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Friday, December 23, 2016

Dr, Dee Dee Dynamo's Back with Important World-Wide Message! A Personal Favorite for 2016!

Did you know bees are dying in serious numbers? I did! When I first moved to my cabin, my brother-in-law was keeping bees on the property...and then they died out... I was so glad to see that Dr. Oneeka Williams has chosen to have Dee Dee Dynamo take a look at this world-wide problem!

And what a fantastic book she has created to spread this news! It is nonfiction, sharing specific information about bees; it is fiction as Dr. Dee Dee Dynamo starts thinking about how to solve the Beemore problem; plus it is educational not only in totally sharing about our little bee friends, but by including
study/thinking questions, and a math challenge based upon the book! Plus she provides resource guides for those wanting to take up the challenge, perhaps to care for a bee hive right at your own home! 

You may recall that Dr. Dee Dee Dynamo taught us much about our planets in her earlier you'll find my reviews of many of books here and on other sites... All of Williams' books are educationally sound but with lots of fun and character development that allows children and older readers like me to get to know each individual...In this book, we even meet the author! She's an important character along with others who are concerned about how the loss of bees would affect all humans!

Dr. DeeDee Dynamo's
Beemore Breakthru

By Oneeka Williams M.D.
Illustrated by Valerie Bouthyette

“The honey bees are dying, the honey bees are dying!” Gordon the Gullible Globe urgently alerts Dr. Dee Dee Dynamo, Girl SUPER SURGEON, who can fix any problem with her supernaturally powerful and gifted hands. Dr. Dee Dee’s Uncle Beemore wants to put beehives in every garden on the Island of Positivity to help the bee population. What can Dr. Dee Dee do to save the bees?

"The honey bees are dying!...
"I know, Gordon, "Dr Dee Dee says patiently.
"That is why Uncle Beemore has put beehives in our garden. Have you forgotten that today is the Bee Welcoming party?"

Dr. Dee descends to join the busy Dynamo clan--Mommy and Daddy Dynamo, Grandma B and Granddad Willie, Uncle Huebs and Aunty Vandra, and their children Lukas (who is Dr. Dee Dee's best friend) and Jakey.
Jakey asks, "Why is everyone so upset about the honey bees dying?"
"Because honey bees help plants produce a lot of the food we eat," explains Dr. Dee Dee

Welcome to BEEventures

First, I must comment on the beautiful hardback book that was provided to me. The illustrations from front to back are brightly colored with details that are truly outstanding. I would certainly recommend this for your child's personal home library! Not only for the story but for the detailed pages on "The Life of a Worker Bee," pollination, the different types of bees, and important little tidbits such as--did you know that worker bees makes 1/12 teaspoon of honey in their lifetime... Wow! Just imagine how many bees it would take for you to buy a jar of honey at your local store!

No wonder we should be worried that bees seem to be dying!

Did you know that a bee only lives 42 days?!!
So the Dynamo family was having a party to spread the word and sharing about now providing a home--a bee hive--for bees in their yard.

The children even got to decide what type of bee they wanted to be and got a hat to show their choice... Even Grandma B took a major part in the event, singing,

I am the heart and soul of the hive, Without me, the colony cannot survive. 
I'm twice as long, so don't get to close.
BEEWARE! I might just sting you on your nose!

You know, while she was singing, I thought I even heard the bees join in!

It was while everybody was learning so much about the bees, that Dr. Dee Dee Dynamo started to apply her brain to see how they might help save the bees! In the meantime, I was learning about the language of bees! And even learned about The Waggle Dance! Do you know how to do it...?
Walk straight, shake yuh belly,
Beat yuh wings and buzz,
In a figure eight.
Walk straight, shake yuh belly,
Beat yuh wings and buzz,
Find de nectar and don't be late!
Did you know bees have two stomachs?
One is used to digest food. The other is used
to store and process nectar...

Here's another version...

Now Dr. Dee Dee Dynamo got to working and she created something to help all the bees... The bees were so excited: I can DO more and BEE More! What a Breakthru! Then...the author, in the after pages, assigns Essay questions for readers, like, "The writer combines fantasy and real world science problems to create a compelling and informative narrative for her readers. Write an essay using evidence from the text to support this claim.

Simply unbelievable! The author has packed a world of learning within her latest book! I just had to add it to my personal favorites for this year since I still remember losing all the bees that buzzed around my home years ago! Highly recommended for soooooo many reasons!


Dr. Oneeka Williams developed her desire to become a doctor at an early age. When she first entered the operating room while attending Harvard Medical School, it was love at first sight. Dr. Dee Dee Dynamo encourages kids to live a life without limits. This is Dr. Williams’ latest book, after teaching children about the planets. She is a practicing surgeon and lives just outside Boston, Massachusetts, with her husband, Charles and son, Mark.

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