Monday, December 4, 2023

Concerned About What's Happening in the World? One Writer, Roderick Edwards, Provides Help!


I tend to check out what a new writer who interacts with me in some way has been sharing...

Especially when he posts a book titled How to Overthrow a Government...but then, I went on to read his extended title: An Historical and hypothetical survey of revolution, civil and sedition. And then, I recognized 3 out of 4 of the pictures included on the cover. Some individuals who haven't discovered that you can't tell a book by its cover had reported this book (or perhaps some computer programmed to spotlight certain words tossed it out, I don't know). Nevertheless, it was removed...

My first reaction? If you are individuals who try to hide the truth of our history, then no wonder our country is in such a mess... Second, I wanted to read the book. I found it very informative. It is presented as would any individual who was researching his subject... Indeed, he purposely used Wikipedia, at the beginning, which most of us routinely use; and, in referencing his point, he included a link to where further information could be found if readers wanted to learn more. I felt this was an excellent inclusion by the writer...

Another comment before I review the content. Often an author will choose a "catchy" title in order to appear intriguing or eye-catching. At this point in America, this probably isn't a good idea... However, let me assure any potential readers: This book does not tell you how to overthrow the government. In fact, in the end, he showed that it was practically impossible in our nation...

The first question should be why a government should be overthrown.

Well, of course, my answer in relation to America, was that it should not be overthrown, even though our past president and his followers have been and clearly are continuing their efforts to do so...See why I wanted to read the book!

Uprising and revolt typically is messy and leaves everyone sullied. In hindsight, if the revolutionaries win, they can and often do rewrite history to make themselves look more honorable and noble than they were during the actual fight. But the reality is, they more than likely had to engage in dishonorable and unsavory tactics to achieve the goal. With this in mind, the prospective revolutionary must grapple with his or her conscience. Will they be able to live with themselves after the war is won? Whether it is seeing actual bodies strewn on the battlefield or the undeserved destruction of your enemy’s reputation, will you be able to live with yourself? And if you can, should you be able? Did you become a monster to remove monsters? Do the ends really justify the means?

When a writer takes the time to point out the, in my opinion, most important issue--the moral question-- then he will be working to share both pros and cons, and since this was right at the beginning, it showed that his intent may have been even more biased--to show that the morality issue should be foremost! I agreed...

So, idealistic concepts of an uncorrupted, “pure” society has always been a delusion. The just cause ends up being more of a “just because...”.

Certainly there are those in America who are, even now, being harrassed, threatened, and attacked in violence, even though innocent. Mr. Pelosi is a perfect example where an elderly man in his own home was attacked and seriously hurt... The reason? Just Because MAGA Talk against his wife was heard and he felt incited to act...

And then there are those three Palestinians who were gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving--coming from the three different colleges they were attending--only to have a white man come out of a neighboring house, with a gun, and start shooting. Was it because they were speaking a different language, they looked "different?" and therefore should be killed???!

Of course, the larger wars initiated by Hamas, Russia, and MAGA on January 6th are totally open in their reasons of hatred--to kill their enemy...

And, even thereafter, the republicans started to rewrite exactly what had happened on January 6th, even as Congress had tried to hold a congressional hearing where many republicans would not even respond to subpoenas! Yes, it is IMPORTANT to examine exactly how and when and why a government should or could be overthrown...

Civil war is defined as a “war between citizens of the same country” – Google Historically, civil wars break out when the ruling government attempts to impose something on either the people directly or upon a semi-sovereign region such as a state or province. This is exactly what happened during the American Civil War. When the federal government tried to force several states to change not only their position on slavery but also on their Constitutional right to secede from the “union”, these states rebelled. The civil war was less about citizens fighting amongst themselves and more about the stronger, a more organized federal government trying to disallow individual states their right to self-govern. As I say this, please understand I am not advocating for slavery. The civil war was not initially about slavery so much as it was about sovereignty. Until the American Civil War, most battlefield wars were fought as soldiers lined up on a field and each side would attempt to overwhelm the other until one retreated or surrendered and then it ended. The American Civil War was different in that it established total war, or total defeat where one side attempted to cut off supply lines, destroy cities, chase soldiers around the countryside and even employ the tactics of Guerilla warfare; where armed citizens fought soldiers. Many of these elements were present in previous wars but never so many of them in one conflict. While civil wars initially are contained to fighting between citizens of the same country, this doesn’t stop other countries from taking sides and support one or even both sides. The interests of the third-party country might be met by fomenting an arms race that it can supply or establishing a proxy nation once the winner has so enmeshed itself with the support of the outside nation that it becomes beholden to it. A history of the most pivotal civil wars bears out that civil wars became less about fighting between citizens and more about third-party involvement. 
It is sometimes beneficial for third-party nations to foment or encourage civil war among its neighbors. It prevents the nation engaged in civil war from becoming too powerful. It allows for the potential of arms sales from the third-party nation. It usually prevents the nation involved in civil war from uniting with other nations in the region. In this way, the third-party nation can somewhat controls the nation embroiled in civil war. Understanding this may help us realize why there has been so many “civil” conflicts in the world, especially in modern times when so many nations are interdependent on others. 
Cold War--A “cold war” is when conflict between the “warring” nations is either non-existent or minimal and is more about tension and competition between the nations. Perhaps the most infamous cold war was that between the United States and the U.S.S.R. also known as Russia. The cold war began almost immediately after the end of World War 2. USA and the Soviet Union had reluctantly worked together to defeat the Nazis. USA and Russia had conflicting political and social structures that would inevitably cause tension. U.S.S.R. was socialistic and authoritarian whereas America had always been capitalistic and freedom advocating. As the Soviet Union began to rebuild after World War 2, it began to expand its influence and territory; among which was the newly acquired eastern portion of Berlin Germany. America and its allies controlled the western portion of Berlin as per the agreement to divide the former territories of the Nazis. This geopolitical tension within Berlin is the epitome of the larger cold war tension that would exist between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. for almost the next fifty years. The cold war was like a chess game where the U.S. and the Soviet Union moved pieces around the globe which antagonized the other. This “game” came to a head when the Russians tried to move missiles into Cuba which is only 103 miles from Florida. While the U.S. already had missiles near Russia, this move would be the first time Russia would openly place weaponry this close to the U.S. The United States responded by blockading Cuba. As Russian ships approached the blockade, the potential for all out nuclear war increased. The situation was eventually averted when the Russians agreed to not attempt to place missiles in Cuba and remove the ones already there in exchange for the U.S. promising not to invade Cuba and to remove its missiles from Turkey which neighbors Russian territory. This encounter was pivotal in that both Russia and USA now understood they needed a “hotline” of communication between them so that future escalation could be defused. 
Like civil war, cold wars on smaller scales are often fomented between nations to destabilize them. This distrust and tension prevents cooperation which may be detrimental to a third-party nation. In fact, as the colonial European powers and especially Britain began to withdraw from nations occupied as territories, the powers would often divide the nation along ethnic lines which had the effect of precluding national unity. This is evident in how India was divided into three parts; India proper, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. (See Mountbatten Plan) Pakistan and “East Bengal” were one province under the division whereas as “West Bengal” would become a state in India proper. Eventually, East Bengal fought a war against Pakistan and became independently; Bangladesh. But the point is, these tensions were caused by England dividing the region up along ethnic lines; Hindus versus Muslims. This tension still exists today. 
Perhaps had there been one “super” India instead of three distinct nations in the region, India would even be more powerful than it is. So, it is often advantageous for some nations in the short and long terms to keep conflict or tensions among other nations. 
Superpowers--The word superpowers may immediately invoke the idea of some person in tights and a cape but what is meant here are the nations that control most of the world’s weapons and financial might. A superpower nation also may be one that is in a sort of perpetual cold war with other superpowers. This competitive cold war exists between the USA, Russia, China, and the European Union. However, after the fall of the U.S.S.R. in the 1990s, it might be argued that the USA is the sole remaining superpower and that the other nations are emerging or potential superpowers, since the USA has more influence on a global scale than many of the other nations. Superpowers engage in activities such as space exploration and foreign aid on a larger scale than non-superpowers. They tend to involve themselves or are expected to involve themselves in conflicts around the world that really do not directly affect them. Superpowers also become the targets of conflict in that they not only are expected to set the tone and example to other nations, they also will be criticized more aggressively for the actions they do or do not take. Their social, financial, and military decisions are scrutinized to the point where their own sovereignty becomes almost secondary. They are treated like an “international” country where their business is everyone else’s business.

I say to you, potential readers, this book is simply a well-researched look at the things that are happening right now in the world...the overthrow of a government... Putin is trying to overthrow a democratic nation! And, this writer, is looking at the past history of such actions, to provide any possible insight we may garner to try to stop this war as well as the one in Israel/ well as in the United States. For, surely, this country is divided and we all need to know exactly WHAT has, is, and could be happening in the future.
A true constitution does not attempt to enumerate special rights but instead treats all people as individuals and upholds their personhood. There are not different “rights” for male over female or special rights or protections for skin colors or behaviors, such as sexual practices or self-identifications outside the biological facts. While I’m not saying every successful nation should pattern itself after the USA, a utopian society keeps peace among the factions so that the individual may thrive. For, it is individuals that usually spark revolutions. So, if you anger the wrong individual, you will no doubt be causing the downfall of your own society. Trying to suppress or dismiss this individual will only provoke further determination. You should know, since if you are truly a revolutionary, this is the very thing that caused you to rise up and overthrow your government.

The writer, rightly states, that if you plan to be a revolutionary, then you must be prepared... Many of us rose up against the overthrow of the Pro Choice Deletion instigated by special interest groups...What this book is all about is to allow you to logically think about, consider the past attempts or those which succeeded, and decide exactly what you need to realize... Many of those who testified on the January 6th Insurrection plainly said that they had acted as the president had told them to...only to then regret, feel the shame, and realize that the attack was... wrong... 

This book is written without extensive documentation yet is sufficient for you to understand the past actions and allow you to realize just how delicate is the balance of a sound and effective government...and how those who seek power can act to indeed try to overthrow a government. Some have been for the better... I chose to add my own research and knowledge of the failed attempt on 1-6, albeit still happening, to overthrow our own independence. You owe it to yourself to read this book and start thinking clearly about exactly what is now happening... Soon coming... Liz Cheney, past congressional leader of Republican party who was summarily dropped because she chose truth and the constitution... She, in my mind, is just what we need, a revolutionary who is acting on behalf of America rather than on a potential dictator...



  1. Love this! I want to read more by this author

  2. I already have a few of his I'll be sharing...thanks for the feedback!

    1. Thanks I'll keep an eye out for more reviews here.
