Friday, May 17, 2024

Jesus Took Away My Hate - Open Memoir - A New Message ...

It's 2 AM, I came to write... But Jesus Stopped Me...

Remember Me? Let me talk to you first, Ok, Glenda? 

Soon I heard the voice I sang when younger, clear, bright, in love with Jesus, My Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name... In Praise of Jesus... 

I have New Words for you to hear.. Let me lift you from your past, all the hurt, all the pain, all the confusion....I will take it away and help you sing again.. I know you feel My Presence...Relax, I Got This, Remember?  Shelter in my Arms, once again, I am Here...With you... Always and Forever... 

You remember with fondness the woman who told you, finally, that you had been abused, Used for your dedication and knowledge, and then, when you started asking questions, refused to lie for them, explained when they were wrong...even told them that they didn't deserve your respect, what did they do? They tossed you away... But, dear Glenda, you had already followed my had followed the words of your pastor to get help, you followed the words of your doctor who said that you had to choose between your job and your life... I am so proud of you that you chose Life...

For, even then, Glenda, I had already started a new path for you to walk... And, when that path became one that you could no longer trust, you once again turned... You turned to me because you've always trusted me and know that I will never talk, talk, talk, let never say anything meaningful to your life's path... 

I Got This, Glenda, You traveled down the new road, alone, until you once again found Me. If I haven't told you lately, I love you, my child... I have given you new songs to sing, you may not know the words, but they are the words that will sink into your turmoil, your confusion at the latest display of hatred, of lies, of pressing closely, too closely, that you feel like you can't breathe...

You are sheltered...Now and Forever...Listen to the many voices I have sent to you, telling of My Love with the world's children. All of my children. I love you all... And, I am so sorry when some force you to pause, to feel pain, the pain of loss, the confusion, the worry and concern, got to remember this or that, can't make a mistake, Truth, I must speak Truth... You want to speak the truth now, but nobody will listen... Yet, they do listen and will hear...

We see and hear the hate spewed, we know you felt sorrow. But, remember, I've Got This... 

I can feel the lift from your are hearing my words, relaxing in my embrace. You are mine... You are in my presence right now...when you've stopped to feel me, to hear me...But, know Glenda, I am with you always...and a day...

By these new words, I want to help you realize that I am speaking to many of my children right now all over the world. They, too, are listening. And they, too, know that Hate and Vitriol--yes you spelled it right--I know I am sliding in words that you've never known or used before...But, dear Child, I know all of the words that have ever existed...don't worry about spelling, for I know you well...Feel free to proofread... You are so good at that, you have been the eyes for so many writers who have wanted somebody to read their words and instinctively know what they wanted to say to the world...

But, now, right now, I want you to hear ME. Really, I Got This... Did you not hear that even Michael is speaking differently...he is calmer, and, yes, I am speaking to him, though he is not as open to my words, his pain is much greater, because the man he trusted did more than abuse him...he lied to him continuously and pretended he cared...but we both know that man cannot care for anybody but himself, sadly...

When your mind flashed to Michael, yes, Glenda, I allowed you to stop and listen again so that I could tell you about my love for Michael as are becoming quite a writer, even editing my words to you... I want to laugh out loud... your edit was needed, I agree...

Instead of trying to use your words...let me speak this time... I send peace to all who will hear ME. LOL, Glenda, stop with the proofreading, it's ok not to capitalize my name, I know your mind is flashing to a memory right now, but it's not your boss, that man who drew a black mark across a letter you had just typed... You retyped it because you cared for your own self-image... But, Glenda, I've seen ALL of your mistakes and I still love you. I will never turn away from You or any of those who have accepted my words, my request to come unto me...

Instead of writing, I want you to go ahead and read it over, correct the errors that have been made as your eyes have been closed, better to listen to my words... Remember, I am speaking of my love to so many others... Listen to the words I've sent...Believe me what I have said... we are talking in that particular song... I speak to You and then you repeat what I've said...and you say I believe... Yes, my child...

Follow your path, but listen for those twists and turns you love so much in your books... One is calling to you right be read and talked about, to highlight the special words of meaning that you find...

Go now, time has past... you are free of all those things that had gone through your mind, of what you felt a need to write...but, not today, Glenda...just stop, now... It is time to rest,  sleep, remember, as the song just said, I am a child of God...Yes, recognize it. Embrace it...

And remember, I Got This! 


Your Friend, Your Father, Your Truth, Your Love, I AM all that you will ever need me to be... 


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