Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Open Memoir - Remembering My Mother on Her Birthday... And Talking to Her About Today's America


Happy Birthday Mom! I've been spending a lot of time thinking about you lately... First, realizing that I am now older than you were when you died... And then, wishing you were still living with me in these days that are worse than anybody could have imagined... How I wish I could talk to you daily about what is happening in America, supposed land of the free, yet so much is moving in the wrong direction... I remember you would often when it seemed we were all in a mood, that you would say, "Want me to Sing?" and "Beautiful Dreamer" would come out so that we immediately moaned and laughed... Now I wish you were here sleeping now, as I write... and things would be easier, somehow...

You know, Mom, I never understood your telling me that "God always takes the good ones first when talking about my father having died before I was born. It didn't make sense to me that God could be a part of my not ever having a father. But, then, later, when I learned of You, I knew that I would always have a Father... But perhaps, Mom, your having made that statement when I was young, started me on the road to the "Why?" type of person that I was to become... 

I moved the music box playing "Those Were The Days" to sit on the stand next to my chair, remember my first thought when I bought it for the song, that the old grandmother type in the chair rocking and sewing, never did remind me of you... You were always working, doing something... Mostly for others who paid you as a nurse and more... I think you looked a little like Edith Bunker where this song was played in the beginning of Archie Bunker....

So why am I looking backward today? Because, right now, the republican party is trying to move us back into those early years and the democrats are still trying to do what is right for the people, moving forward instead of backward... And, Mom, there is so much happening with the party that I guess you were a member of, although you never talked about it... All of your family that I know of, other than me, are in the republican party... and I can't help but wonder... Why? Especially after the last decision of The Supreme Court... I can't help but think that there will be nothing to celebrate this July 4th if the republicans have their way...Electing a criminal as our next president...even after what he did in his first term... Why? Mom? Here's what I believe Mom...the same as our democratic president, President Biden:

Mom, what is worse is that the republican party is trying to move away from the teachings of Christ... And, I believe, that many do not truly understand what is going on, including your family... At least one person I'm able to talk to understands...

Mom, I believe that God is leading me in reading the right books and sharing them with those who are seeking answers... And yet, as recently as this past month, family members are unwilling to listen to what I say... Mom, I must follow what I believe God is asking me to do... There is so much hate and violence in today's world... Children are even being killed during school hours! Yet the republican party continues to refuse to do anything about access of guns... I am being guided to speak for God--not my family... I remember Jesus' words that if I go into a place where Jesus' words are not the guiding role in their lives, that I should leave and wipe the dust from my feet...

Matthew 10:14-16 New International Version (NIV)If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.

God is sending so many signs and books to me--nonfiction books that I would never otherwise read...So much is being said and it supports what I believe. I hope you understand that I must put God above family... 

On the other hand, I feel closer to God than I have ever felt before... And know I speak as Jesus... Here's a song that I've adopted as, sort of, an anthem for today's world...

Like It? I remember when we still lived in New Geneva and you'd be lying on the couch in the living room... You'd ask me to sit down and play hymns. Often when there were others there, you'd ask us to sing... Songs about Jesus was so much a part of my early life... And it continues today with new beautiful songs that are being created by the young Americans who are more and more speaking out against the hate, the violence, and the lies... Mom, nowadays, we aren't even sure if what is being said on television is the Truth... I don't mean in fictional programs, but from some news agencies! They purposely lie!  Here's a perfect example, as, after hearing the above full speech from our president, this individual chose to spread lies with it...

Mom, the constitution is in danger! Can you image that, after 200 years, that the republican party and what is called, now, Christian Nationalists, are working against the rights of the people to govern America!

Mom, I remember many years ago that I asked you about our background... I am German on both sides of my ancestral families... Your immediate, and only, response was that "You are American." Today, when I think about that, I realize that you were expressing a very important fact for us--that we were Americans, first, and our ancestors were really not changing that. Now, all I see, Mom, is that the republican party wants to make America a land of "white" people... So what does that mean to all of those in America who were/are non-white. It seems to me that the present republican party is against all that Jesus taught--to love our neighbors as ourselves... And, to love God above all... What I have come to see, and know, is that if those who claimed to be Christians had actually, taken these two--only TWO--guiding points from Jesus, that we would not now be in the situation that we are in! I want to write more about this...but, as your son-in-law Bill, used to say, "That's on another Page..."

I miss you Mom

But I guess birthdays are no longer important, are they? But, for me, and many others, it's a good reminder...

Love, your youngest child


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