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Friday, June 15, 2012

This Callinan Thriller May Be The Answer You've Sought For the Future?

A stone angel at the back of the St. Peter and...
..."The first phase would end when a book was written recounting his odyssey. This book...the angels had told him, would alert the world to Paul's story and this would trigger a chain of events that would elevate his journey and raise the stakes. Paul would then meet more powerful people...He would be changed by this process and be subject to mental, spiritual and physical dangers as he evolved to the point where he would be able to understand the words of the new world savior...
Paul knew little about this person except that he was now around fifteen years of age and could not read or write. He would not be linked to any religion or creed. In fact, his emergence would see many religions go the way of the dinosaurs. They would finally have served their purpose and be reborn within a  new collective spiritual era..."

A stone angel at the back of the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

An Angel On My

By David Callinan

Was it all just a dream? Of the author? Or, of the main character Paul?

The author calls The Angel on my Shoulder a spiritual adventure... I think I would have said, a spiritual nightmare! Although I must admit, that the author seems to be somewhat like myself—always questioning, never accepting anything as the final version, the final fact...

This novel won’t be for everybody. It is deep, bordering into the unknown spiritual realm, and includes some parts where readers might get totally lost in the complexity. In my opinion, that is to be expected in a novel that is meant to both entertain and teach. When I found parts that I wasn’t sure I understood, I read them but didn’t worry about meaning—there is either further explanation included, or I knew there were ample resources available to learn more.

After all, this was Paul’s adventure, not mine...

Let me just say that Paul did have an angel with him at all times, but there were many more he met—they were to be his teachers in his development, preparing him to meet the new world savior... His mission was to write this book...
They claimed that Paul was one of them...

Paul thought that he may be slowly going out of his mind...

But he was able to hold it together so that his wife and children did not notice anything major...he had always been introverted and somewhat withdrawn...


All of the communication between those angels took place inside his head telepathically...(or as created by him, if he was indeed crazy) He didn't know which...

Most of us have some type of connection to a formal religious group...many to a church where they go to learn or worship. Some religions use angels with wings to represent the beings called by that name. But none of us could know, be sure, of their true image...Will, indeed, we retain body form in the hereafter? Is there a hereafter?

Many have become disenchanted with the formal structure of the church. There are many reasons for that to have occurred, given the wars, sex scandals and political power issues we see...

There are also many, like the author, who have studied Metaphysics (Metaphysics is a type of philosophy or study that uses broad concepts to help define reality and our understanding of it.) and other forms of religions beyond their own to try to understand...Not only does the author demonstrate great skill, experience, and intelligence in his writing, in this novel, readers will see that he also has done much research and study in these areas beyond what the normal individual has studied... I certainly am one of those who gained knowledge from the novel, although I would question one angel's role in Paul's life--the one who used pain to teach. I cannot accept that premise--but then again, I didn't have to. Interestingly, however, when Paul's adventures begin against the evil of this do somewhat understand...

Most readers have enjoyed thrillers where good fights humans... Ruby Moon-Houldson is an author I have read extensively that writes thrillers where most of the characters are supernatural. I am sure you could name many others. I had not read anything like Callinan's however, where the mind was used as the location setting for much of the activities. No wonder the main character had such a hard time accepting that all that was occurring was outside his own mind!

Now, I must say that I was totally into Callinan's description of the "new world savior"... One that was not tied to "any" of the known world religions... I think many of us have "been there; done that" and don't accept the separation of people by what some religious book has told them to do... What about you?

Callinan's novel is provocative, discouraging, encouraging--it is complex and sometimes beyond understanding in the metaphysical area. It is scary ridiculous...and inspiring... I think that's why I was impressed that the author created a "doubting" main character, for only as Paul explored his thoughts and actions are we, the readers, able to also explore and watch through his adventures. It doesn't whether if you get interested in the concept--no matter what, An Angel on My Shoulder is a thrilling adventure!

A truly intriguing book. Do you dare to test your own beliefs like Paul? Highly Recommended if you're willing!


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