Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Some Books Are Meant to be Read; Some Are Meant to be Experienced - Tears of Kindness: Finding Hope in the Shadows of the Past by Imran Usman

 Ethan had always been fascinated by human behavior, leading him to pursue a PhD in Psychology. Little did he know his own life would become a subject of study. After work, he used to write down his reflections on human behavior before sleep overtook him. Despite his credentials, he viewed himself as a lifelong student, learning from each experience. Now, that nightly writing felt like a distant memory, replaced by the bleakness of his prison cell. Years ago, he had penned a poignant truth: “Every person has a story to tell; we write our own narratives, or we become part of others’. But a story is only alive if it progresses. Villains, in their unpredictable actions, propel the narrative forward. While heroes represent goodness, it’s often the flawed villains who leave a lasting impact.” Ethan set down his pen, turning off the lights in a dim room filled with shadows of his past. Life continued outside, but tensions grew. Howard, once peaceful, was increasingly aggressive, and Dan's patience was wearing thin. “I can’t understand Howard’s change. He feels like a stranger,” Ethan thought. “Dan has been a father to me in every way that matters. Emily, my mother—this truth was clear from the start, despite them not being my biological parents.” At fifteen, Ethan had overheard a conversation about someone named Jack. The hushed tones revealed secrets he wasn’t meant to hear. Conflicted, he kept these thoughts to himself, grappling with his identity. “For years, I tried to figure things out alone. I could see the love Dan and Emily had for me; they were my real parents in every sense. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I was different. Howard had always known but never mentioned it.” As he reflected, memories of that evening returned. “Howard was shocked when I revealed I knew about our origins. He spoke of our birth mother, Elle, with fondness but labeled our father a coward for abandoning us. It was painful to hear, yet part of me longed for that connection.” In his solitude, Ethan vowed never to confront Jack. The hatred simmered for years, complicated by love for his adoptive parents. “I cherished the stories of Elle, feeling connected to her spirit, yet always refrained from speaking about Jack. That was a promise I intended to keep.”


Your little brother,


Love you always! P.S. I’m taking this butterfly with me. It doesn’t belong pinned in a book.

Let in death, I confide; let it run away and hide,

I will find you, searching every ocean’s tide.

Take it, as it may be my only pride,

My love grows, more purified,

Remember, the corners of eternity

 are shorter than your glide.

The heartbeats are my only guide.

If ever in my quest I turn blind,

I will find you still till I rest inside.

Let in death I confide; I will find you, 

even if I have to pluck away every tide.

We write our destiny. We can never blame it for all the miseries in our lives. Our actions shape our fate. Now, the question remains: was the arson at South Laron Street mere fate? The End...

When the author wrote to me about reviewing his book, he described it differently than the book description online where I bought it. Neither really address exactly what you will find if you choose to read this story. It was the title that drew me first. Kindness is an action, isn't it? Many around the world have shown that kindness is not something that is no longer to be taken for granted. Indeed, amidst the hatred, anger, and violence, it is hard to imagine that there is such a thing as kindness still in existence... Yes, we may see it between those who are close to us, yet we know that many do not even have a small act of kindness to brighten their days. Surely in war zones, kindness is not known at all. Rather those in power choose to fight, to kill, to murder those who are hated. It is hard to even distinguish between which side "hates" the most, yet call it some other name to obscure their true intent... You may find that, in reading this book, you will find it hard to distinguish what emotions are being reflected by the characters. But, is that the fault of the writer or the reader? Or perhaps both? If you try to say the writer cannot write, may I suggest that you be a little more kinder and start to reread this book. I did... Not because of the writing, but because there had been a break in my reading and in finishing the book, I found the names of characters had to be refreshed... So I turned to the beginning and started again... It's the first book that I felt needed to be really understood. There is a deeper message to be found, if you are a reader who wishes to work on the overall theme...

You see, it's about a butterfly

And a man who is not guilty, but was convicted of murder... During the execution, it took three times to take action to actually have him die. Was that a message that should have been considered by the officials? Or simply bad equipment? But somebody who had begun to question, went to his cell, which had been new whitewashed but found one scrawled message: “If only one knows how butterflies are born.”

Do YOU know how a butterfly is born? Could you have lived through such a transformation and made it seem as if you knew exactly why your life changed so dramatically? Or would you lament that you would rather have been your most beautiful self all of your life and had been cheated in some way in the past?

This is a story about two brothers who were born into a loving family. A man and a woman who had come to know each other intimately and felt such love that when their first child was born, they were thrilled, excited and loved their child who they named Howard. But, later, when she again became pregnant, she started having some problems. It was recommended that she go to another place for complete rest. In doing this, they, sadly, had to leave Howard with their best friends. Jack loved Elle so much that, when Ethan was born, and Elle didn't make it, Jack went to pieces. When Ethan was placed in his arms, Jack felt nothing, yet he could feel love only for his wife and the child was part of that last separation... When Jack went into a mental hospital, Ethan was sent to be with his brother and ultimately adopted parents...

For those who enjoy a twist, let me throw in what had happened earlier than even Jack and Elle's marriage. You see, Elle was involved with another boy. Jack looked on, loving Elle with all his heart, but not brave enough to even approach her. Until a tragic incident in which her lover was killed. Once they learned that and some time had passed,  Jack's best friend told Elle that Jack was interested in meeting her formally... And that led to their marriage and children... But at some point in Jack's life, he began to question whether destiny was in control and had it been, perhaps, that Elle rally shouldn't have married him?

While Jack is dealing with all the issues in his own life and the total loss of his family, if he couldn't get his act together, he learns that Ethan is close to death--his heart is defective and must be replaced if they can find a donor... And Jack's love bloomed alive for his youngest son and began to consider what he could do.. His decision was to give his life for his son! It took place in the hospital, where the doctors were in place to immediately operate. It was successful. But Ethan does not know where the heart came from...

Along with the family drama is a story about a rampant serial killer (or two?) who has the entire area afraid and fearful of being out alone. And a court scene. Each has a different name, but the officials saw that one individual had ended his reign, it seemed, at the time the next started...

Ethan becomes a doctor, while his older brother Howard often was in trouble and we even see that when Jack tried to visit, Howard spit on his face... At some point Ethan contacts Howard, hoping to help him move past his problems... They hugged and Ethan quickly wanted to offer him tea so they could talk... Talking so much, that the water boiled away and Ethan had to grab gloves to pull the pan away from the fire... He and a glove were burnt, yet Ethan turned around to his brother and started laughing, telling him that there'd be no tea. And both laughed even more...

It was those gloves that were to be the primary proof when Ethan was arrested, charged with murder...

As readers switch gears to the trial, investigations and more, Ethan is kept in solitary for protection since the crowds have stirred up the town and the media was saying they'd found the serial killer thankfully! It was there in prison that Ethan often thought about the butterfly, sometimes even thinking it was there with him. And, with nothing to do, he starts reading the writings of those who had occupied the cell in which he was kept... And he kept reading... And, suddenly, you, the reader, along with Ethan, will recognize that the story is being continued on the wall, filling in so much more than he had ever known... Yes, Jack's story was on that prison wall...

Elle had told Jack, when he bought a gun, that she didn't want it in their home. She believed that God will protect the family. Jack buried the gun to respond to his wife's desire... But it was later to be used once again... Now Ethan knew when and where it had been used the one and only time it was fired...

When love cannot be fully expressed, Tears of Kindness can be the first step forward to healing... Pain may ultimately be used to journey forward. And sometimes, a butterfly can be the messenger... Prepare yourself before you start reading... Watch for the butterfly when it appears... You, too, may read beyond the very last page...and beyond. Perhaps somewhere over the rainbow... where butterflies fly...

Have you experienced Tears of Kindness? This is a family drama under the shadow of murder, a story which you may never forget...


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