Thursday, May 16, 2024

Open Memoir: Continuing... Biden vs Trump - The Documentation of Experience... And a Bottom Line for Today

First, because Joe Biden's Career is fully documented and available publicly, I will not take the time to explore his experience within the Federal Government... for comparative purposes... There is no comparison of the two candidates, in my opinion.

Early this morning, if you read my last post, I awoke shaking, having been sent back into incidents at work which led to my retirement--and a formal firing, LOL Yes, both actions were taken... That's because no leader bothered to talk to me about ending my employment without cause, after nearly 40 years... 

I've had quite a week, so if you want to catch up, give me some time to go through it all and write about it... But the last post really started with the previous post, so you might want to go to that post first... Thanks!

To set the stage, I'd like to present some basic words that may be interchangeable at this time of heighten political actions in America...

I'll use two political leaders we all know:

Joe Biden is a Participatory Leader

Participative leadership is a unique leadership style, also commonly referred to as democratic leadership. Participative leaders guide their employees while encouraging them to provide feedback and participate in decision-making.--Google

Donald Trump, I believe, WAS an authoritative leader at one time 

Authoritarian leadership, also known as autocratic leadership, is a management style where an individual possesses total decision-making power and retains as much authority as possible, often requiring followers to strictly adhere to their directives without much freedom or participation.* --Google 

Donald Trump, has moved beyond an authoritarian leader. He is BORG...

BORG has only one leader. All emotions are removed of those assimilated, by that individual, and used as drones to maintain, expand and assimilate under that leader... Any humans not assimilated are killed. No individual, once assimilated has a name. They are BORG... serving one purpose as directed by their leader...

God Says I AM



Many have said through the centuries that no man can be above the law... Yet, many have tried...and succeeded in at least a certain location. USSR once claimed they were above the law...USSR fell apart...

Korea was once one country; Now it has been pulled apart...

Iran is the central collective. It funds drones such as Hamas to go out and attempt assimilation...

Of course, I could go on to illustrate what, in my life, I have seen illustrated here on Planet Earth. Authoritarian leaders have come and gone, but people all over the world continue to strive, at a minimum for just the basic needs of food and shelter... Without those, there is no movement upward in terms of human growth ( Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs). America has been seen as somewhat of a scoundrel in our history, and as a savior to many living today...

I have always seen myself as an introvert. Therefore, when I began to work, I chose to work in a support role to others, to leaders of a small part within a larger organization. That first unit was the Office of Personnel at the Land-Grant West Virginia University. I reported to the Director. I had one promotion in that office. I was staff with no authority

During that time period, I was elected by those in the clerical classification of employees to represent them in the newly formed Staff Council. I did not run for office. I was nominated and won the office.  Also during that time, I joined the National Secretaries Association and was elected to the various offices of Secretary, Treasury, and President several times. As an aside, the President of the University's Secretaries both held the president's role before I was elected for the first time. NSA routinely sponsored ongoing clerical/secretarial continuing education, a number of which I was appointed to coordinate. 

In order to move upward, I applied and was accepted as secretary to the Provost of the University, second in command at that time. When two other individuals left positions, I transferred to secretary to the Provost for Instruction. By that time, we had three more Provosts. All secretaries routinely initiated letters for the signature of the University's President, James G. Harlow. President Harlow was a participatory president... During his presidency, the leader of the West Virginia University Medical Center, and Hospital, also became Provost. Charles Andrews, a participatory leader, chose to completely  merge within the University Administration. I was in a staff position with no authority during this period.

By that time, I had been asked to apply for the position in the newly formed Office of Facilities and Utilization. Bill Campbell was hired as an experienced individual from the University of Maryland. He was, also a participatory leader. During his leadership, I began to move into supervisory roles. Because of the senior WVU participatory leaders, when I was named as the Classroom Facilities Analyst, I was responsible for all general-purpose classroom management on all three campus, thus including the Medical Center for the first time. Additionally, I imagine it was because I had previously worked for the Provost for Instruction, I was also assigned to report directly to all Provosts. I was in line authority for the Provost for Finance and staff authority for the other offices. They, in turn, delegated my direct support to all deans and directors across the campus... I then provided staff support directly to all deans of all academic schools and colleges; all directors of support service. In that office, my positions continued to move upward until I was ultimately named as Associate Director and then Acting Director.

Note that during this previous period. I remained as staff support to all those as delegated by those responsible... I had no authority other than that delegated to me by the various responsible officers... What that meant that I acted on all Provosts needs and only went to them when a problem occurred. For instance, between two deans is I could negotiate a satisfactory settlement for both deans, I would seek final recommendation by the Provost.

But...within the Office of Facilities Analysis and Utilization, I was named as Manager, Facilities Information Systems. Additional responsibilities were assigned, I supervised those individual supporting assigned responsibilities to me... However, at no time, did I gain full responsibility; the director of that office always was finally responsible...


In my opinion, as I have learned of the Trump Organization from various sources of information, including recent civil and criminal trials, Trump has maintained authoritarian control of his entire organization. We do know that he delegated authority to the Chief financial Officer, who, as we now know has been found guilty and is again in jail. My understanding that his children acted as somewhat of a "Cabinet." comparable to the Federal Government. However, at this time, I am not sure whether actual financial responsibility was assigned to his children. Specifically, if they had NO budgetary signature authority, then the Organization operated as BORG-- what I'm calling BORG. BORG is one entity which uses all other entities of his area of authority to improve and expand his power, The Trump Organization. 

Let me use myself as related to Budget Authority. Again, within the Office of Facilities Management (title of office was expanded). I was delegated staff authority on all of my duties and responsibilities. I acted on behalf of each Provost or the President as delegated. I was given financial authority for Reports to the Federal Government regarding facilities data required in support of grants... I was given presidential authority to sign for all temporary leases as requested by the institutions deans and directors to be forwarded to State agencies. I was given Financial authority on the WVU Capital Construction multi-million dollar budget as Associate Director... 

What that means is that I signed my boss's name or my own name as delegated and forwarded it on through State agencies. However, from a line authority organization which is what most institutions use. Nobody other than the president can be declared as fully responsible, except in their own areas of responsibility...

So, consider this... What we have heard through various witnesses, is that Donald Trump signed all checks. There may have been some smaller amounts, like a petty cash account, assigned for authority, such as I had, by the CFO. However, there is evidence given this week that Trump would sign all checks... Therefore, he never gave anybody actual line authority. Except perhaps the CFO...

What that means to me is that, Donald Trump's experience did not even compare to the level of President Harlow, as a participatory leader. That is,  I believe he did, as part of the line authority for WVU, h delegate downward, with each provost having to some extent or total authority over any units under their respective authority.

Or, more simply... Donald Trump's leadership of The Trump Organization falls considerably lower than the duties of the president of a land-grant university...

In my opinion, Donald Trump did not have the training or experience to have become president of the United States... Based upon known facts... I did not vote for him.

Further, let's take a brief look, today, at Michael Cohen who is on trial for criminal charges from actions taken during the 2116 election. First, the only authority that Michael would has is for his credentials to act as a lawyer... He could be found liable if he failed, for instance, to follow the laws related to his position. However, he serves as a staff officer for any client... Within an organization such as The Trump Organization with an authoritarian leader, he would have absolutely no line authority or responsibility. That is, he was never given any level of authority to sign either his own name, or on behalf of Donald Trump. Therefore, from a business profile, Trump has total authority and therefore total responsibility for all documents, checks, etc., that he authorized and signs, sending on to state agencies to act upon. As you know, Trump has already been convicted of fraud within the State of New York...and is in the midst of appealing a judgment made for reimbursement to the State.

The responsibility of The Trump Organization, has been kept at the highest level of authority for most activities. Some delegation might have occurred for specific capital projects... For instance, my director would retain responsibility for legal purposes, even though I was delegated authority to manage and sign off on all financial issues...that would be based upon project officers of various projects... Thus, the children of Mr. Trump may have been given some lower level of responsibility for projects. It is highly unlikely that any of the children would have power to use Trump Organization funds without prior authority.

Trump          Cabinet- children with no financial                                        authority


                        Project Office Eric (don't know whether                              CFO delegated authority to sign,                                            especially if Trump signed all checks... 


The purpose of this post is two-fold... One, I want to make my opinion totally clear. Of the two candidates, Joe Biden has all the credentials necessary for the position of President... Donald Trump does not.

For the purposes of my memoir, Emotionally Damaged: Living with Job Burnout, I will state that as Acting Director of the Office of Facilities Planning and Management (office title changed based upon merge of the former University Architect's Office), I believe the breadth and scope of my own responsibilities were more than Donald J. Trump as president of The Trump Organization... 

One final tidbit: Donald Trump established Trump University. It went bankrupt. Trump was sued by students... I rest my case that he was not capable of being a university president, nor a country's president.

Notice that The Trump Organization is a 2-person type organization...Only one leader, everybody reporting financially through the CFO to top person, Trump...

So, if anybody asks about Trump's qualifications... Just refer that person to this post...  Or, I'm a good listener; I can hear the lies that person has been told...and I'll try to help them open their minds to understand...  

Earlier I stopped for lunch and a small group was talking about the presidency, after Biden challenged Trump to a debate... One of the individuals pointed out that most Americans never actually see the president do any work on a specific project... He delegates...than that person delegates...and that person delegates, and so on...

When somebody says to you, only I can fix it... Don't believe it...

Even if it were Biden... Indeed the news group were correct, no one person needs to know everything, but in order to be that top person, they need to know people to select and ensure his direct officers know enough from their direct officers...well, you know how it goes, don't you?  Biden remains a participatory leader... for the Federal Government...

But note: he does not have line authority over Congress or the Attorney General's Office... 



During this time, a new president was named...

Immediately changes were made... be continued


The Bottom Line
Michael Cohen Has Just Been Caught
Either in a lie or from confusion
It is Irrelevant in my opinion.
During one full year after a new Assistant VP
Was Added to the Organization, 
I was directed to determine and solve the problem with the Capital Construction Budget
I was the new Associate Director
I had had no earlier responsibility for capital construction
All actions were handled by licensed registered architects or experienced facilities planners, one accountant and the Board of Regents staff
That assignment took one full year.
I had to do a complete financial audit of all accounting activities, tracing project budgets, commitments, actual allocations, expenditures, payments made, as well as allocation from the Board of Regents compared to the committed allocation

When I finished, my report went directly to the Board of Regents.
I got the Board's representative call directly.
Dr. Gross, Head of State-Wide Facilities planning
told me that he was accepting my report as accurate, that the Board had not transferred the allocated amount as I'd documented
that the Board no longer had the amount which my audit showed was not yet received by WVU.
He, of course, provided no further information.
He simply said he was giving us what was left,
slightly over $1M Capital Construction designated Dollars

It is irrelevant that Cohen was even the person involved as Trump's fixer...
All financial documentation shows that 
Stormy Daniels was paid $130,000
And that a hand-written note documenting the amount and method of how the money was to be handled has all been provided.

My heart hurt when I heard that Michael had been taunted over and over and over to verify that he had lied time after time to cover his boss's indiscretion.
That's how an authoritarian individual works
Trump has obviously told his lawyer what to do.

I, too, have been caught in such situations
Not of lying, rather about having to explain to academic deans exactly why they didn't get their requests approved or funded.
Based upon an authoritarian leader
who told me everything was now to go through him.

I didn't do it...
I maintained my personal ethics
for the good of the University


*Donald Trump has already been found guilty of fraud in business in New York. He now owed nearly 1/2 Billion dollars. Status He is Appealing...

*Donald Trump has already been found guilty of rape in New York. He was forced to pay the complainant $5M. Then, based upon his continued defamation of this woman, a new jury gave the complainant over $40M... Trump is Appealing the amount to be paid.

*At present Donald Trump has been indicted and is now being tried in court...Trial is set to finish, perhaps within the week...

I have to ask... Do you want to be a drone

to be assimilated 


I Don't

I'm voting for Freedom

and a chance to participate in America's future!

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