Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How to Be Alone, YouTube Sensation, Becomes Beautiful Book! Poem by Tanya Davis; Illustrations by Andrea Dorfman...

"If you are at first lonely, be patient.
"If you've not been alone much, or if when you were, you weren't okay with it,
"then just wait. You'll find it's fine to be alone, once you're embracing it...

How to Be Alone
Poem by Tanya Davis
Illustrations by Andrea Dorfman

Soooo, why publish a book that has already been seen and heard nearly 6 million times? Well, we all know why, of course... At least readers do! Books are special! And if it is beautifully created, full of colorful pictures to match and merged with beautiful words, then all the better! It's easy to carry with you, it's a book that is perfect as a gift--maybe for a teenager, or an older child... And maybe even for a special older person you know... You'll know who might be the person who will read and cherish it...and keep near them for reading over and over. 

Sure, the video is fantastic, but, sometimes, when you seek silence as part of being alone, a book is so much better, don't you think? You can pick it up, stop and think about what has been said or throw it on the bed, thinking you can't possibly do what has been suggested--like, going dancing by yourself?! Yuk, not me--that's a stupid idea...

But if you love to dance, you might, just might walk over to your closet and check out what you'd wear, and what shoes you have to go with that outfit... 

And if you talk yourself out of that idea, at least that first time, then you can flop down again on your bed, pick up the book and continue reading. You can hold that book in front of you, maybe at the same time you look in the mirror, asking yourself, could I really do this???

You will have listened to the poem above, so I'm not going to spend too much time telling you about the story, but I did want to highlight one special part, at least for me: "Take silence and respect it."

I am content when I'm alone and the song, by Simon and Garfunkle, the Sounds of Silence, was one of the ways I learned about how wonderful, and useful, silence can be. Some people love music, and play it all the time. But, if you take the time when you are alone, to shut out all noise, you just may experience a new peace and calmness... Listen to the words... I changed the first phrase many years ago to sing, "Hello Silence, my old friend, I've come to talk to you again." Sure, darkness can be calming, but I found it was the silence that helped me...and I'm never lonely...

If you get lonely, or know somebody who seems to want to be around somebody all the time, but their circumstances prevent it, this book just might be the perfect gift... The inside artwork is extraordinary. Each page is a colorful eyeful, with a chosen colored background that blends and highlights the pictures on each page--very much like the cover! 

Readers will see that it's aimed at girls, but, I'm not sure that would prevent boys or older adults from enjoying the book. I know I did... There's a lot of insight into the value of learning the difference between being alone and being lonely. For some, they might be confusing the two and this book will help to better understand how important it is to be able to be alone and to embrace it. Here's a wonderful statement: "But alone is a freedom that breaths easy and weightless, and lonely is healing if you make it." It is obvious that the author perhaps learned her words through personal experience... If not, her touching poetic story certainly will speak to those who open their hearts and minds to listen or read it...

This book will be released on October 22nd but can be pre-ordered. Go to the top and listen to this poem again... I think that as you listen, you will picture somebody in your family or one of your friends who is important to you...and someone you want to help understand about being alone. It just may be the one book that helps that individual through an important part of her or his life.

The back cover points out that it is also "For those who have never been by themselves, or for those who relish being on their own... and "encourages us to recognize and embrace the possibilities of being alone--and reminds us of a universe of joy, peace, and discovering! I agree!

Highly recommended. 

Tanya Davis is a Canadian singer-songwriter-poet. Since bursting onto the Halifax music scene in 2006 with her debut, "Make a List," Tanya has garnered praise from the music industry, her audience, and her peers, as well as multiple award nominations including the 2009 ECMA Female Recording of the Year for her sophomore release, "Gorgeous Morning."
Andrea Dorfman works as a filmmaker, animator, cinematographer, and artist. A graduate of McGill University and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, she has directed two feature films, "Parsley Days" (2000) and "Love That Boy" (2003), as well as numerous short films including the Emmy Award-nominated animation "Flawed" (2010).

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