Monday, May 13, 2024

Open Memoir--A Single Christian Woman--By His Love - A Message to My Children


Jesus died for Us over 2000 years ago. 



You may remember recently that I asked for Prayer Warriors to be with me during the writing of my memoirs... I acknowledged that I was more of a person to move forward to tell, to speak words I had in my heart... But as I woke at 1AM this morning and immediately started to write, I received a gentle nudge... and the Words... In HIS Love... Of course, I knew what I had been neglecting... I had not stopped to share my giving of praise to Him... For, without God sending His Son, We would never have been able to actually Know Him Through His Holy Spirit...

 God told me..."I Got This, Glenda!"
And I Immediately Cried Out.
He reminded me that I had accepted His Promise
That He was indeed in Control...
But, like so many others, I had forgotten
I had taken control back into my hands...
I needed to read this next book, or that book
trying to find the words to convince this person or that one

I am reminded that from the very beginning of our new relationship, he had accepted me as I am... He had given me a mind, a questioning mind. I was His modern-day Doubting Thomas... I wanted to know the Why behind all that was within my life... the World... I needed, I wanted, the words that somebody would hear, read that could explain what was happening... I had been obsessed with needing to explain the God I Knew... that He was NOT the God of Violence, retribution...and all the other hateful words that were being thrown through the air for the children, yes, even the children to hear and, as I knew well, try to also understand...

Give it a rest, Glenda
I got this...
Why do you weep when I Speak
After all you bravely proclaim
I Speak Jesus...
Well, I have heard you and I happen to
Speak Jesus too...
Isn't that Wonderful?
Your Thoughts are My Thoughts
And I've Just Shown you, Haven't I
A Few minutes you flash backed to your memory 
so I pulled up the song for you to play

Remember? It was the first time
that at a special service that somebody behind the scenes
added the sound of a hammer 
pounding the nails into my hands
into my ankles
that you knew, really, that I had died 
For You...

You've always know that I was Above All
that was happening on earth...
You even have my picture here at
Book Readers Heaven...of Me Laughing
Yes, I know It is Not Funny
But, really, Glenda, Think About It
This has happened so many times before
There are really few NEW ideas from
those that I have created...

Glenda you enjoy Playlists for your books, 
so this is what I've provided this day
Using words of songs to speak Jesus to you
who Speaks Jesus daily
I love you for that.
And I give you my Assurance
Everything is moving at the slow pace of nature
For, you, see, I have Used those who have turned away
to Open Those of You Who Are MY FOLLOWERS

By the way, I loved hearing you sing harmony
Yes, it was me who helped your voice
come clear and clean with that strength from your youth
For, my Child, you are Still Young to me
And you Will Always Be With Me
Will you always continue to sing for Me, please...
I love you, too...

And Know This, My Child
You Speak Jesus, Because I am In You
Those Who Open Their Hearts to Me
Who listen for My Words
Will, indeed, Hear
This, I promise to you and to all Who Follow Me

You were just 13 when I touched you
You were Baptized in my name and became wholly mine
I have watched you, search... I remember all the books
you bought to learn more about me
Those written by those, sometimes, who didn't fully know Me
You remember the one I mean, don't you?
The author was writing to say just when the world would end
It didn't happen, did it...
I used it to teach you that man is
only human, but
you did learn, didn't you?

I noticed when you always selected songs to sing
that sought Me to come into Your heart...
Into My Heart you sang as a child.
And, Child, I did come, didn't I?
And when you left me to seek more of YOU.
I watched, but I never left you.
I knew you had to find your own way
That is WHY I give all Free Will
Otherwise, you indeed, would be 
somebody that you now disdain
somebody who follows a man that is not of Me
Yet uses my name for personal power
Remember, though, I alone give judgment

By the way, what you recently said, you were close
to exactly what is to happen...
Because there is too much violence, too many guns
too much hate, 
Behold I will speak through You
I will and am speaking through people who write
I am speaking through those who speak Truth
I am speaking through those who Love
Those who love ALL OF my children
and yes, even those who have gone astray
Perhaps for a while...
But, it will always be Free Will
For a man who claims that only He is Retribution
is and can never be

When I gave my Son
I had hoped it would be the time for Paradise
But even when He said to reject all that had been written before
That His/My words were to be Heard
You have heard; others have heard
Many have not...

God of all Time
Time was given to all of you to continue to learn
to study, to develop new talents to give in love

You and many have understood the gift of th talents
you seek more and more reasons through learning to give to others
to love and help others to, in turn, move forward in who I envisioned
Those who refused to stop looking to the past for their guidance
Have ignored my greatest gift.
And His Words
His Guidance
His Love and Truth

You know, my child
I really am worthy to be worshipped.
That's why Jesus was Given
I wanted to be a Part of Your Life(lives)
I wanted more to help you learn to explore
All of the majesty of the worlds that I've created
Perhaps to explore in the future like Trekkies
Or perhaps to explore the past and learn from it
much like you did when you read Lilith
I am so happy when I see you read words of my children
and see, hear, and know the message to be received
There is so much to learn, advances to move forward...
The gifts given to humans are for the good of the world
Not to look backward, but forward to new things
beyond any of those yet imagined...
Read, my child,
Share my child...
But, stop and rest, awhile too
I Really Have Got This!
By the way,
I Love You, Too...
And, Tell Others, Read, Learn
Move Forward, Never Backward.
For I Am
The Future.

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