Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Conspiracy or Plot for a Book - Was Biden Drugged Before Debate? Here's How An Avid Reader's "Saw" What Happened... Open Memoir


 You know folks, I've been told, and I have to agree that, when reading (or when it is important for some reason), I'm very good at following the storyline...

When I was working with a publisher, I would read a book and automatically find new errors, even though there were three people who read the book before me...

I could go on and on with examples of writers thanking me for helping proofread/edit just immediately before they send to printer... I always found either a few or many mistakes that had not been caught, even when supposedly the book had been professionally worked on...

But here's today's issue, I'm also good at remembering the things I want to remember... I may forget the names of those involved, but I remember the important words that stuck out to me at that time.

Take for instance, all of the news and/or books I have read since 2016 and what happened that year... But, for purposes of this specific post, I want to highlight what many saw as a planned attack on the Capitol on January 6th. You may remember phrases such as these...

"Proud Boys? Stand Down and Stand By"

"The Election was Stolen..."

"Find me >>>> amount of votes. That's all I need to win."

"Get Crazy Nancy Pelosi..." And Many Such Phrases that we later saw had led to violent action... You may remember before January 6th, that a man broke into the Pelosi's home and attacked her husband while looking for her..." Thus we know... Trump incites followers to act violently as directed... 

On the night of the debate, I did not watch it all the way through. I went to bed feeling sad... This was not the Joe Biden I knew... Then the next morning, I pulled up the television recordings that I had made from the previous night. I watch MSNBC mostly for such events. I like the commentators... That morning I saw a brief replay of an interview with Bob Woodward, the well-known and respected Journalist. He said one thing, "We Need to Find Out What Happened." 

It was almost as if my mind pulled up all of the specific videos that are played below. In them you will see that, for the first time in history, Trump started talking about Biden taking drugs... On a next one, he talked about a shot in his... Suddenly it hit me. Was Biden Drugged Before the Debate?

It certainly would explain what happened... (By the way, I also wondered if his mike had been turned purposely down) Let's look a little closer, shall we?

In light of the well-known actions/words by Trump that have led to violence in the past... it was quite easy to consider just why Trump would talk about a shot in his bottom... He expected one or more of his followers to carry out his inciting words...

Can't believe it is possible? When you get to the video where an MSNBC host is talking about the debate and Biden's issues with the Governor of California, you will see many people behind them that were handling the normal logistics for a television program. During that conversation, it was noted that Trump's candidates for VP were in the crowd and nobody was talking to them, as they roamed around... If you read a police procedure book, you would see that this shot shows the opportunity of getting near the President, as well as that there were Trump followers nearby... I can easily see someone either guiding Biden where to go, or Biden stopping to shake hands with somebody... you can see that there would be ample time for some type of pressure shot quickly directed being able to be done...

I understand that Biden seemed to rally toward the end of the debate...But still had some problems with mobility getting off the stage... However, by the time that Biden was talking to the followers who had gathered to meet with him after the debate, he was on a mike that carried his voice clearly... And, further, that he had absolutely no problems in communicating with this group...

Indeed, he had a rally the next day and was perfectly fine...

Am I just a conspiracy theorist? You be the judge in watching these videos which includes what I immediately remembered when Woodward spoke.

Trump talks about drugs...and Biden getting a shot of drugs... His speech was affected during the debate and Trump at one point mentioned not knowing what he said... But, even this is a key, when did you not know Trump belaboring the issue once he has started... over and over and over...?

I'm sorry that I don't know how to grab a section of the videos to which I referred, so I hope you'll take the time to listen... Personally, I am "almost" sure it happened just like I saw it flashing in my mind spotlighting what had happened... Thought or Questions welcomed...

May God Be With Us All,


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