Saturday, September 7, 2024

Crusader: A Catholic Action Horror Novel - St. Tommy N.Y.P.D. Book 5 - by Declan Finn


Kommissar Berger simply stood there, hands in his pockets. A small smile played out on the corner of his lips. “Can anyone join this party? Or is it invite only?” “Depends. You want to play?” I asked. “Or shut us down?” Berger rolled his eyes, reached past us both, and grabbed another shotgun, a sidearm, and went straight to stuffing magazines into his pockets. He took the trunk, slammed it down, and turned towards us. “Are you coming?” I waved him through. “After you.” He racked the gun to feed the magazine. “Danke.” As we made our way back to the manner house, Pearson asked, “What brought you out after us?” Berger spared him a glance. “Right now, there are dozens of politzei tearing apart the local corruption. Once they get someone to break, it will take hours for a tactical team to get together. Even assuming that this group of Jihadi psychopaths hear nothing about their protection system falling apart, they could sacrifice dozens of women between now and the time the politzei get their act together.” Pearson and I exchanged a look behind Berger’s back. “You think that Gaiman was telling the truth about sacrifices?” Berger tossed a glance over his shoulder at me. “I’m certain that Gaiman believes it. It may even be that sacrifices are happening. Do I believe in actual demons? If I did, I’m not sure I could do the job. Though I have faked multiple faiths, depending on who the suspect hates the most.” 
We came at the manor house from the side. The woods on that end were thick, and provided plenty of cover, straight to the house itself. But we didn’t want to try for the front door. If someone didn’t have that rigged with a Claymore mine, Berger, Pearson and I would all be surprised. I helped Berger up to the window on the side of the house. He had no problem with opening the window and sliding in. He reached out and helped us in. The first room looked like a small den. Bookcases went clear to the ceiling. There was an office desk up against the windows. My shotgun was up and ready. I cautiously slid up to the door and pressed my ear against it. There were no sounds. I cracked the door open. No one to the right of it. I swung the door open, cleared right, then swung left. There were six armed men casually walking down the brightly lit hallway, chatting amicably. Their fezzes were marked with the Swastika, but the rest of their clothing was casual. Boom went my shotgun. The first two went down without even realizing what happened. I racked and fired again. Ch-ch,boom. I stepped out of the door, charging into them. Ch-ch,boom. Ch-ch,boom. The last man standing barely had his hand on his sidearm when I leaped for him. Driving my elbow into his face. Every door in the hall in front of me opened. Every man who poked his head out held a weapon. Crap. I put my right shoulder up against the wall opposite the den we’d entered and backpedaled, firing at any target I saw. Berger was on one knee in the doorway, firing with his sidearm. Pearson was above him, firing with the AK-47. They covered as I came back and threw myself through the den door. “I think we’re screwed,” Berger said as we closed the door and dropped one of the bookcases to barricade it. 
I grabbed my phone and dialed. When I heard the click, I said, “Dreidel dreidel dreidel, that I made out of clay. Dreidel dreidel dreidel, dreidel I shall play.” Berger looked at me like I had lost my mind, singing a children’s tune in the middle of a shootout. I slipped the phone away and said, “Everyone, behind the desk. We’ll need cover.” The door exploded with bullets ripping through it. They kicked open part of the door. Then they shot through the bookcase we dropped in front of it. The three of us returned fire, into the doorway and just on either side of it. Pearson and I used the AK rifles. Berger used the shotgun from time to time, wanting a better shot than just blindly firing into the hall. A grenade rolled into the den. “Grenade!” Berger called. The windows to the side of the den blew in as a shape crashed through. It was long-limbed and spindly. It was built along the line of a department store mannequin but fast and mobile. It scooped up the grenade and spun in one motion, throwing it into the hallway. It exploded, scattering the men outside. Fresh men came in moments later, and smacked right into the shape. It grabbed a gun and bent the barrel back, one-handed. Ripping the gun away, it punched into the man’s throat at the same time. It took the gun and threw it so hard, it embedded itself in another terrorist’s face. Ch-ch. It shot forward and deflected the gun with one hand as it spun backwards, the heel of its foot kicking the Jihadi off of his feet. It came to its feet, grabbed a terrorist, and drove a knee into his stomach. Without resetting the foot, it mule-kicked into an approaching gunman, kicking the gun away. It whirled and hurled the gunman aside, sending him crashing into his backup. 
Berger watched the whirlwind of chaos and destruction. “What the fuck was that?” It was why angels had not clamored to our side. God had granted me either a little foresight or a lot of luck. It only occurred to me when I met Adara’s grandfather—a Rabbi of Prague. He had the key to an ancient secret. Back in the hospital room in Prague I had said one word to Adara’s grandfather, Rabbi Weil. He nodded, and I told Lena to tell him how many we needed. “As many as possible.” That word harkened back to a mythology in Jewish folklore. It referred to a protector of the Jewish Ghetto specific to Prague. It was what I said to Berger right now. That word was “Golem.”

I don't know about you, but when I think of horror, immediately I think back to the many horror movies I was scared to watch, but did, on television. At some point, unless I was specifically asked to review a book, I avoided movies after I saw The Exorcist. Until Declan Finn came into my life... Check to the right to see my review of the first book in this series. I wish I had the time to read all that I missed, but maybe some day in the future... In the meantime, I have a few words to say about this book! Supernatural! Religious/ancient myths, demons, Thriller, Living Saint... Wow, Fantastic, Unbelievably realistic...

Finn has been writing many years... So if you enjoy Horror, with a twist of religious beings, do search for "Declan Finn" in the blog search because I've review his first trilogy...and quite a few more...

By the Way, let's start with a phrase that many of you may recognize: "Pray Without Ceasing..." See how it is done in the following fight scene! Our main character has some fantastic God-given skills--unbelievable ones-- but in this book, he needed help... No, Not our Super Hero Iron Man - Just Think - Golem!

Jesus Christ protects and defends me with the power of His Holy and Divine Grace. I drove my right fist into the back of the dragon’s head, then stomped on it. Jayden detached her own head, regrew one, and slashed, taking another leg. The Virgin of Nazareth covers me with her sacred and divine mantle, protecting me in all my dolors and afflictions. Instead of regrowing the leg, I fell on Jayen’s back. My right leg wrapped around her throat as my hands ripped the wing from her body and tossed it aside. Her tail whipped around to choke me, but she forgot that the golem mech didn’t need to breathe. And God, with His Divine Mercy and great power, is my defender against the evils and persecutions of my enemies. I shifted the clay in my hands to become like blades. I grabbed the base of her tail and closed in, slamming both blades to meet in her flesh. The fire that poured from the wound burned the hands off and scorched the face plate. Glorious Saint George, in the name of God, extend to me your shield and your powerful arms, defending me with your strength and your greatness— I kneed Jayden in the spine, and I heard a crack. She roared and rolled us both over, flattening trees, paths, fences, fountains, and statues as we pummeled one another. And may my enemies underneath your feet become humble and submissive to you. I punched her in the throat. So Be it in the Power of God— She clawed my mech’s face off. —of Jesus Christ and of the Divine Holy Spirit. I ripped her arm off and clubbed her with it. Amen. I found myself grabbing naked flesh with my own hands and threw Jayden off me. She staggered away in her succubus form, bat wings smaller than before. I was mobile but unsteady on my feet. The clay of the golems once more reformed around me, the armor light but strong. Gauntlets formed over my fists. A helmet formed around my skull. My entire body felt invigorated. The golem clay had reformed into divine powered armor. I suddenly had a quick image of Robert Downey, Junior saying "I! Am! Golem Man!, followed by a Black Sabbath guitar riff," but I pushed it away. I launched myself at Jayden, my fist driving her back, staggering. Her hands ignited with unholy black flame. I shot in, grabbed her wrist, and wrenched it into her own face. She screamed horribly before she put out the fire. Jayden kicked off me and launched into flight, back towards the house. She’s going back to the pit. If she gets the pillar of fire started again, and recharges, then we have to do this all over again. I readied myself to sprint after her, then paused. There was a deliberate gap in the gauntlet. On the finger of my right hand, the Soul Ring was opened and exposed. It’s a weapon, I thought. It had done in the corrupt London cop who tried to kill me, as well as the two British bigwigs who had tried to destroy London. I pointed my fist at Jayden’s back and thought about a laser putting a hole through her wing. The Soul Ring leaped to action. The jewel glowed white for an instant before firing off a quick line of energy, like a Star Wars blaster. It cut right through Jayden’s wing. She screamed in pain, then in fear as the ground raced for her. She hit with a wet thump. She unsteadily rolled to her feet and ran for the mansion. Screw it, I thought. We can catch her. I was already off at a run before my next thought was Who’s We? I was only a few feet behind Jayden as she made a running leap from the front steps of the manor house and into the hole where the main staircase used to be in the front room. I reached the same stairs and made the same leap. Much to my surprise, with the power of the clay armor, I all but flew from the bottom front step into the hole where the concrete stairs used to be. Jayden was only ten feet ahead of me and running for the portal. Without thinking, I fired the Soul Ring from the hip. I put a hole in Jayden’s right hip. She screamed and fell to the floor. She held the wound with her right hand. With her left, she reached out to crawl towards the raised platform, which, much to my surprise, was still there. Also to my surprise was the neat little man in the neat little suit, standing on the platform by the statue of Asmodeus. “Don’t bother, Jayden,” he said calmly. “He’s got you.” Jayden cried out on pain and fear. “No! No!” I stepped forward casually and calmly. Normally, I would consider arresting a perp in her condition. But there would be no way to stop her by human means. I reached down and took her arm. “Let me help you up.” Jayden looked at me in startled confusion. So did the man on the platform. She took my hand, and I raised her to her feet. I grabbed her by both shoulders and carried her so her naked behind could sit on the edge of the platform. My clay-covered hands locked to her wrists as effectively as any handcuffs. “The way I see it,” I told her, “we have two options. We talk to the Vatican, and we keep you in the secret archives next to the Ark of the Covenant—” “That’s at the bottom of the Mediterranean,” the man in the suit corrected me. I gave him a look. He merely shrugged and waited for me to continue. “Or, you get sent back.” Jayden smirked at me and spat in my face mask. “To Hell with you, saint. I would rather spend my last days of existence in the darkest, foulest corners of Hell then let you try to exercise mercy with me.” The man in the suit calmly interjected, “Which is exactly what awaits her.” “I spit on you and all your kind. You! You who were allowed a choice. To serve or to rule. We get to serve, or we are damned. Damn you for your mercy. Damn you for your freedom. Damn you for—” I punched my right fist in her chest and fired the Soul Ring into where her heart should have been. I left a hole big enough to put my arm through. Jayden’s mouth hung open, her eyes wide in shock. She struggled for breath, but couldn’t draw in any. “Go home,” I said gently, then let go of her wrists. Jayden slowly slumped back into the hole she created, and fell into the abyss. Without Jayden as the conduit, the concrete platform rebuilt from the edges, kaleidoscoping shut. There was the gentle sound of applause off to the side. The man in the suit clapped his delicate hands together. “Very well done, she didn’t even see it coming.” I gave him a look and was about to ask him who he was and why he was still unscathed… but then I saw that he was within two circles. One of them was of chalk. The other of them was of salt. The circles went around both him and the statue of Asmodeus. I looked at him and took a step back. “Yes. That’s right. They summoned me a few months ago and had no problem just leaving me here to consult.” “I thought she said that Asmodeus was going to rise within the hour.” The demon Asmodeus shrugged. “She was less literal. I’m not physical yet, Detective Nolan. I’m just … here.” From behind me, a voice called down, “Tommy! Are you all right?” I called over my shoulder, “Right here, Pearson. But I think you’re needed down here. We have to get rid of—” Asmodeus raised his hand. “Ah ah ah! Wait. You can use me, you know. I know things. I know many things. I know who your cult served. I know what’s coming next.”

Finn's creative genius continues to amaze me. His research and exploration of the types of horrible creatures/demons that have been identified by name/type for centuries is comprehensive. I stopped when I first started reading because of a female being in the role of evil--at that time, I wasn't able to read on. Too much had happened to women in America during the last near-decade. But later, remembering that I had already known about the female succubus, I was ready to read on... When you're writing horror, female versus male matters little when you're fighting evil...

So if you have not heard of this writer, let me be clear. His Horror is, for me, better than S. King. Why? Because of his main characters who are always on God's side! And, this writer does an excellent job in ensuring every single sentence is handled in a reverential manner, while exhibiting the magnificent power of God--think "Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20-21."

On a tour bus to Munich, Germany, a young girl, small even for her age, was among those passengers when the bus was stopped. Adara had been in the bathroom and listened as the monsters took control. Would they bypass looking in the bathroom. She pulled herself into the tiniest spot and held her breath, fearing even to breathe. And she waited, but then after it had been quiet for some time, "Click-Thump Click-Thump" and then she heard it stop near her. Suddenly a hand grabbed her ankles and dragged her away!

Back in Tennessee, Tommy had been awakened by his wife, calling that "her water had broken." Actually, he was happy to hear that it was not a call for action into a work situation--no demon to fight! And he proceeded to get up and help the love of his life. He and Jeremy got her to the hospital and started the long wait. Three hours had gone by and then Grace Gabrielle Nolan was born... Thankfully, because he had soon received a call from the Vatican...

And his wife, and son, now enjoying the new addition to the family, simply said, "Go. Be Secret Agent Saint. Come back to us. Got it?”

Now, why he was led away was for a somewhat strange request (at least for we readers). An important witness was dead, cursed by those who can do such a thing... And they wanted Tommy to bring him back to life! Yes, you read that correctly. Did I not say that there is nothing impossible with God? Even Tommy wasn't sure that he could do it--and surely didn't know how to begin to think about doing it! The ADA Carlton had a logical mind and decided that it could be done... Three days later, the witness walked into the courtroom to testify... And, Tommy admitted that all he had to do was pray for an hour, saying Please, Please quite often... You see, when a curse is placed on somebody, as his son spoke knowingly, “God does not let people die from demonic infestation or curses. The only physical harm can be what God wills. If this is a curse, and this man died from it, it’s because God allowed it.” He paused, frowned, and added, “Or he was involved in occult stuff. It left him open to it.” Mariel nodded. “Right.” I should point out that Jeremy considers his father a superhero and loves to explore exactly what powers God has given him...

So, with that miracle taken care of...

Tommy's Vatican contact had already scheduled him on a flight to Munich... Where Adara had been captured and brought as requested...and where we will meet the latest villain that is to be vanquished:

Adara screamed as she was dragged out from under her chair. The kidnapper loomed over her as Adara was raised right off the bus floor. It was a woman. A stunning, darkly beautiful woman with blood-red stiletto boots and hair that looked like it was on fire. “My, aren’t you the tasty looking one?” she said. She licked her lips with her exceptionally long tongue. Adara knew something was wrong, but it didn’t click until the kidnapper licked her lips again. Her tongue was forked. Adara screamed. Her kidnapper rolled her eyes and strode out of the bus, carrying Adara by the ankle in one hand. 

People often say, "you can't make these things up..." Yet Declan Finn does it daily... 

Tommy is rarely alone, there is often a priest traveling with him, along with vials of holy water and all other weapons that have been blessed for a holy war...of gigantic proportions! At first, it was thought that a ring of human traffickers were at work. That would have been easy to deal with. But the woman, Jayden, was a villain who also had demonic powers which she used to bring about what she wanted most of all: Power... and More Power!

Frankly I enjoy reading fiction in which the good guys always win... And with St. Tommy N.Y.P.D. is involved, there is no doubt that, no matter who--or--what is acting against God's Children. They will not Win! If you agree... This latest is extraordinary in the supernatural aspect when God acts through one of His chosen saints... Enjoy!


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