Friday, July 19, 2024

Gary Hart, Retired Democrat Senator, Presents The American Republic Can Save American Democracy - Getting Back to the Basics!


This particular publisher, perhaps because of its being an essay and shorter than most books, does not permit sharing an excerpt even in reviews. I hope you will take the opportunity to listen to the videos I found related to Gary Hart's latest book. What I do in my excerpts is try to share one or more of the most important parts of nonfiction writings--sometimes, I know, it may be the only opportunity for my readers to know what so many writers are saying during this chaotic and, I have to agree with many, dangerous time in America.

Hart concludes his book by spotlighting what happened on January 6th! How many of you remember that time--to me it was worse than 9-11 since those on 9-11 were from another country, while it was homeland terrorists incited by a former president on January 6th.

Hart stated that after 12 years within Congress, he watched the "barbarians" who invaded the Capitol. He wept... Going on to clarify, "it was worse than a bad movie!" He then talked about the "barbarians" sitting at his, or a very near desk of his, rifling into papers, throwing them around, reading and screaming... Further, they demeaned the desk of the presiding officer... and then finished that "vulgar" acts were also committed there... I can see why he cried... It was his life being destroyed by "barbarians" Me, I just got angrier and angrier... Especially, knowing that the VP at that time had refused to do one last thing for his president...overthrow the election... We all know that there were fake electors named and attempted to get to the VP...

I thought it was quite ironic when Hart went on to describe the US Capitol as the "temple of democracy." Why? Because as Christians, we are told that God's Holy Spirit abides in each of us if we accept His love. Now we watched as many carrying or wearing shirts supporting the Nazis and other white supremacists garb, using the American flag to maim or kill... As Hart talked about it being a temple not only for Americans, but also for many world-wide citizens who look to the United States as a country they wanted to be like... Now, as recently as within the last month, three countries--Iran, U.K. and France have voted to remove those far-right extremists from holding office... Will they now be succeeding in working toward a stronger or firm democracy? While some Americans strive to destroy our democracy? What a catastrophe for all of us!

Hart begins his book with what many writers are talking about--retaining our republic as a democracy! And why shouldn't more be talking? Indeed I did have a civics class when I was young. For whatever reason, surely a political reason, that class has been removed from our educational system? Why? Now we are in a mess when our young people don't even know what the Bill of Rights are... Our Constitution? Doubtful... It had never been important, it seems, because all of our past presidents, prior to 2015, was dedicated to the Constitution. 

What occurred during the past administration was bad enough as many of our regulations for safety of our citizens who work in dangerous environments, for instance, was eliminated... Anything that could affect the bottom line of major corporations was stopped, apparently. Nobody could do anything about it, especially when it was instigated by the president, and supported by one political party, and then later, after having added 3 Supreme Court Justices, was able to even remove laws! Hart knew what would happen if America was controlled by an authoritarian president. In essence it would result in no government other than as controlled by that office. Think Putin's presidency which is a controlled election in which he always wins... And if, the last opponent who tried, he was imprisoned and "died" there... Hart is specific, authoritarian leaders undermine and subvert the principles of government. And that the best ways to avert that is to be found in the republican principles and ideals as expressed in our Constitution. So, as a reminder, here's a quick or full presentation of our Constitution...

If you do listen to the original you will learn that, at that time, some people living in America were not even considered a "whole person..." Many changes have been made to improve individual citizens standings since then. Thank God! But at least you will learn how things began...

Hart does a great analysis starting with Civics 101, you might say... "We The People..." and all that... In my opinion, he was so upset (as most Americans were) that when he saw January 6th incited by a president, that he quickly began to germinate just how he was going to write another book...  You might say, that when a former Senator sees that overthrowing an election had been planned, implemented and resulted in an insurrection, he felt that he'd have to start from the beginning...for these "Barbarians." (Again, his word not mine, but you don't see me disagreeing, do you?)

Then Hart starts talking about the threats to our democracy. Wait for it... we all know that it would be "Equal Rights! Or at least the majority of our citizens, especially those that had to fight for rights (and are still fighting--you know, women who have just lost control of our own bodies; Indigenous citizens and All Non-White citizens who are still harassed, hated and often killed just for being the color they are! Or having a different religion than some people...) And, People, Citizens, Let me Tell You It Can Get Worse! Have you heard of Project 2025? I recommend you do some research on this 900-page plan of action if the past president gets to be our next president!

Hart goes over a little history, such as the McCarthy period--no, not the first leader of the house, who was quickly removed, etc as well as the second... Anyway, the first political McCarthy who made a name for himself was calling everybody communists...and the government spent a lot of time and money "policing" who was accused... He points out that both parties have had some problems, but it was most the far right who really got into who had/did support Hitler and a Fascist government... Funny thing is this seems to have reversed this time... That last big chaotic shakeup didn't work, so this time they'll try something else... like, White Supremacy/Hitler's dreams... Then Hart gets specific pointing out that Donald Trump was doing exactly what had already been tried, but in the opposite game... His closure is simply, An authoritarian, strong leader's solutions are always simple, draconian--of great severity), and wrong... And, that they are wrong, simply because they are outside the bounds of democracy, where we the people are guaranteed certain inalienable rights--life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

Hart's ending is also expected... We MUST save our democracy! He notes that he is writing this book simply because many have not been involved (like me, pre-2015) and are not aware of the very real loss of all of our promised rights under our constitution if an authoritarian--a dictator is elected... I, for one value my freedom for myself and for all other citizens. For me, that means all of God's children--red and yellow, black and white they are precious in his sight!

Hart joined Keep Our Republic. I just checked and they have general info but also for the 3 swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin... I've asked for more information to share here if possible... 

Hart's book may not be new in content. What I found most important was that a retired Senator openly admitted that he cried as he watched January 6th...  I was in shock during the actual activities, but had been so involved in news and books related to what was happening, I, just like Gary Hart, turned to activism... I hope that each person who stops by Book Readers Heaven will talk about what is happening. Perhaps referring to something you have learned here. No, I refuse to read books sharing the opposite viewpoint. I no longer am a reviewer that accepts books for review, so have no limitations on what I read--only on what impacts my life, my friends and family's lives and the country that has been good to all of our citizens, even if we had/have to keep fighting those who have different viewpoints... For me, I've read books by people of many races and/or religion. I think I have a good handle on the way the majority feel about their lives and how they feel about what is happening. I believe in the Democratic party now in Office. There may be issues that could be of concern, as I read in my last book about Identity Politics. But, having learned that, I took time to listen and include, for instance, Biden's speech at the NAACP... As Biden says, I believe he has become wiser as a result of his last eight years with President Obama and in our present Administration with Kamala Harris. Specifically, I believe he is so adamant about continuing because he knows that we are already going backward as a result of Trump's court changes and does not want to see more of the America he has supported all his life be destroyed...

A final note, when a comedian's monologue as he begins his show is not funny, you know he and many others are concerned... I've included some of my favorite and most relevant videos for me, in my life... What do you think? Want to share about your concerns? Let's talk via Comments below...


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