Here’s a quote from a Boston Globe editorial inspired by those shootings: “America is sick. And it’s getting sicker. Sick with hate, sick with rage. Sick with warped masculinity, masculinity, sick with Internet-fueled radicalization and social isolation. Sick with racism, sick from social media that has breathed new life into old prejudices. And sick, of course, with guns.” It truly pains me to have to share that quote with you. It pains me to think that this is the condition of the country you are growing up in. Young people should not have to live in fear for their lives each time they leave their homes. They should not have to worry about the possibility of being slaughtered at school, or in a place of worship, or at the mall.
--Give a Boy a Gun, Todd Strasser
Latest Mass Gun Shooting Yesterday in Texas!
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Homemade bombs are another effective way to kill people. So, we have regulations and laws reducing the impact of these incendiary devices on Americans. It’s why we and our luggage have to go through X-ray machines in public buildings and airports. I suppose wanna-be terrorists could tout another inane platitude: “Bombs don’t kill people, people kill people.” Fortunately no clear thinking American listens to such stupidity... just like no clear thinking American should listen to "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
In the not-so-distant past other stupid, selfish people complained about laws and regulations regarding cars. Their concerns? Seatbelts, air bags, speed limits, and regulations against drinking and driving are infringements on our freedoms. They could have cried: “Cars don’t kill people, people kill people”. No. Cars can and do kill people. Responsible Americans imposed regulations to reduce unnecessary deaths. In fact at one time, death by automobile was the highest reason for death in the country.
So, yes, we have given up some of our “freedoms” for the good of all Americans. Such mandates on vehicles, have saved hundreds of thousands of American lives. The impositions we have live with regarding bombs, have probably saved just as many lives.
But, what about the, now, number one killer in America?
There is absolutely no reason why regulations shouldn’t be put in place for guns…* just like there are regulations for bombs and cars. Restricting the sale of assault weapons is an obvious regulation that should be mandated. We already know it saved hundreds of lives during the time the Brady Law was in place. Universal background checks would keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. Are we giving up a bit of our freedom? Yes. Just as we did in saving Americans from bombs. Just as we did in imposing regulations on driving. Because guns do kill people… too many people and especially our school children!
PART OF BRENDAN’S SUICIDE NOTE Know what? Not everybody has to do what you A-holes want them to do. Maybe your kids did, but me and my friends chose not to. And you and your kids couldn’t deal with that. And so you had to do what stupid, ignorant people always do when they don’t understand—you had to attack and torment us. And you teachers. I thought you taught us that America is supposed to be about freedom. Kids are supposed to be able to be different without the status quo police smashing us over the head and ridiculing us. But that’s all you teachers did to me and my friends. Just like everyone else, you tried to make us conform to your narrow-minded expectations of how we were supposed to dress and act. Well, screw you. Screw all of you. I hope this letter is like a knife in your hearts. You ruined my life. All I’ve done is pay you back in kind. --Give a Boy a Gun. Todd Strasser
*The ease by which this could occur is mind-boggling. Simply take the basic programming now used to keep track of vehicles and allow the blank programming to be used so that guns will be recorded and maintained for all guns owned by American citizens. The agency could give Americans a full year by which they could submit all guns. Thereafter, changes would be updated just as vehicles are routinely done...
Vote Out Those Who Refuse to Change Gun Laws
Remember Primary Voting Stops Lack of Action at Local Levels!
Since we are unable to remove guns from our culture, how about we remove ourselves? If people stop congregating in groups at malls, stadiums, city centers, stores, churches and mosques, and schools, mass slaughters will cease. The police will have a better opportunity to shut down rogue gunners and the numbers of gun killings will be reduced.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, your idea does result in a good ending. Me, I'm already a home dweller for the majority of my time. But you know what, after a month or so, especially during this past winter, I've gotten cabin fever... If indeed it was an impossible situation, then I would totally agree. But are you aware that the minority of Americans want guns gone for the most part...That means that one political party...yes, a political party, is causing allllll of these deaths due to unwillingness to give up the donations of the NRA to their campaigns... If you are unaware of this, check out what presidential level people routinely attend and speak at the NRA conventions... Frankly, I'm fed up with this nonsense. Just think about it, the minority is controlling the majority of America. That includes all people of all religions, race, culture, etc. There is something really wrong with this situation and our children are caught in the mess, giving their lives! Christ died for those children..."calling to children to come unto Him..." What do you think about how He feels about politics being the controlling factor for the people He created. What a mess! Same goes, for instance, with drugs...nobody can convince me that if we worked the streets, we could not stop the sale of drugs that are killing many... One thing though...I feel strongly that God wants us to speak out and fight corruption and especially murder of His people daily... Think about it...Your idea certainly would work. But...What would Jesus want us to do?