Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Rita Mae Brown Even Writes Political Novel: Feline Fatale: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery! A Fun Read! Or, Maybe Not...


An overview of the new characters...

Amanda Fields is a first-term Republican delegate to the Virginia statehouse, the House of Delegates. She is a smashing-looking former TV reporter in middle age. Bright, self-possessed, she usually knows how our political system really works. Aidan Harkness—Facile, in his late thirties, a rising star among the Democrats. Reasonably intelligent, good at avoiding the tough issues, he goes head-to-head with Amanda. He struggles to contain his emotions. Lucas Dennison is Amanda’s right-hand man, a dear friend from William and Mary days. He wears many hats: secretary, campaign planner, willing ear. He loves her deeply but is not in love with her. Ellis Barfield shoots Assembly meetings, which are streamed in real time. He makes a good living creating alluring videos for small businesses and individuals. The state job is steady money. He pays attention to what goes on on the floor and is good at capturing events and personalities. Reid Ryder is a fourteen-year-old page; like all of them, he is enraptured by state politics. He has been handpicked to be a page, which means he is an outstanding student.
And, oh yes,
Here's a clue to solve the mystery...

Ok, I was surprised when even Mrs. Murphy got into politics in Rita May Brown's latest in series, Feline Fatale...If you're feeling frustrated about politics lately, this may not be the book from Brown you should start with. On the other hand, seeing what happens, because I know you'll get a laugh out of the book, it may be able to break your frustration. Because Brown brings in an interesting bit of history in order to actually solve this political mystery...

If you have never read this series, you should know quickly that there are many more animal characters besides Mrs. Murphy. And that there are two women who are happily married and most times involved with the mysteries... "Harry" Haristeen is the amateur detective, while Susan Tucker has been Harry's friend since grade school and considers their love--as sisters.

In this story, Harry is supporting Susan as she, in turn, supports her husband. Ned is the politician--the district’s delegate to the General Assembly’s House of Delegates, the lower house. And if you don't know what that means, neither do I, so I can guarantee it isn't important to know for the book... LOL

What we do know is that there is something funny going on... And Ned who shares his concern with Susan who starts talking to Harry... Get the idea? Most of the time what Harry knows then Susan knows... But, when it comes to politics, does anybody really know anything??? 

So, what we do know is that Amanda is a first-term republican delegate... And in the Virginia Assembly, she has made quite an impression in the state house. Because, you see, she wears...well, I'm just going to share that quite extraordinary scene (or is it really extraordinary these days?)

Mr. Speaker, may I propose we form a committee to study hiring individuals to clear our roads, be it a terrific monsoon or a blizzard?” Amanda called out, “That’s a dodge. We don’t need a committee. We need numbers and a sense of weather cycles. That isn’t that difficult to find, despite what you and Delegate Harkness say. 

You Democrats, all you want to do is throw around money. We Republicans are far stronger than you are in rural counties. You’re just trying to buy them off.” “That’s bullshit.” Aidan forgot himself. The Speaker banged the gavel as poor Ned wiped his brow. Susan leaned to Harry. “Ned will hold it together, but look how red his cheeks are. This isn’t going to plan.” 

“How dare you swear in this chamber, which has seen far better public servants than you, you lowlife,” Amanda said. “Bitch.” He totally lost it. So did she. She flew out of her seat, ran over to him, and slapped his face. Then she slipped off one of her frightfully expensive shoes and beat him around the head with it. The page, Ryder, tried to stop the enraged woman, but couldn’t. Finally two capitol guards came in and pulled her off. She stopped immediately, flashing a radiant TV smile, then walked to her seat. “This chamber is in recess.” The Speaker banged the gavel, stood up, and left the podium. He was seething and needed to get to his small room in the back behind the podium to get under control. 

Meanwhile, the streaming service people were beside themselves with joy. Ellis Barfield, head videographer, slapped hands with two assistants. This would be watched by jillions. Amanda took a deep breath, stood up, and looked composed as she turned toward the cameras. She could easily handle millions, even jillions. Ned, on the other hand, put his arm through Aidan’s and forcefully led him up the aisle. “I’ll kill that bitch.” Aidan spoke too loudly. “If you give her enough time, she’ll dig her grave with her teeth. Now calm down. You know you are both going to be censured. That won’t help us and it isn’t going to help the party.” 

As Amanda walked out, the Majority Leader, who was from her party, fell in with her. “Amanda, that is going to cost us.” “I make you a promise, it will work for us. Trust me, Mr. Kilgore, I know the media.” He did not want to argue with her in front of people, but the Majority Leader was a strong believer in decorum, tradition. “I’ll see you after everyone calms down.” “Mr. Kilgore, I know how proper you are. You are such a good majority leader but do remember that John Randolph tore into Congress in Washington urging his pack of foxhounds into the chamber while he ran on ahead to beat with his crop those he felt deserved it. I promise you, Sir, I was out of order but still not that bad.” She smiled that melting smile. He nodded, knowing he really had his hands full. 

Susan sat there, stunned, as did most of the people in the gallery. “Harry, we need to go to Ned but I don’t know what we will find.” “I give him credit for not losing his temper.” “I do, too.” Susan breathed a stream of air out of her nostrils, then stood up as Harry joined her. They had to get to the Pocahontas Building, where Ned’s office and everyone else’s were. The snow was really falling now. Harry pulled on her coat, which wasn’t easy given her shawl but she was glad to have both. They zipped and slipped into the building, snow sticking to their shoes. “Oh dear.” Susan saw the crowd outside her husband’s office. “Why don’t we wait here until they disperse?” “Actually, this may be one of those times when my husband could use my presence. And yours, too. Okay, sugar. Time to remember cotillion.” Harry moaned. “Oh God.” “We are about to be the quintessential Virginia ladies.” 

Susan took a deep breath. They reached the crowd. Susan beamed. “Bill, haven’t seen you in far too long. Harry, this is Bill Donovan. I think of him as king of the Shenandoah Valley.” This made him laugh and those who heard it. Delegate Donovan took Harry’s hand when she extended it, and a few pleasantries were exchanged. Susan walked in. People parted. Harry stuck with Bill. “I am so proud of you.” She kissed Ned on the cheek. As most of the people in there were Democratic delegates, with only one or two Republicans, smiles greeted her. Aidan, still fuming, also smiled at Susan, although it was more like a twitch. Susan took his arm. “Aidan, you said what the rest of us think.” Everyone laughed, including Ned. The mood shifted. Aidan breathed less heavily. The delegates started talking about issues in front of them, plus the possibility of a committee. Harry realized although she had known Susan all her life, she often forgot how smart, emotionally smart, her beloved friend truly was. —


Now here's the part that bothered me... In this area, pages were young teens rather than older. When things got to be "chaotic," it wound up that one of those pages was affected. Drugs and "Moonshine" were involved... (Will our children ever be free from what happens to them due to "supposed" adults who are in it for money?)

We also heard from a friend of the affected page who had become close enough to date and she stated clearly that her friend was not involved in either drugs or drinking, nor would he be allowed to be a page if that was true...

So, the first mystery is what happened to that young page... The second mystery is what happened to Amanda's assistant that was so awful that he wound up living in a guest house and taken care of by Susan and Ned... while Amanda and a professional photographer wound up in jail...

This mystery was so easy for me to solve that I decided not to divulge much of the story...just enough to get you interested... If you are, then I think you will enjoy just how stupid it can get within state politics. If you aren't, then you've probably picked up on just how much crap is fought over between parties... 

But, the methodology used was interesting to unfold... You decide! By the way, I've been a fan of this series for years... Find the author in my right column to discover quite a few mysteries that I highly recommended!


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