Friday, September 13, 2024

A Christian Case Against Donald Trump - Learning Something New About Barabbas - An Ongoing Discussion


I had to laugh somewhat when I opened today's video... The author, Patrick Kahnke as you have seen from the two videos in the last post--is soft-spoken and humble. Dave Johnson, with whom he is interacting is an extrovert who uses his bodily movements to emphasize his words, and is freely giving his personal opinions of the story of the Passover as celebrated by Jesus... Both men have a message to tell!

But, even then, as Johnson told the story, and began to compare MAGA to Christians, he didn't point out what I had found as most important in that comparison... It is learning WHY Barabbas had become criminally involved...  He was an Insurrectionist!
In Matthew 27:16 Barabbas is called a “notorious prisoner.” In Mark 15:7, echoed in Luke 23:19, he was “in prison with the rebels who had committed murder during the insurrection” against the occupying Roman forces.Jul 30, 2024 just like Trump! 

Folks,  I went out to get a "standard" video of January 6th and found the following one instead. Please be aware that this disgraceful situation in America is exhibited in the first part of the video before a third pastor started speaking. It is so bad, that afterward I wanted to close my eyes to try not to remember all the hate spewed from young men, especially. Now I know why we are really in trouble and, as Kamala Harris said, the underdog. This is a fight like no other. It is NOT fiction. This is the reality of those who support Donald Trump. They want a time when... I don't even want to repeat it... If you don't want to view violent hate, don't watch it. Just accept that we MUST work to keep the republican candidate out of office! 

Getting back to the discussion of the book, I have to admit that the word Insurrection had been unknown to me prior to January 6th. Let's face it the average individual, living a Christian life, without too much involvement in governmental actions--like most Americans in the working class who had little extra time to listen to anything but the local news, I have only a peripheral knowledge of world news. Even studying US history, I don't remember insurrection being used in relation to the Civil War. Nevertheless, it is a stunning awareness, as described in the first video above, that even while Jesus was moving toward his death on the cross, the majority of people--including the religious people at that time--chose to free Barabbas, an insurrectionist, rather than the man who would die for us.

While you might have a response that this was God's plan all along, I, too, would be like Jesus who said at the end, Luke 22:42, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.” Because, of course, that is a human response just like we'd all have. But, Jesus knew why He was to die--to allow us to know Him--to know God and become a part of Him. And, yet, people at that time, chose Barabbas... And, now, another insurrectionist, who is working against God Himself, is attempting to become an Authoritarian leader who will then choose power over all of us... And, actually, I believe that as shown in Project 2025, there are many others who are far more intelligent than the narcissist Donald Trump, will work to enslave all Americans into their bidding. We WILL lose freedoms we've known in America... The freedoms that God Himself has given to us!

Think millions of criminals with different names, but once was named Barabbas... 

Most pastors whose books I've read, including by Kahnke, speak out against those who have brought religion into politics through Trump's election. Was it not those who were "religious" during the time of Jesus, who had initiated what had happened? Think about it, when Jesus found the sales and money-changers at the door of God's Temple, it was the one and only time that He grew angry and acted. Even then, religion became a part of the political arena as those who were religious where part of the crowds that chose Barabbas over Jesus to be freed...

And, for whatever reason(s), millions have once again chosen to bring religion back into politics. Have we not learned that Christ brought peace, truth and love to those He Died For? Will there always be those who choose a Barabbas to be free rather than Christ our Lord? In fact, most of my readers are aware that I'm presently writing a open Memoir--a Journal of my life while viewing the present period in America. This book, above the others, spoke to me as A Single Christian Woman and so, you all will find many of my personal thoughts as I and the author via videos, speak our truth... May God guide these discussions...

I'm going to continue, but I do recommend that if you are still undecided, as a Christian, about who to vote for in November, get this book! And if you didn't get to watch the Debate this week, check it out! And Make Sure You Plan to Vote!

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