as announcements are being made of removing all those "restrictive" policies that are used to protect discrimination against individuals. Dark Money see no American as worthy of attention...

There you have it on this July 4th, 2024... Imagine, the dark money that is funding much of what is happening could be from leaders of those countries who are authoritarian...who don't want us to be a successful Democracy... Money like that given to both of the Trump family members who were holding positions within the last president's administration. Deals were made for personal gain by both of them...

Whitehouse's book supports and documents all that we have been hearing about what Trump will do if he is elected IN JUST A FEW MONTHS! It makes it quite clear that what is being planned would eliminate a democracy by the people, for the people...meaning that voting just may NOT be in our future... Or, it would be a fake election such as that held by Putin in Russia. Instead there will be a king, whoever he may be, will really be a stooge for those holding the dark money that is out there being used to destroy the American Democracy... This is real, folks. And in my opinion, if you are not doing something to prevent it, you will have no right to be upset now or in the future. If you've never voted before, think hard! I didn't vote much before 2016. But you can be very sure that I will be voting AGAINST TRUMP and his cronies down ballot... I've read enough that documents the news being provided on legitimate stations. The 2024 Election may affect you and your children's lives... forever...

Today? Plan To Ensure Voting for the Democratic President and down the ballot... The Scheme has been developed to affect any form of government down to school boards to reflect only what somebody else other than YOU will rule... That is a Reality--a loss of our democracy--That I Pray Will NEVER OCCUR! DO IT FOR YOUR KIDS! We have already lost many children because of the dark money provided by the NRA which prevents members of Congress from acting on gun control...Yes, It Can Get Worse!


Speak Jesus to Your Kids!


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Conspiracy or Plot for a Book - Was Biden Drugged Before Debate? Here's How An Avid Reader's "Saw" What Happened... Open Memoir


 You know folks, I've been told, and I have to agree that, when reading (or when it is important for some reason), I'm very good at following the storyline...

When I was working with a publisher, I would read a book and automatically find new errors, even though there were three people who read the book before me...

I could go on and on with examples of writers thanking me for helping proofread/edit just immediately before they send to printer... I always found either a few or many mistakes that had not been caught, even when supposedly the book had been professionally worked on...

But here's today's issue, I'm also good at remembering the things I want to remember... I may forget the names of those involved, but I remember the important words that stuck out to me at that time.

Take for instance, all of the news and/or books I have read since 2016 and what happened that year... But, for purposes of this specific post, I want to highlight what many saw as a planned attack on the Capitol on January 6th. You may remember phrases such as these...

"Proud Boys? Stand Down and Stand By"

"The Election was Stolen..."

"Find me >>>> amount of votes. That's all I need to win."

"Get Crazy Nancy Pelosi..." And Many Such Phrases that we later saw had led to violent action... You may remember before January 6th, that a man broke into the Pelosi's home and attacked her husband while looking for her..." Thus we know... Trump incites followers to act violently as directed... 

On the night of the debate, I did not watch it all the way through. I went to bed feeling sad... This was not the Joe Biden I knew... Then the next morning, I pulled up the television recordings that I had made from the previous night. I watch MSNBC mostly for such events. I like the commentators... That morning I saw a brief replay of an interview with Bob Woodward, the well-known and respected Journalist. He said one thing, "We Need to Find Out What Happened." 

It was almost as if my mind pulled up all of the specific videos that are played below. In them you will see that, for the first time in history, Trump started talking about Biden taking drugs... On a next one, he talked about a shot in his... Suddenly it hit me. Was Biden Drugged Before the Debate?

It certainly would explain what happened... (By the way, I also wondered if his mike had been turned purposely down) Let's look a little closer, shall we?

In light of the well-known actions/words by Trump that have led to violence in the past... it was quite easy to consider just why Trump would talk about a shot in his bottom... He expected one or more of his followers to carry out his inciting words...

Can't believe it is possible? When you get to the video where an MSNBC host is talking about the debate and Biden's issues with the Governor of California, you will see many people behind them that were handling the normal logistics for a television program. During that conversation, it was noted that Trump's candidates for VP were in the crowd and nobody was talking to them, as they roamed around... If you read a police procedure book, you would see that this shot shows the opportunity of getting near the President, as well as that there were Trump followers nearby... I can easily see someone either guiding Biden where to go, or Biden stopping to shake hands with somebody... you can see that there would be ample time for some type of pressure shot quickly directed being able to be done...

I understand that Biden seemed to rally toward the end of the debate...But still had some problems with mobility getting off the stage... However, by the time that Biden was talking to the followers who had gathered to meet with him after the debate, he was on a mike that carried his voice clearly... And, further, that he had absolutely no problems in communicating with this group...

Indeed, he had a rally the next day and was perfectly fine...

Am I just a conspiracy theorist? You be the judge in watching these videos which includes what I immediately remembered when Woodward spoke.

Trump talks about drugs...and Biden getting a shot of drugs... His speech was affected during the debate and Trump at one point mentioned not knowing what he said... But, even this is a key, when did you not know Trump belaboring the issue once he has started... over and over and over...?

I'm sorry that I don't know how to grab a section of the videos to which I referred, so I hope you'll take the time to listen... Personally, I am "almost" sure it happened just like I saw it flashing in my mind spotlighting what had happened... Thought or Questions welcomed...

May God Be With Us All,


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Open Memoir - Remembering My Mother on Her Birthday... And Talking to Her About Today's America


Happy Birthday Mom! I've been spending a lot of time thinking about you lately... First, realizing that I am now older than you were when you died... And then, wishing you were still living with me in these days that are worse than anybody could have imagined... How I wish I could talk to you daily about what is happening in America, supposed land of the free, yet so much is moving in the wrong direction... I remember you would often when it seemed we were all in a mood, that you would say, "Want me to Sing?" and "Beautiful Dreamer" would come out so that we immediately moaned and laughed... Now I wish you were here sleeping now, as I write... and things would be easier, somehow...

You know, Mom, I never understood your telling me that "God always takes the good ones first when talking about my father having died before I was born. It didn't make sense to me that God could be a part of my not ever having a father. But, then, later, when I learned of You, I knew that I would always have a Father... But perhaps, Mom, your having made that statement when I was young, started me on the road to the "Why?" type of person that I was to become... 

I moved the music box playing "Those Were The Days" to sit on the stand next to my chair, remember my first thought when I bought it for the song, that the old grandmother type in the chair rocking and sewing, never did remind me of you... You were always working, doing something... Mostly for others who paid you as a nurse and more... I think you looked a little like Edith Bunker where this song was played in the beginning of Archie Bunker....

So why am I looking backward today? Because, right now, the republican party is trying to move us back into those early years and the democrats are still trying to do what is right for the people, moving forward instead of backward... And, Mom, there is so much happening with the party that I guess you were a member of, although you never talked about it... All of your family that I know of, other than me, are in the republican party... and I can't help but wonder... Why? Especially after the last decision of The Supreme Court... I can't help but think that there will be nothing to celebrate this July 4th if the republicans have their way...Electing a criminal as our next president...even after what he did in his first term... Why? Mom? Here's what I believe Mom...the same as our democratic president, President Biden:

Mom, what is worse is that the republican party is trying to move away from the teachings of Christ... And, I believe, that many do not truly understand what is going on, including your family... At least one person I'm able to talk to understands...

Mom, I believe that God is leading me in reading the right books and sharing them with those who are seeking answers... And yet, as recently as this past month, family members are unwilling to listen to what I say... Mom, I must follow what I believe God is asking me to do... There is so much hate and violence in today's world... Children are even being killed during school hours! Yet the republican party continues to refuse to do anything about access of guns... I am being guided to speak for God--not my family... I remember Jesus' words that if I go into a place where Jesus' words are not the guiding role in their lives, that I should leave and wipe the dust from my feet...

Matthew 10:14-16 New International Version (NIV)If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.

God is sending so many signs and books to me--nonfiction books that I would never otherwise read...So much is being said and it supports what I believe. I hope you understand that I must put God above family... 

On the other hand, I feel closer to God than I have ever felt before... And know I speak as Jesus... Here's a song that I've adopted as, sort of, an anthem for today's world...

Like It? I remember when we still lived in New Geneva and you'd be lying on the couch in the living room... You'd ask me to sit down and play hymns. Often when there were others there, you'd ask us to sing... Songs about Jesus was so much a part of my early life... And it continues today with new beautiful songs that are being created by the young Americans who are more and more speaking out against the hate, the violence, and the lies... Mom, nowadays, we aren't even sure if what is being said on television is the Truth... I don't mean in fictional programs, but from some news agencies! They purposely lie!  Here's a perfect example, as, after hearing the above full speech from our president, this individual chose to spread lies with it...

Mom, the constitution is in danger! Can you image that, after 200 years, that the republican party and what is called, now, Christian Nationalists, are working against the rights of the people to govern America!

Mom, I remember many years ago that I asked you about our background... I am German on both sides of my ancestral families... Your immediate, and only, response was that "You are American." Today, when I think about that, I realize that you were expressing a very important fact for us--that we were Americans, first, and our ancestors were really not changing that. Now, all I see, Mom, is that the republican party wants to make America a land of "white" people... So what does that mean to all of those in America who were/are non-white. It seems to me that the present republican party is against all that Jesus taught--to love our neighbors as ourselves... And, to love God above all... What I have come to see, and know, is that if those who claimed to be Christians had actually, taken these two--only TWO--guiding points from Jesus, that we would not now be in the situation that we are in! I want to write more about this...but, as your son-in-law Bill, used to say, "That's on another Page..."

I miss you Mom

But I guess birthdays are no longer important, are they? But, for me, and many others, it's a good reminder...

Love, your youngest child
