Friday, November 11, 2011

Warrior's Song Cries Out To Each Of Us! Listen!

vision questImage by AlicePopkorn via Flickr
"a 'Vision Quest,' they called it. These young boys would isolate themselves
for a period of time and pray they would receive a vision to chart the course
of their lives. The boys who participated in it would come back as men--
as warriors..."

Warrior's Song

  By Thomas M. Hill

When you read that this book is the "first in a four-part series that documents some of the most formative years in Parker's life as he crosses the great threshold into adulthood," you may immediately think it is a typical coming-of-age story...NOT... Thomas M. Hill's bio states that he is "an avid student of philosophy, history, politics, and social science." Indeed this first novel has a literary flair that merges this knowledge effectively into his fictional storyline!

Do you believe in destiny? Do you think an individual can be "called" for a specific purpose? I must admit that as I got involved with this story, I began to hypothesize what Parker Shaw might ultimately be at the end of the series. I found, I automatically began to wonder about his becoming president of the United States...and what an individual might be like as a president who was fulfilling his "destiny."

Would he be the "best ever" leader of our country? Or, would he fail having to deal with "the likes of us" here in America... I admit I was intrigued to consider the...possibility...

Parker Shaw is 20 when we enter his life. He is a student at the University of Virginia, in government. His father was a lawyer and his older brother became a lawyer as well and his family has been pushing him to follow in that path.

His personal interests have never led him to automatically follow so when he has a dream and then several other, shall we say, other-worldly experiences, he begins to really consider what his future holds for him.

Leaving school only meant that he would have a short summer before he returned to the University of Virginia, the school that had been established by Thomas Jefferson, a man for whom Parker had great respect.
He had shared with his family about taking a Native American history class and learning of how some tribes considered it was a rite of passage for young men to go off into the wilderness for a while and just try to survive the best way they could with no food or water--that he wanted to do something similar. His father, however, was firm that he at least go for the interview at the Washington, D.C. firm. But there in Washington, he went to visit with The Thomas Jefferson Monument. He spoke as if talking to his mentor about all that he had learned, the teachings of Plato, whose words had made such an impression on him--as well as had Jefferson's. So many thoughts ran through his mind as he looked up to Jefferson's face and spoke of wanting to be like Lewis and Clark that Jefferson had sent out.

And as he thought, perhaps a form of prayer, he suddenly knew that he was supposed to go...

When he left the monument that day, he immediately met a fellow U.Va. classmate and adventurer extraordinaire, Sam Lukas, who was also a government major. Sam would become Lewis's Clark as they set off that summer...

As they traveled, Parker began to share about his vision of being a young Indian man...who had been killed by American soldiers... It was when they discovered that they could pinpoint exactly where the young Indian had died, that they knew they must find that spot. When they did, an older Indian told Parker that he had been waiting for him a long time...

Travel with a young man on his very own quest that, actually, followed his vision! A man following his destiny!
It may just be the path you may some day choose for yourself.

This book is so very inspirational. There are many young men in the United States who will study for and enter government activities at some time in their lives. They may have taken the same classes as Parker and Sam, but will they have the same drive, the need to reach out and know even more. If you have a teenage son, or daughter, looking toward college, I highly recommend this book be read by the entire family. Hill writes fluently from what he had studied, but more importantly merges his own personal philosophy that has undoubtedly evolved, and shares it with us as we each strive for success in today's world. This literary gem is undoubtedly the first in what will become a treasure of conceptual thinking and insight that will surely spark new enthusiasm in the lives of each and every reader. Don't miss the opportunity!

Book Received
Via Reviewers Roundup

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  1. Great review. Sounds a fascinating book.

  2. Thanks Sheila, I think you would indeed enjoy since you have a son...

