Then it happens again and the shock that goes through you is sharp and sudden.
When you realize it is their truth, then comes horror, followed by a seeping fear.
It doesn't make sense to you.
You don't understand... will NEVER your view and their view of the same world can be so different.
And then you remember, we are not cookie cutter people.
We are not cut from the same cloth....nor were we raised the same.
And there's where you stop.
We are not the same. We didn't have to think the same.
But we DO have to treat each other with dignity and respect.
And they didn't.
Before, celebrating differences was beautiful.
Now, some have made it a sin... a be different.
I have no dealings with people like that anymore.
They crossed a moral line with me that I can never unsee...or unhear.
And I am sad.
The world is uglier than I knew.
They kept it hidden... their hate and prejudice.
I let their smiles and laughter...and the familiarity of their faces delude me into believing they didn't mean what they'd just said.
But I was wrong.
They meant it.
And now it shows.
Like a festering sore that won't heal.
The pain of their discontent is unbearable.
I don't know how they walk in the world carrying this kind of hate.
I don't understand them.
I don't know them anymore.
I am a stranger in the place where I was born.
The ultimate irony.
I do not belong here... and yet, here I am.

I Love meeting authors I have not read via their posts on Facebook or elsewhere... So I took the opportunity to learn about Sharon Sala's writing by reading!
But it was the beautiful thought-provoking words that she posted yesterday on Facebook. I immediately asked if I could share it across the world with my blog...And She Agreed! Thank you so much, Sharon!
Election Day 2020 is, perhaps, the most memorable election that America will ever experience. In a Nation divided, each side wondering why... We, the People, have the momentous responsibility to choose who will be our next president. As written by Sharon, many of us just don't understand WHY? Why is there such a divide...We may never know... All we can do is accept our responsibility and make that choice, on this the final day...Election Day 2020...
I pray that you follow your heart, mind, and God as you accept your responsibility and cast that vote... We are, indeed, fighting a war...God be with All of Us!
Lovely poost