Saturday, December 19, 2009

Review: IVD An Exciting Madcap Thriller!


By Greg Przywara
Eloquent Books
ISBN: 9781608601301
141 Pages

Greg Przywara has a successful future ahead of him in my opinion. With an exciting cover, IVD shares today's world in a madcap, explosive way--literally! Yet the main character is able to retain his basic integrity, at least during most events. Which is hard, since...

Mark Crizlanek is just an ordinary guy. He's a cashier at a local store where the formal but loose environment places him in difficult situations. He doesn't care that pressure is on the supervisor to keep a bad employee on--all he knows is that he constantly causes him trouble. Especially when he must endure a similar situation at home, only the players are different--his money-hungry wife and her dog!

His only happiness is the friendship of another employee, Crystal. But one day she asked if he would mourn her if she were dead, a weird kind of question. Except that, soon after that, she was. And so was their supervisor.

And Mark was the number one suspect based upon the lies told by, you guessed it, the bad employee!

Depending upon how you look at it, Mark was saved by the appearance of an old buddy who was willing and able to support him--sure he was, by helping him escape from a prison bus, introducing him to a high school killer and getting him involved with mob enterprises! As a hitman!

Of course, using him as a hitman in this case was possible; no weapon needed. An IVD would be used.

What is an IVD? Think DVD "garnished" with just a touch of powerful explosives...

Seriously, there is more action in this book than in many others, but there is one big difference, the chosen characters for all this action makes for times when you don't know whether to laugh at their ineptitude or to just go along for the thrilling ride! It's fairly hard to become sympathetic for a young murderer, yet somehow you do, especially when he actively works to help Mark through the nightmare in which he's been thrown.

Mark's one goal through all this was to find the man who had murdered Crystal. Who knew he loved her?! But through all that he went through, I never would have guessed what happened to Mark. A great ending for this multi-genre novel that will undoubtedly find many readers who will thoroughly enjoy what just might happen to change the life of a mild-mannered ordinary guy...

IVD by Greg Przywara is highly recommended for those who find enjoyment in having no idea where and how a novel is going to take you! I thoroughly enjoyed it! Cool!

G. A. Bixler

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