Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Psalm 23 - Interpreted by Stanislaw Kapuscinski - An Introduction - Open Memoir

Reading this book, one will quickly realize that words not only matter, but, often, many of us have no real idea of what the words actually mean... And, yet, when I read Psalm 23 by Stanislaw Kapuscinski, I discovered not only meaning, but a meaning that at once seems as though the answer long looked for has been provided.

I remember prior to choir practice one day, I asked our director what we were going to sing and she said The 23rd Psalm... and I began to sing.... but it was not the same tune that we would sing, she pointed out... She knew at least 20 others, she laughed... now she knew 21 which was the version I had sung...

Many Musicians have updated the words for this Psalm, have sung it in many different melodies, and have tried to express what, they, individually, have received, or learned, from the original words found in the Psalms...

I can't remember the sequence of events, whether I had read my first book by Stanislaw, or from other writers, or whether His Holy Spirit was Leading Me... or whether it was...Logic...

I began often to think about the Parable of the Talents, how one man, after his master had left him for a time, did nothing with the talent he had been given, hid it, in fear that his master would come back and he might have lost it... I began to think of the words that were written over 2000 years ago--that they were being read in the same manner. Oh, the words might be slightly different, but still, those basic words were supposedly the words of Our Living God?

Surely Not After 2000+ years
In the past I considered my own philosophy
The Bible Was the Inspired Word of God 

But I wanted to be one of those who had been given the greater talents. I wanted to hear those words, even as I sung them, differently this time, or that,
but, surely, there was something more that I was supposed to do with His talents!

One of the first talents I realized He gave me and would use throughout my life is my voice... Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever! 
Amen and Amen...
But there were so many more talents that followed...

In other words, When we Use God's talents we Give Back to Him MORE!
Then we have fulfilled His Words to the Fullest...
And continue to receive His gifts...

Who is the ‘Lord’? The Lord is the Individualization of the indestructible eternal, omnipresent Consciousness, which we recognize as our Higher Self. Yeshûa (whom most of us know as Jesus) referred to It as his Father who abides in Heaven which is “within you.” That it is a state of Consciousness within you and me. The recognition of the Lord, the state of Being, within the Psalmist's mind, leads to the awareness of immortality, of the indispensability of our ego to the expansion of the Phenomenal Universe, which seems inherent in the state of Being. Or, as some people would say, Worlds Without End. Ultimately we realize that the Ego and the Self are One. That Ego is no more than an instrument of the Self to add to the diversity and to enhance the phenomenal Universe. To convert the ideas into the tangible reality that we "the children of the Most High" can enjoy. This we must never forget. The whole Universe is created solely for our joy and pleasure.... All we need is to wake up and see it. As the Psalmist did...

1 Corinthians 13:11 King James Version (KJV)When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

This song, "Into My Heart," was a special song I've cherished since childhood... When I was a child, I spoke as a child... But then I began to read--read books from all people, from all lands, exploring our history, a possible future... I've read the words of an agnostic and read the words of a man who looked only toward the New Testament. I've read fictional books about stories of the Bible... I kept learning... I started reading about the pain caused by man toward other men... over and over and over... The Crusades, the murder or being forced to embrace a new religion by the Indigenous People in America... The taking of men as slaves for the greed by white men... The murder of children in schools, churches by a proliferation of wars/violence/guns ... And, as I've read, I've matured, so that, as I began to read this author, I was prepared. I had put away childish things... I had been given talents and had invested those talents to gain more knowledge and wisdom... I had put away childish things...

If you believe in a Living God
If you believe in the Holy spirit
Please watch for...the future Post
My Review of Psalm 23

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