With the help of my great-niece, Rachel, I've been able to learn and take some photos with my phone... So this article is dedicated to those activities and more about my home life...
One of the nicest thank you's from an author came for my review of Doggie Delicious... Click over if you haven't read it... Mary Jo lives on a hobby farm and one of the pleasures you can find if you visit there are beautiful peacocks... Sooooo, I got a small envelope and when I opened it, here's what I found: Peacock Feathers, which I promptly turned over to #1 photographer in family, who then experimented with color shading outside and showing some of my exterior statuettes and furniture... The feathers, however, are safely inside enjoying their new setting...

Striper was one of my special feline friends I lost last year...She was beginning to look bad and was getting special attention with milk and food on the dining table, where I never eat! LOL
I lost Ricci recently... She had been with me almost since I had moved to the cabin. Her mother, Billy, was staying at the cabin and promptly delivered many more to welcome me! Haven't been without cats since then! Both Ricci and Striper were inside cats and I still miss them!
My only roomie now is Rachel but she is one of those cats who wants to stay close...she sure stops me from feeling lonely at any time!
,Sooooo, that's about it for now...finishing with sharing my one...and only...Selfie... Yikes! Of course I'm sitting in my favorite reading chair in the corner of the cabin living room... 'nuf said...
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