Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism by Stanislaw Kapuschinski - Introduction - How It Can Be Used! - Open Memoir



1 Corinthians 13:11 King James Version (KJV)
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

When I put away childish things,
I began to meet extremely dedicated men and women from around the world
writing and researching books--
Dale Carnegie's book and course, for instance...
both fiction and nonfiction.

For me, that started
At High School Graduation
I was an A Student normally, except for maybe Physical Education (Sadly)
Selecting the Clerical Rather than Academic Course Option
I was ready to assume a secretarial position immediately after graduation.
And, with a job, I immediately began to buy my own books--mostly religious, self-help, or study books
I was third in full class (including Academic)
I was first in Clerical Program

I was hired as secretary for the summer of 1963
at the Albert Gallatin Senior High from which
I had Graduated

I began working in Personnel based upon
Employment Tests
As a Records Clerk and 
Secretary to the Assistant Director of Personnel
I was then promoted to Secretary to Director
Then Promoted to Secretary to (2) Provosts
On to Facilities Analysis and Utilization
As Facilities Technician/Classroom Manager
During those years I began
taking University Courses
And, Achieved over 360 Credits for
Continuing Education Courses
Stopping there...Pointing Out that 
Self-Study Occupied My Time
Any free time was dedicated to
Cat Cozy Mysteries...LOL

I have said it at other times, Stanislaw is one of the most brilliant writers I have met. He has authored both fiction and non-fiction... writing under two variations of his own name.
He used his full name for non-fiction
And, Stan I. S. Law for fiction
Again, you can check out his books that I've previously read and reviewed. To the Right

The most important result of reading him was that I knew--definitely--that I had put away childish things. His books are meant to help us move forward in what, he, and I, believe is what God's Plan For Us
really is...
Consider all of the advances made in just one area
Please consider that what the early men before Christ
and those After Christ would have known in this area.
Yet God, the Creator, Had Used Science
During His Creation
Surely We thank God for Sharing His Wisdom?!

Is It Time for YOU to Become All That God
Has Planned for Us?

God (s) This word is used in the Bible as a translation of Hebrew El, elah, elohim, eloah, Jehovah (read by Jews elohim, probably Yahweh), Greek theos, kurios (Lord, master), theodidaktos (God taught), and a number of other terms.  Only the context can help the student to determine the intent of the original writer.

Kapuscinski (aka Stan I.S. Law), Stanislaw. Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism (p. 130).  

And after all, let us not forget what Jesus said some two millennia ago, when his disciples had asked him why he spoke in parables. His response: “Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.”(6) Why? Perhaps only a few were ready—then.

Kapuscinski (aka Stan I.S. Law), Stanislaw. 
Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism (pp. 17-18).  

Maneh a weight; [1/60 of a talent = maneh]

Kapuscinski (aka Stan I.S. Law), Stanislaw. 
Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism (p. 168). 
Just two of the references found in the Dictionary
mentioned in a previous post Today...

FOREWORD: 430 B.C. Around 430 B.C. Democritus of Abdera said: Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion. Today, some two-and-a-half millennia later, the same can be said of the Old Testament of the Bible: Nothing exists but a lot of Hebrew words arranged in a linear fashion; everything else is an opinion. Why? Because the ancient Hebrew had been written in capital letters only, in continuous lines without any breaks for paragraphs or punctuation. No proper names of either people or places had been identified in any way. All we have is a flood of words, flowing like a beautiful stream, perhaps a mighty river... All else is an opinion. For centuries self-proclaimed experts imposed their opinion on what those words mean. In extreme cases, those who disagreed with the scholars approved by the Orthodoxy had been burnt at the stake. You needn’t worry. In most countries murder and torture for religious belief is now illegal. Today, in most countries, you can dare to think for yourself. And you must. In the Age of Aquarius, religions, all religions, have entered a protracted, lingering period of inexorable demise. Dogmatic authoritarians are rapidly loosing their credibility. We have entered an Age of individualization. We shall be forced to think for ourselves. It is with this sentiment that I am offering my Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism. Everyone who so desires will be able to study ancient Scriptures and attempt to understand the secret, perhaps sacred knowledge, hidden in their pages. And the knowledge of the ancients is staggering. On closer examination I found no evidence of any dogmas, no promises of unearned rewards now or hereafter, but also no dire threats of eternal damnation. But this is only my opinion. I shall not repeat the mistakes of the past by interpreting the Scriptures for you. I’m offering you the means to find your own wisdom. The rest is up to you. 

INTRODUCTION The desert, near Nag’ Hammadi 365 A.D. As the dying wind sighed and heaved among the undulating dunes, a single dark shape, a hood pulled well over his face (the desert has many eyes), made its way towards the distant cliffs. Even from afar, brother El’zaphan could detect the agonizing whimpers of ghostly howling as it slithered low over the sand from the mountain ahead—the eerie mountain they called the Jobal al’Tarif. Its jagged slopes and contorted innards, ridden with countless forbidden caves and tunnels, held many secrets. For twenty-five centuries the dark, mysterious caverns guarded the scant remains of the noblest people. Perhaps some... not so noble. They said that the spirits of the unworthy howled, aye, howled and whimpered in the desert night air. Brother El’zaphan shrugged his narrow shoulders. He knew better. He was among the few who shared in the Secret Knowledge. Soon the caves would serve once again as nature’s sarcophagus to hold and protect the most noble remains. Those sacred volumes, or what remained of them, containing the Secret Knowledge which the inspired brethren had committed to papyrus. With such selfless love, such steadfast perseverance. At the risk of their lives. And just as well. The original Greek texts, those now translated into Coptic language, had been destroyed long ago. By whom? By the misguided ignorant men jealous of the secrets contained within the gospels. “Gnostic gospels,” they called them. “Pseudo-knowledge!” they sneered... “The ravings of drunkards... Yes, of drunks and heretics... The knowledge of the devil!” Brother El’zaphan quickened his pace. His robe, the color of the whispering sand, gave him only partial protection from the lurking ungodly. He inhaled deeply. The cool night air filled his lungs with fresh strength after the scorching heat of the merciless desert sun. Yet the Books were heavy. It wasn’t far now. Brother El’zaphan had been chosen go alone to Jobal al’Tarif, at night, and hide the thirteen books before the bishop’s men made a burnt offering of them to their jealous god. Thirteen books containing more then fifty manuscripts that the scribes had consigned to paper with such determination. He, El’zaphan, had helped to cover them with the very best leather. To help them last. Who knows for how long? “These are the secret words which the living Jesus spoke, and which the twin, Judas Thomas, wrote down.”(1) His parched lips moved in silence recalling the sacred stanzas. He did not really need the Holy Books anymore. He had committed them all to memory. Long ago. But what of those who will follow? It was only a question of time. Brother El’zaphan knew that ever since Bishop Irenaeus of Lyons had written his hateful dissertations some 200 years ago, calling for “The Destruction and Overthrow of Falsely So-called Knowledge,”(2) it would only be a question of time before the Orthodox Church, the fundamentalists, would lay their hands on his beloved Books and have them burnt as heresy. Ireneaus and his cohorts served a very jealous god. Soon the Manuscripts would be safe. Safely hidden among the caves of the dead. The Books of Life, Logos, among the silent corpses. Even the orthodox priests and deacons were afraid to enter the hollows of the departed. The wandering spirits would protect the sacred stanzas from the ungodly. For as long as it took. Until people were ready. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.(3) FOOTNOTES: (1). Gospel of Thomas, gleaned from The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels, thereafter referred to as TGG. (2). Irenaeus, Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses 3.11.9. Gleaned from TGG. (3). Matthew  7:6; [The Holy Bible, King James Version] 

Jobal al’Tarif near Nag’ Hammadi 1945 A.D. Many years have passed since brother El’zaphan risked his life on that lonely mission across the desert sands. Perhaps he was lucky. He had managed to avoid the needle of the deadly scorpion, the prying eyes of the Bishop’s men and even the bandits who were ever ready to pounce on anyone within reach of that dreaded mountain, the Jobal al’Tarif. Even in his day some had dared to rob the graves of the departed. Perhaps brother El’zaphan had been lucky, perhaps under a Special protection. Some 1580 years later, Muhammad ‘Ali’s mallet struck a tall earthenware jar. Quite by accident. “Gold!” he exclaimed.  Then, after glancing at his brothers, he bit his lips. He would have to share his find with them. In the name of Allah! Is there no justice in this world? His mallet struck the jar first, he must get the lion’s share of the riches. But there was no gold. There were just some books, wrapped in old-looking leather. But no gold. Perhaps he could sell them for a few piasters. If not, his mother could burn them in her cooking stove. And his mother did burn some of the loose sheets. But only some. The rest must have been well protected. Just like brother El’zaphan. It took another twenty-seven years before the first volume of photographic edition was released for publication. Nine more volumes were to emerge over the next five years. In 1977 the first complete, English language edition was published in the United States. Perhaps it was meant to be that way? We have now reached a stage in the history of the world when the whole of the human race as a body, or at least a large majority of people of every kind and of every race, are ready for the Second Coming of the Christ.... it is beginning to happen.... (it) is taking place now in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people. (1) “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you” (2) It would seem that the time is ripe for the next step in the development of the human psyche, or as the Bible prefers to call it, the human soul. About fifteen years ago, I came across some books written by the late Emmet Fox. I read them avidly. Later, I spent a good many years trying to find out if anyone had taken up the work, which Emmet Fox had began. I could find no one. I began looking for a dictionary that would explain to me the symbolism, which, according to Emmet Fox, served to conceal or rather to protect the mysteries of Truth and Wisdom, perhaps from those who might want to destroy them as heresy. The experience of Nag Hammadi had proven that whoever had chosen to leave over 3000 words of the King James Version of the Bible untranslated, must have done so for a good reason. I have not the slightest doubt, that if orthodox religions had the key to Biblical Symbolism, all the volumes would have been destroyed long ago as heresy. Or altered beyond recognition. Orthodoxy demands conformity and obedience and doctrinal conformity defines the orthodox faith. Effulgent diversity defines Divine creation. The two are at odds. I have no degree in theology nor a doctorate in Divinity, though I had been offered the latter title, for $10 U.S. by post, when I visited Florida in 1982. I also lay no claims to divine revelations, though I believe that we all serve as channels through which the Divine reveals Itself to us. I do claim to have read a number of books and done some considerable research which, I hope, will serve the reader to look beyond the letter of the law and recognize the spirit thereof. I offer no more than a few brief examples of the manner in which the Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism can be used, or applied to the original Biblical text. The examples are to serve as illustrations of how symbolism can be applied to unravel the allegories, and to increase our understanding of the original authors’ intent. In my opinion the Dictionary works. Whether it will work for all the Books of the Bible, I have no idea. If not, I hope the readers will contribute additional information, which will augment and complement the work I have done to date. I firmly believe that anyone who lays claim to possessing the final key to the total wisdom hidden in the Bible is both presumptuous and absurd. After all, those who will venture on this exciting journey of discovery should bear in mind that the Bible (Gk. biblos, a book) had been written by and for ancient people, living mostly in the Orient, under very different conditions and needs to ours and, perhaps most of all, for people who could neither read nor write. The Books had been written in the ancient languages of Hebrew and Greek, the first of which did not even make use of vowels, as we know them, and the second of which few of the present day Greeks can understand. Furthermore, the Truth, or the deeper sense that the authors intended to convey, is hidden behind symbol, while the allegories are typical of their time, their customs and their spiritual needs. It has been said that Truth is One for all time. I have no intention to dispute this thesis but, if so, than I am sure that it must be constantly rediscovered. It is my contention, however, that there is Secret Knowledge in the biblical writings. Furthermore and in spite of innumerable difficulties, the Truth seems to flow in great abundance to him, or her, who takes the trouble to look beyond the obvious. All too often the principle problem seems to lay not in the translation or the etymological origin of the word per se, but rather in our inability to rise above the belief in our own limitations to cope with such problems. But most of all, we seem to refuse to let go of our established mindset, our preconceived ideas.   Of one thing I am certain. Should we put as much effort into the pursuit of Truth, biblical or otherwise, as we do into almost any other facet of our day to day existence, we would advance on the scale of spiritual evolution at the same pace as we presently advance in physics, or chemistry, or medicine, or any branch of pure or applied sciences.

Body symbolizes physical consciousness, our conscious awareness, or the state of mind of which our (physical) body is a reflection  [In a broader sense, the “Body” also symbolizes the individualization of Soul. In more developed states of consciousness, such as the Body of Christ, It symbolizes the conscious awareness of I AM, the Higher Self].

Kapuscinski (aka Stan I.S. Law), Stanislaw. Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism (pp. 101-102).  

Reference made in Psalm 23

In this post I wanted to Introduce Stanislaw's Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism together with very recent references used in the last few posts.

As you can see, finding individual words is quite easy... parable, talent, God

I was using an ebook version which makes it even more simple to search and find the particular words needed to provide guidance, as needed.

Re the Intro material

I have reviewed only one of the books that had been found as described.

The Book of Thomas Who Recorded the Words of Jesus.

As Usual, Look to the Right, Search on Title

Watch for a full review of this extraordinary book

in near future...

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