Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dinosaur, Dinosaur Had a Farm and Other Barnyard Rhymes by Danielle McLean - A New Addition to Avi's Personal Library - With a Very Surprising Guest!

Well, it's spring cleaning time and I'm trying to do as much as I can...during commercials...LOL... and Reading! Note that Colors are NO LONGER Working so I'm hoping that it is back soon!

We all know the song, don't we? Old MacDonald Had a Farm... But what if... another animal bought the farm?! And MacDonald actually was MacDino!

So first children will read the original song where Farmer Dino Had the Farm! Get the idea... You'll remember the words, won't you? Well, if not, the words are there just as usual for the cow and the pig... You know...mooing along and oinking in response! Cool, right... It's just MacDino owns the farm now!

But then the poem or song begin to changes to Mary had a little lamb so here's how that one goes to give readers a chance to learn how to change the few words. Ready?!

Dino had a little lamb

Dino had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.

Everywhere that dino went, the lamb was was sure to go.

He followed her to school one day which was against the rule

It made the dinos laugh and play and play to see a lamb at school!


Now what you'll find out as you read is that there are multiple dinosaurs, some are boys and some are girls...and their colors go along with the song sometime like with Little Dinosaur Blue... You remember that song? Little Dinosaur Blue come blow your horn! And, guess what, there is a Little Brontosaurus! 

This book cover is soft, easy to hold, the pages are harder cardboard which will be easier to turn for smaller fingers and also prevent damage...  The back cover says that this book is made up of traditional childhood songs--with just a Dino Twist! I liked that Twist, very much and am looking forward to sharing it with my great-nephew, Avery! I recommend it for all of your older childrens!

And now for our surprise guest(?)!

And here's a song from the Greatest Shepherd--Farmer of All! Have YOU taught your children how to sing it?

God Bless


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