Monday, September 16, 2024

Warning: Don't Accept Discounts From Home Depot - Here's My Own Story! Open Memoir


After having been diagnosed with Job Burnout and its subsequent PTSD occurrences, I find that, frankly, I am unable to deal with inefficiency of any kind. It's not when a person or a company makes a mistake per se. It's when I can clearly see that an individual or a company has failed to communicate in one or more ways... And, that they rarely, if ever, evaluate the entire set of actions for which the company has performed when would be, in my mind, a very simple act of actually talking to people...

And so it was that, on a recent call with Citi, the individual had little if any interest or knowledge of what had occurred for me, the customer. It was like a broken record, "but you were late..." and had no desire to explore why that occurred, even if I attempted to explain. It was a man, clearly uninterested in what I had to say, no matter what it may have been. You see, the only record he had of the entire purchase activity, was not available or, worse, he did not care about anything other than his own opinions.

So, let's look into why I recommend never shopping at The Home Depot! On January 8th 2024, I went to town to buy a washer. I considered it an emergency given that I'd had no way to wash clothes for weeks and health issues such as incontinence, was a factor in getting a new washer. Note that I had formerly purchased an Electrolux, discovered too late that the company was located out of the country and there was no way to sue or pressure anybody... But that's another story... Everything that happened by Home Depot Staff was done by employees of Home Depot. Here's the details and my impression of what happened.

January 8, 2024, I had never shopped at Home Depot, so had no idea about the store itself. My grounds caretaker drove me in and helped me into the store given that I was still recovering from several operations. I went to find a washer. I had decided to buy a cheaper model, given my experience with the former more expensive machine. The Delivery was scheduled for the 11th. Now here's the first kicker! At NO time did the sales clerk indicate that delivery would be--outside delivery!!!! I learned that at the time of the 3rd delivery attempt!!! 

As with most companies these days, the paperwork clipped together was in such small print that I never tried to find a magnifying glass. Note that in red, though, damages must be reported 48 hours of receipt... So, a company who apparently will accept no report of damages, but that would refuse to install and test the product, was demanding that I report within 48 hours of receipt...of a boxed item, sitting in my yard...

But wait, there's more, the delivery was NOT MADE on the 11th as scheduled!!! Now I have NO idea who is supposed to actually ensure that the delivery information that I and my caretaker had clearly discussed, was apparently NOT provided to the scheduling people...


Seriously folks, how in the world can a company sell a machine that required installation, but NOT talk about it to the customer. And when that customer talks about a delivery concern that needed to be addressed, wouldn't you expect that MUST BE IMMEDIATELY passed on before delivery is scheduled. NOT... Let me say with no doubt in my mind that none of the delivery issues I was concerned about was discussed with the sales representative. Why do I know this? Because IF I had actually been given a verbal statement that delivery would be a problem and that they would not install, I simply WOULD NOT HAVE PURCHASED THE WASHER! Further, when I was asked to sign a delivery form, I feel I had a right to assume I had been told everything already that I needed to know, since I had brought the subject up myself. Further, On the form where the issues of delivery were stated, I would have been required to 'INITIAL' that I agreed to things that I did not sign/agree to... My first reaction was correct, none of the form that I was being asked to sign was ever brought forth to me and my caretaker at the time of the purchase!

Yes, I admit that I did not read the 5 pages I was asked to sign. But since my signature was clearly hurried on the form that related to delivery since my last name wasn't even completed, I must assume that it was thrown into a packet, stapled, and clearly NOT discussed related to delivery, and more... And, that, I did NOT initial the spot related to conditions, I cannot see how I am liable for any further costs...


Especially since the first form says, 'Consumer Credit Account Temporary Charge Pass...' Ok, I may not be the smartest person in the world... But when I see that I've received a temporary pass on charges, based upon my agreement to pay off the account quickly, surely, don't you think, that I have a right to question just who decided one thing...a pass on charges--yet Citi began to charge fees immediately even, in the discussion I had with a Citi representative, he stated that both interest and late fees had been made...

A man had come to help me, although he did little to actually guide my selection. Specifically, he made no effort to explain the pros and cons of individual machines. Finally, I had selected one and began the purchasing process. The washer would cost just over $800,including a 5-year protection.  I also mentioned that I would be trying to pay it off quickly. He did handle the paperwork fairly well offering a credit card discount, which I accepted.

Here's was MY first mistake - Don't Accept a small discount - for a Larger Cost! The fact is that if I had NOT accepted a small discount for a credit card which I never have used, I could have paid my three checks and be done with The Home Depot within 3 months!

He had explained that they had a program for early payoff and I signed an agreement. Note that this agreement stated that I would pay NO interest if paid within...and then a list of options was provided... up to 24 months... I paid the washer off within the first six months!

Apparently, this contract was never to be honored... Completely...

Now let's look at the actual delivery of that washer...

In the store, I and my caretaker clearly explained to the individual (no introduction of himself was ever made) selling the washer that there were delivery issues that had to be addressed. Specifically, I explained that a very large truck would have a problem coming in, explaining about the long winding driveway. I added that trucks about the size of a UPS truck would be ok. I also shared that I had not had access to a washer for weeks and needed delivery quickly (see earlier post on another company selling washers). He assured me that could happen...

The delivery was scheduled. My caretaker was there. The truck was a very large truck. The driver refused to drive in and offered no option to deliver... (more on that later...)

Please note that I discovered, just today in pulling all the paperwork merely handed to me, as I write this a delivery statement. IF I signed it, I didn't finish my last name... Also, IF I signed it, I would have assumed that all of the issues covered on that statement would have been addressed by the seller. That was not to be the case... Yes, this has been said before, but needs to be repeated... Because that washer was NOT delivered on the 11th because of bad communication within the company. Indeed on that day, I walked outside and called to talk with the delivery people. I talked to a woman that day, explained what had happened, she expressed concern (the only one in this entire fiasco) and told me that there was NOTHING on the delivery about my explanation for adequate truck size preparation...

My caretaker walked up and they handed him a card to reschedule... Oh Boy, here we go again, phone service would be a problem.

Again, repeating, I searched for my cane, pulled on a coat and went outside. Thankfully, a woman answered. I explained that I was outside and had no paperwork with me...She pulled up the delivery account... Yes, deliveries are still another communication line that I had to deal with. She told me what I already knew... There was NO reference to the fact that I had explained a delivery issue which had needed to be passed on... She scheduled a new date and apologized... (see why I wanted to talk to a woman?)

The schedule time came and went... Another delay... Due to an accident of the delivery truck staff.

Finally, another crew was scheduled. Please NOTE that this crew was 2 men...when they saw the driveway, they got a dolly and brought the washer in. They had decided not to try the driveway and they walked it in!!!!! In our opinion, the same could have happened by that FIRST delivery... In fact, I have no idea whether this crew was told about the long driveway. They had the skill, drive and detErmination to make the delivery on time and they did... iF ONLY THE FIRST MAN HAD DONE WHAT THE THIRD CREW DID WITHOUT EVEN A DISCUSSION!


But, the two men stood at my door and I asked them to go ahead an unpack to bring in to deliver...They told me I had not PAID FOR DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION! 

What kind of company sells a washer and won't automatically do the hookup??? Yeah, Home Depot! And $60??? It took no longer than 5 minutes to do the hookup!

Yes, it was the delivery men who, for the first time told me that there was a $60 installation charge!!!!! They showed me where that line item was on the delivery sheet! These two men were very polite and I LATER gave a good reference (these two were the only ones that I was asked to reference, by the way... ASK ME WHY... 

BUT they offered to unpack and bring it into my home. Which they did... I apologized that they were getting my angry feelings for not knowing about all of this and told them about the first delivery man not being willing to bring it in just as they did... And thanked them for getting the washer to my home. I showed them where it was to sit...

I recognize that mistakes can be made. Including by me... But in my opinion, far too many mistakes are being made by big corporations who have lost sight that there companies exist ONLY to support their customers! If this company is losing status as stated in the above videos... I hope this account will help others to consider how to proceed... in considering whether to work with this company on any purchase...

Because you know what?

Each Month, I continue to get a bill for money even after the bill was paid off in less than 4 months!!!

At last bill in September, I should be paying $142.00 for...what...? 

February 21st Paid $300

March 5th Paid $300

April 16th Paid in Full $239.88

You See, Citi Cards - The Home Depot Account Ending 4950 had entered the financial process... Note that if I HAD NOT ACCEPTED A CREDIT CARD DISCOUNT, I COULD HAVE JUST PAID THE THREE PAYMENTS AND BEEN DONE WITH THIS COMPANY!

Even though I had to wait WEEKS FOR delivery, I paid the total amount in less than 6 months!!! But, hey, Citi started an entirely new process... I was given an agreement to pay early, BUT, IF I DIDN'T PAY BY A CERTAIN DATE I WOULD BE CHARGED--WAIT FOR IT--A LATE FEE! 

So, here's the reality of accepting a credit card discount

I got a card that I didn't want!

I was now under control of that credit card--forget about the agreement I had willingly signed... FORGET ABOUT MY INTERPRETATION OF THE STATEMENT: CONSUMER CREDIT ACCOUNT TEMPORARY CHARGE PASS meant that I would be charged nothing but the cost of the washer and repair coverage...

But, NOW, it had to be paid by a certain date... So, folks, I was sent a bill that had a minimum payment... I paid about 10 times the minimum payment... BUT...that didn't make any difference...I missed a date by which THEY WANTED ME TO PAY THAT 10 TIMES THE MINIMUM AMOUNT!

I get the bill. Somewhere along the line, I had paid another $300 BUT, APPARENTLY THEY DIDN'T GET IT BY A CERTAIN DATE...YOU GUESSED IT...A LATE FEE!

I get another bill, finally see the first $300 on the bill and paid it off according to my records... I have the exact records and I am fast-tracking everything here... Finally, I paid $239.88 and specifically wrote on the check to be delivered by my bank...Final Payment

Ahhhh, but the check didn't get into the hands of a clerk somewhere and was posted as being received too late... Now, let's be very clear... Payment by an individual is either through a bank or via mail. Neither of these are controlled by the individual, that is, me. We have NO way to confirm whether a payment is late or not... BUT, that's beside the point, at least in my mind, because I signed an agreement for NO INTEREST!



Home Depot's Citi Credit was NOW in control...

And that last payment...according to them...was late!!!

And you know what? They continued to charge interest on that late payment over and over and over and over...Frankly I couldn't believe that some supervisor had not already found what was happening... Check the records on my account, see my signed agreement and that I had indeed paid it off within a set time... NOT 

And with a pass on consumer credit account fees...

You see, The Home Depot exists for you to make long payments. And there is where the money is made, apparently. Because they don't want early payment...In fact, they WANT you to be late, because then they can charge you "fees!" 

So, finally, I get a notice...Not a nice one but rather one that threatened me for NOT PAYING FEE UPON FEE UPON FEE UPON FEE UPON FEE AND MANY MORE TIMES...

Now, I am going to digress for a minute to pull in other companies with whom I've been dealing... Verizon and AT&T... Without going into detail about services from either of these companies, I will only state that, I now know why the old ad "Can You Hear Me Now" has been stopped. Because, I finally tried to call this company who had just threatened me; i.e., The Home Depot's Finance Company (as stated on its letterhead).

I was hoping for a female...

I got a male... Who immediately started talking about my not meeting their imposed deadline... They had, apparently, no knowledge, or, rather, they didn't care about the fact that I was under an agreement for no interest if paid quickly... Their only concern was that a certain date that they set (and I, the customer, never agreed to) was when money was to be in their hands... Most of the time I was being told that the man couldn't not hear what I was saying... Funny, I heard him... In any event, I talked louder--shouting, actually, trying to make him hear. The call ended. I have NO idea whether it was the phone, he thought I was being irate, or just...didn'!

So, on August 30th, they sent me a warning that I might lose their card permanently... DUH... Again, they ask for a Minimum payment of the extra fees that they had, in my opinion, illegally charged since I paid the full amount on April 16th! Yes, you are right, they had been sending bills for late fees on top of late fees since April!!!!!

you know, I just don't have the energy to try to figure out how these companies use fees... Given the lack of communication from the seller, to the delivery people, and then being told by the third deliverymen that there was a fee for installation!!!! And then thinking I had fulfilled my agreement to pay off the account quickly... Only to be told by the credit card side of this activity that I had to abide to a certain date with a MINIMUM payment...while I was paying the full account in 3 months! Well, all I can say is that when I decide whether or not to pay those extra fees, should I bill them for having to PAY somebody to hook up their washer! And, to bill them for the hours of waiting for a delivery...not once, not twice, but three times! 

But I think that President Joe Biden has been talking about all of this happening... It HAS to get better!

But how long must we be forced to deal with what I call harassments, embarrassment, and just plain ole weariness of dealing with this type of thing left and right? If it was just one company, the average person could deal with it...But, considering that every single large company has given me headaches and turmoil, I know that I can't possibly be different than the average citizen in the country... And It's Got To Be Stopped!

Years ago, I walked off the job with what I was later to be diagnosed with Job Burnout. My doctor told me it was either my life or my job. I made the decision and worked with the Human Resources Office to take a medical leave. Not once did my boss reach out to me, except when he walked into my office upon my return and asked me to sign a form from Human Resources. You see, I had been cleared to return to work from that leave; however, I had not been placed back into my former position. Human Resources was wanting me to sign and state that I had agreed to that decision by my supervisor. When he came into my office, I refused to sign that statement, stating, it was you that changed things. He responded that he had a right to... I responded, you may think so, but I will not sign that form and had been cleared for return to my position. I also added one of my better zingers after going through what I had, I said very clearly, "You may have had the right to not return me to my position, but you don't have the right to my respect. I will not sign that form."

Today I still have PTSD based upon that last period of my life after having served West Virginia University for over 35 years... Each time I have somebody claim that it was I who chose to do something in what they consider to be the wrong way--that is, the exact way they want it to be, whether it makes sense or not! IF The Home Depot cannot train their first contact to fully explain details to the customer, then they have NOT fulfilled their obligation to that customer.

For instance, when the offer of a discount was made if I signed up for a credit card, don't you think that same individual SHOULD have told me that, if you do, then your early payback with no interest MUST BE PAID BY A DATE SET BY OUR CREDIT CARD PEOPLE?

And, don't you think that since I was clearly talking about delivery issues, that individual HAD to be trained to pass this requirements on to appropriate people... And if that wasn't the seller, then whoever was the person to handle the scheduling should have done their job...

And, don't you think that same individual should have told me there would be an installation of $60 for that job that took a few minutes? No, that would have allowed me to know that with all these extra fees, I might decide to go to another store--that's the only conclusion I can make that is logical...

I have seen since 2015 a change in the POWER structure of the United States. With a president that cut taxes for large corporations, that new power seems to have gone straight into the corporations who see their customers as "suckers and losers" just as the past president saw anybody who was below him and other millionaires

Not caring that it is those individuals who are the people who could be their customers one day and decide whether or not they want to shop there...

I'm returning the unsigned/unverified credit card unused...


Friday, September 13, 2024

A Christian Case Against Donald Trump - Learning Something New About Barabbas - An Ongoing Discussion


I had to laugh somewhat when I opened today's video... The author, Patrick Kahnke as you have seen from the two videos in the last post--is soft-spoken and humble. Dave Johnson, with whom he is interacting is an extrovert who uses his bodily movements to emphasize his words, and is freely giving his personal opinions of the story of the Passover as celebrated by Jesus... Both men have a message to tell!

But, even then, as Johnson told the story, and began to compare MAGA to Christians, he didn't point out what I had found as most important in that comparison... It is learning WHY Barabbas had become criminally involved...  He was an Insurrectionist!
In Matthew 27:16 Barabbas is called a “notorious prisoner.” In Mark 15:7, echoed in Luke 23:19, he was “in prison with the rebels who had committed murder during the insurrection” against the occupying Roman forces.Jul 30, 2024 just like Trump! 

Folks,  I went out to get a "standard" video of January 6th and found the following one instead. Please be aware that this disgraceful situation in America is exhibited in the first part of the video before a third pastor started speaking. It is so bad, that afterward I wanted to close my eyes to try not to remember all the hate spewed from young men, especially. Now I know why we are really in trouble and, as Kamala Harris said, the underdog. This is a fight like no other. It is NOT fiction. This is the reality of those who support Donald Trump. They want a time when... I don't even want to repeat it... If you don't want to view violent hate, don't watch it. Just accept that we MUST work to keep the republican candidate out of office! 

Getting back to the discussion of the book, I have to admit that the word Insurrection had been unknown to me prior to January 6th. Let's face it the average individual, living a Christian life, without too much involvement in governmental actions--like most Americans in the working class who had little extra time to listen to anything but the local news, I have only a peripheral knowledge of world news. Even studying US history, I don't remember insurrection being used in relation to the Civil War. Nevertheless, it is a stunning awareness, as described in the first video above, that even while Jesus was moving toward his death on the cross, the majority of people--including the religious people at that time--chose to free Barabbas, an insurrectionist, rather than the man who would die for us.

While you might have a response that this was God's plan all along, I, too, would be like Jesus who said at the end, Luke 22:42, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.” Because, of course, that is a human response just like we'd all have. But, Jesus knew why He was to die--to allow us to know Him--to know God and become a part of Him. And, yet, people at that time, chose Barabbas... And, now, another insurrectionist, who is working against God Himself, is attempting to become an Authoritarian leader who will then choose power over all of us... And, actually, I believe that as shown in Project 2025, there are many others who are far more intelligent than the narcissist Donald Trump, will work to enslave all Americans into their bidding. We WILL lose freedoms we've known in America... The freedoms that God Himself has given to us!

Think millions of criminals with different names, but once was named Barabbas... 

Most pastors whose books I've read, including by Kahnke, speak out against those who have brought religion into politics through Trump's election. Was it not those who were "religious" during the time of Jesus, who had initiated what had happened? Think about it, when Jesus found the sales and money-changers at the door of God's Temple, it was the one and only time that He grew angry and acted. Even then, religion became a part of the political arena as those who were religious where part of the crowds that chose Barabbas over Jesus to be freed...

And, for whatever reason(s), millions have once again chosen to bring religion back into politics. Have we not learned that Christ brought peace, truth and love to those He Died For? Will there always be those who choose a Barabbas to be free rather than Christ our Lord? In fact, most of my readers are aware that I'm presently writing a open Memoir--a Journal of my life while viewing the present period in America. This book, above the others, spoke to me as A Single Christian Woman and so, you all will find many of my personal thoughts as I and the author via videos, speak our truth... May God guide these discussions...

I'm going to continue, but I do recommend that if you are still undecided, as a Christian, about who to vote for in November, get this book! And if you didn't get to watch the Debate this week, check it out! And Make Sure You Plan to Vote!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Christian Case Against Donald Trump by Patrick Kahnke - An Ongoing Discussion


These two videos used in place of excerpt....

I believe a Messenger of God wrote this book. Not because he claims to be. Nor because he speaks against our past president, as I have done many times as well. I believe he is a Christian because his words speak of what his background was, how he was drawn into a conservative life, often reading only what conservatives spoke or wrote. And, then, that he made his own realization that his opinion(s) might, or did, disagree with his church members--those who he was called to care for in a ministry. He withdrew from all things that he felt might have been influencing him. Shall we simply define it as...uninformed... or narrow thinking? I know of this kind of life--one of my nephews was also a Rush Limbaugh follower and became immersed in condemning all things that were...different... Hearing him condemn certain people while saying he loves Jesus just didn't make sense to me, no matter how many times I tried to talk of love, not hate. Thankfully, Kahnke understood just how easily it could be and chose a different path.

Let me quickly point out that there are many of such individuals who, once becoming aware of this, have decided to continue in such a life. While others, such as myself, explored, studied and learned about those who

For a lengthy time, Patrick Kahnke worked within his church to teach and minister to his church family. Then it was 2016 and a man was running to become the president of America! I identified with his reaction. He and I were both shocked that this man could ever be a candidate to lead the United States. And, when he, and I, saw that there were many Christians supporting his candidacy, he became uneasy, confused and ultimately concerned enough to begin writing and speaking out in videos about what he saw happening. The result is two books, the first which I just bought. I want to better understand the WHY of what happened. I want to talk and share about what has happened. And, to do that, I want to be as informed as I can to be to understand and explain, even if only for myself, WHY it has happened...

When I first started listening to Kahnke's videos, I remembered my very first pastor, Reverend Babel. We were a community with a small church congregation. My mother, among her many jobs to earn money as a widowed mother of four, cleaned and handled things like opening the church, turning on the heat, etc. I remember that Reverend Babel and his wife were guests of many Sunday dinners at our home where she always served her famous homemade chicken and noodles... My point is that we felt close enough to our pastor that we saw him as a caring friend. As I listen to Patrick, I see the same warmth, concern, and, yet, understanding and intelligence, that makes a man a pastor you'd be grateful for having had in your life.

You will find that he writes the same way he talks. He takes each issue and begins to teach from the Bible about what it says. But he considers how and if those who are in his congregation, actually know what the scripture means... And, so, he starts talking about it as we would in a discussion, a small circle of individuals who freely start to ask questions...

In the very first chapter, he begins with a principle: Integrity means following the way of Jesus as we seek his kingdom, and rejecting the way of the world and its earthly kingdoms. My first thought? That is not Donald Trump. But what does the author say as he talks about the way of Jesus versus the way of the world? He first speaks of his own reason for writing the book. For Love--For Jesus, for his family and for his country. And, that he wanted to preserve the world for the future. That was how conservatism was once defined. Personally, I have a problem of anybody being classified into some stereotypical manner that forces another to mold conduct to what somebody defines. With Jesus as my friend, I already knew that what I was what what he had created before I was born. Without going into the science of genetics, all I mean by that statement is that each of us has a part of God within us if we allow Him to speak. I've refused to be classified all of my life. LOL Even if one of
the vice-presidential candidates would condemn me for being a childless cat lady... Taylor Swift... What I want to know is where republicans find all these weird men... 
But Kahnke goes on and quickly points out that his words are about worshipping God:
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.[2] Over the past several years I’ve offered the best of what I have — my time, my focus, my most rigorous thinking — to this labor that many others have also taken on; this ugly, holy work of exposing and defeating the creeping shadow of Trumpism. That shadow has enveloped large swaths of the American church, and many of God’s people now walk in darkness. They scorn the truth tellers and shun those who expose the lies and deception. Sadly, in doing so, they believe they’re offering a service to God. So for myself, this work has become a twofold act of worship. First, I’m working to tear down a deceptive and destructive version of Christianity that slanders God for profit and power; that dares to weaponize God’s name against people he loves — people he created in his own image. And second, I hope to lift up Jesus so people might see him as far more beautiful and worthy of praise than any earthly political leader.

I don't know about you, folks, but I've felt the very same desire... If I were claiming to be a Christian nationalist, as they seem to now be wanting to be called (according to Marjorie Taylor Green, LOL), then I'd be embarrassed to even speak the name of Jesus... who is worthy of praise and NOT Trump! 

Folks, today, I thought I would be writing my review of this book. Yet, I find there is so much to say... So much important information within the book... Am I being led to forget about a review and write about this book on a more in-depth basis? We'll see... Thinking about it, I'll pull parts of this to go on Amazon and then continue as today... Pray for this book. Pray for this time of testing... God is Watching... Listen to Jesus speaking through His Spirit... Turn away from the MAGA world and open yourself to actually listen... to God Speaking...

 God Bless


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Night Shadow (Hold On! Universe) - Official Book Trailer - Peter Darley Shares With Fans!

Hi, Everyone,
This is just a quick note to let you know I have a new book coming out. I don’t have an exact release date yet, but it’ll be within the next 2-3 weeks.

There was one unresolved subplot left over from Dare – Invincible Season 3 (2020.) What happened to Greta? All will be revealed in the new novel – Night Shadow.

Trailer and cover reveal above! Release date and further details coming soon.
I hope you’re all having a great Sunday.
Best wishes,

If you and I haven't talked, I'm Peter Darley, and I'm the creator of the Hold On! Universe series of novels. I took the name 'Hold On' from the most often-used song title (and lyric) used in the AOR-Melodic Rock music genre. I have since become a songwriter in that genre, and I work with recording artists across Europe.

Channel details

416 subscribers

53 videos


Joined Jun 29, 2014

Stop by to See me... I'd love to share about my books...and... more!


Hi Everybody... I was so excited to get this notice from one of my favorite authors, Peter Darley... We happened to touch base recently so I took the time to check out just how many reviews of his books I read. As you all can see, my reviews were extra-coverage... That's when you know that I loved the books... So, here, just for convenience are links! I've arranged them to show first, second and third... BTW, I hope you all have good eyesight... I've increased the size later, so let me know if you can't read and I'll update them as well...

And added just because my motto is Books-Cats! Life is Sweet!

And guess what Peter, I found an unpublished review for your Invincible Trilogy!
Folks, Make Sure You Read 2 Posts today!

God Bless

Peter Darley's New Trilogy! INVINCIBLE - Season 1 Never Previously Published!

Yes, I did have this written in draft form...I have NO idea why I didn't publish--My guess is that it was the beginning of my needed surgeries! But, as we all know, Books Never Are Outdated! Sorry, Peter...

A spotlight fell onto the stage at an angle that revealed a lithe, female figure in silhouette. She raised her arms over her head as the intro to a classic rock track began. Ryan recognized it immediately. The Hooters. And We Danced. The guitars began and the lights revealed Laura wearing a glitter-studded leotard. She lowered her arms and spun with dazzling speed. Ryan’s jaw dropped. He’d never seen her in such contour-hugging attire before, and her physical condition stunned him. Despite her months of tireless training, he’d never expected this. She’s so beautiful.

Prologue: Ryan Scott gazed at the floor of the subway train, too uncomfortable to make eye-contact with anyone. The general public was all around him, causing him to shudder in harmony with the low rumble of the train. It was a world in which he had no place. His experience of life had taught him that much. What are you doing? This isn’t who you are. He knew he was just trying to make something of his life. Everything he’d ever touched had been taken away. Why couldn’t he just be himself? Why did it have to be this way?
He felt perspiration on his brow as he gripped a black, leather briefcase with a sense of loathing. His designer gray suit and tie made him feel as though he was walking around in someone else’s skin. The train came to a halt at his stop. His heart raced as he waited for the last commuter to get off before exiting. Walking through the subway station, it felt like a force field was holding him back. Commuters brushed passed him as they went about their business. His fear wouldn’t go away, but he knew he had to fight it. He needed a vocation. He made it through the front entrance and stepped out onto a Chicago street.
This couldn’t really be happening. He had to be having a nightmare. He recalled the four years he’d studied at law school—a subject he hated. Going against his own heart, he’d invested himself in something he didn’t want to do in order to thwart the terrible curse that plagued him. He’d reached the top of his class within his first year, picking up several best student awards along the way. The other students looked up to him, and he wanted to connect with them. But he couldn’t bond with anyone. He just kept his distance...

Ryan Scott was cursed, or was he? Even as he was broodingly walking to his work site, it blew up...and he spent most of the time on top of a mother and child, to save them...When it was safe, he got up and walked away... The Influencer had spoken. No matter how he prepared and worked to try something meaningful in his life, he was stopped... Finally, he took  drugs, drank alcohol enough to kill and worked to commit suicide... Even at that, he failed... 

But the stories Ryan had told her were beginning to peak her fears like never before. She’d gone into it fearlessly in the beginning, trying not to show her concern. Gradually, the memories came back, and it was getting to her. She’d experienced it in the TV studio, and again with the death of her uncle. She knew Ryan wasn’t crazy. “OK, let’s do it,” he said. As they walked into the run-down establishment, she noticed the decor didn’t look like it had been attended to since the 1980s. The retro rock music coming from the radio in the background seemed to fit. A young couple waited at the counter. “I like it,” Ryan said. “What? This place?” “The song.” Don’t stop . . . believin’ . . . Ryan headed for the deli aisle and picked up a few sandwiches. “Are you OK with these?” She looked over what he was holding—ham and cheese, chicken salad, a pastrami on rye, and a tuna mayonnaise. It was all very basic, but she accepted this was the nature of life on the road. “They’ll keep us going,” she said.

Two years had gone by since the explosion that destroyed the law firm where Scott had been headed... Since then, he had discovered that, for whatever reason, he could not die... It was his latest drug and drinking celebration that had brought him to the hospital, as a suicide, and he had met Dr. Richard Logan... They were able to bond like no other and  Ryan Scott started on a new, almost unbelievable life that changed his future...

“For whatever reason, Mr. Scott wanted to leave this world.” “I don’t believe that. I have never believed that. What people call suicide, I call cultural homicide. This sick, diseased, bankrupt world makes them do it. They become convinced they have no place and are driven to despair. He didn’t take his own life. We killed him.” He was barely conscious of the outrage in his tone. “I understand,” she said. “I was with you all through what happened back then, remember?” He looked at her with an apologetic heart and tried to maintain his composure. “I know. It just never goes away. Every time it happens, I relive it again.” 

Would you be able to adjust to knowing that you cannot die? What would you do? Be like the main character and try to kill yourself over and over... Or would you get past that first reaction--stop, pause, and consider just what has happened and where to go from here? Do I try to do good for all of mankind? Do I begin robbing banks because I could always get away from anybody who tried to stop me? 

So what if another person comes into the picture? Would that make a difference in your decision-making? Ryan had moved into an isolated place away from the chaos and started looking around him, seeing the people suffering from one illness or another... And he saw that often poor people couldn't even afford to purchase the medicines that were already available! Could something good come out of all of this? But... What About The Influence?!

I'll tell you one thing, I'm anxious to see what happens in the next two parts of this extraordinary  suspense thriller trilogy! Do check it out!


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Crusader: A Catholic Action Horror Novel - St. Tommy N.Y.P.D. Book 5 - by Declan Finn


Kommissar Berger simply stood there, hands in his pockets. A small smile played out on the corner of his lips. “Can anyone join this party? Or is it invite only?” “Depends. You want to play?” I asked. “Or shut us down?” Berger rolled his eyes, reached past us both, and grabbed another shotgun, a sidearm, and went straight to stuffing magazines into his pockets. He took the trunk, slammed it down, and turned towards us. “Are you coming?” I waved him through. “After you.” He racked the gun to feed the magazine. “Danke.” As we made our way back to the manner house, Pearson asked, “What brought you out after us?” Berger spared him a glance. “Right now, there are dozens of politzei tearing apart the local corruption. Once they get someone to break, it will take hours for a tactical team to get together. Even assuming that this group of Jihadi psychopaths hear nothing about their protection system falling apart, they could sacrifice dozens of women between now and the time the politzei get their act together.” Pearson and I exchanged a look behind Berger’s back. “You think that Gaiman was telling the truth about sacrifices?” Berger tossed a glance over his shoulder at me. “I’m certain that Gaiman believes it. It may even be that sacrifices are happening. Do I believe in actual demons? If I did, I’m not sure I could do the job. Though I have faked multiple faiths, depending on who the suspect hates the most.” 
We came at the manor house from the side. The woods on that end were thick, and provided plenty of cover, straight to the house itself. But we didn’t want to try for the front door. If someone didn’t have that rigged with a Claymore mine, Berger, Pearson and I would all be surprised. I helped Berger up to the window on the side of the house. He had no problem with opening the window and sliding in. He reached out and helped us in. The first room looked like a small den. Bookcases went clear to the ceiling. There was an office desk up against the windows. My shotgun was up and ready. I cautiously slid up to the door and pressed my ear against it. There were no sounds. I cracked the door open. No one to the right of it. I swung the door open, cleared right, then swung left. There were six armed men casually walking down the brightly lit hallway, chatting amicably. Their fezzes were marked with the Swastika, but the rest of their clothing was casual. Boom went my shotgun. The first two went down without even realizing what happened. I racked and fired again. Ch-ch,boom. I stepped out of the door, charging into them. Ch-ch,boom. Ch-ch,boom. The last man standing barely had his hand on his sidearm when I leaped for him. Driving my elbow into his face. Every door in the hall in front of me opened. Every man who poked his head out held a weapon. Crap. I put my right shoulder up against the wall opposite the den we’d entered and backpedaled, firing at any target I saw. Berger was on one knee in the doorway, firing with his sidearm. Pearson was above him, firing with the AK-47. They covered as I came back and threw myself through the den door. “I think we’re screwed,” Berger said as we closed the door and dropped one of the bookcases to barricade it. 
I grabbed my phone and dialed. When I heard the click, I said, “Dreidel dreidel dreidel, that I made out of clay. Dreidel dreidel dreidel, dreidel I shall play.” Berger looked at me like I had lost my mind, singing a children’s tune in the middle of a shootout. I slipped the phone away and said, “Everyone, behind the desk. We’ll need cover.” The door exploded with bullets ripping through it. They kicked open part of the door. Then they shot through the bookcase we dropped in front of it. The three of us returned fire, into the doorway and just on either side of it. Pearson and I used the AK rifles. Berger used the shotgun from time to time, wanting a better shot than just blindly firing into the hall. A grenade rolled into the den. “Grenade!” Berger called. The windows to the side of the den blew in as a shape crashed through. It was long-limbed and spindly. It was built along the line of a department store mannequin but fast and mobile. It scooped up the grenade and spun in one motion, throwing it into the hallway. It exploded, scattering the men outside. Fresh men came in moments later, and smacked right into the shape. It grabbed a gun and bent the barrel back, one-handed. Ripping the gun away, it punched into the man’s throat at the same time. It took the gun and threw it so hard, it embedded itself in another terrorist’s face. Ch-ch. It shot forward and deflected the gun with one hand as it spun backwards, the heel of its foot kicking the Jihadi off of his feet. It came to its feet, grabbed a terrorist, and drove a knee into his stomach. Without resetting the foot, it mule-kicked into an approaching gunman, kicking the gun away. It whirled and hurled the gunman aside, sending him crashing into his backup. 
Berger watched the whirlwind of chaos and destruction. “What the fuck was that?” It was why angels had not clamored to our side. God had granted me either a little foresight or a lot of luck. It only occurred to me when I met Adara’s grandfather—a Rabbi of Prague. He had the key to an ancient secret. Back in the hospital room in Prague I had said one word to Adara’s grandfather, Rabbi Weil. He nodded, and I told Lena to tell him how many we needed. “As many as possible.” That word harkened back to a mythology in Jewish folklore. It referred to a protector of the Jewish Ghetto specific to Prague. It was what I said to Berger right now. That word was “Golem.”

I don't know about you, but when I think of horror, immediately I think back to the many horror movies I was scared to watch, but did, on television. At some point, unless I was specifically asked to review a book, I avoided movies after I saw The Exorcist. Until Declan Finn came into my life... Check to the right to see my review of the first book in this series. I wish I had the time to read all that I missed, but maybe some day in the future... In the meantime, I have a few words to say about this book! Supernatural! Religious/ancient myths, demons, Thriller, Living Saint... Wow, Fantastic, Unbelievably realistic...

Finn has been writing many years... So if you enjoy Horror, with a twist of religious beings, do search for "Declan Finn" in the blog search because I've review his first trilogy...and quite a few more...

By the Way, let's start with a phrase that many of you may recognize: "Pray Without Ceasing..." See how it is done in the following fight scene! Our main character has some fantastic God-given skills--unbelievable ones-- but in this book, he needed help... No, Not our Super Hero Iron Man - Just Think - Golem!

Jesus Christ protects and defends me with the power of His Holy and Divine Grace. I drove my right fist into the back of the dragon’s head, then stomped on it. Jayden detached her own head, regrew one, and slashed, taking another leg. The Virgin of Nazareth covers me with her sacred and divine mantle, protecting me in all my dolors and afflictions. Instead of regrowing the leg, I fell on Jayen’s back. My right leg wrapped around her throat as my hands ripped the wing from her body and tossed it aside. Her tail whipped around to choke me, but she forgot that the golem mech didn’t need to breathe. And God, with His Divine Mercy and great power, is my defender against the evils and persecutions of my enemies. I shifted the clay in my hands to become like blades. I grabbed the base of her tail and closed in, slamming both blades to meet in her flesh. The fire that poured from the wound burned the hands off and scorched the face plate. Glorious Saint George, in the name of God, extend to me your shield and your powerful arms, defending me with your strength and your greatness— I kneed Jayden in the spine, and I heard a crack. She roared and rolled us both over, flattening trees, paths, fences, fountains, and statues as we pummeled one another. And may my enemies underneath your feet become humble and submissive to you. I punched her in the throat. So Be it in the Power of God— She clawed my mech’s face off. —of Jesus Christ and of the Divine Holy Spirit. I ripped her arm off and clubbed her with it. Amen. I found myself grabbing naked flesh with my own hands and threw Jayden off me. She staggered away in her succubus form, bat wings smaller than before. I was mobile but unsteady on my feet. The clay of the golems once more reformed around me, the armor light but strong. Gauntlets formed over my fists. A helmet formed around my skull. My entire body felt invigorated. The golem clay had reformed into divine powered armor. I suddenly had a quick image of Robert Downey, Junior saying "I! Am! Golem Man!, followed by a Black Sabbath guitar riff," but I pushed it away. I launched myself at Jayden, my fist driving her back, staggering. Her hands ignited with unholy black flame. I shot in, grabbed her wrist, and wrenched it into her own face. She screamed horribly before she put out the fire. Jayden kicked off me and launched into flight, back towards the house. She’s going back to the pit. If she gets the pillar of fire started again, and recharges, then we have to do this all over again. I readied myself to sprint after her, then paused. There was a deliberate gap in the gauntlet. On the finger of my right hand, the Soul Ring was opened and exposed. It’s a weapon, I thought. It had done in the corrupt London cop who tried to kill me, as well as the two British bigwigs who had tried to destroy London. I pointed my fist at Jayden’s back and thought about a laser putting a hole through her wing. The Soul Ring leaped to action. The jewel glowed white for an instant before firing off a quick line of energy, like a Star Wars blaster. It cut right through Jayden’s wing. She screamed in pain, then in fear as the ground raced for her. She hit with a wet thump. She unsteadily rolled to her feet and ran for the mansion. Screw it, I thought. We can catch her. I was already off at a run before my next thought was Who’s We? I was only a few feet behind Jayden as she made a running leap from the front steps of the manor house and into the hole where the main staircase used to be in the front room. I reached the same stairs and made the same leap. Much to my surprise, with the power of the clay armor, I all but flew from the bottom front step into the hole where the concrete stairs used to be. Jayden was only ten feet ahead of me and running for the portal. Without thinking, I fired the Soul Ring from the hip. I put a hole in Jayden’s right hip. She screamed and fell to the floor. She held the wound with her right hand. With her left, she reached out to crawl towards the raised platform, which, much to my surprise, was still there. Also to my surprise was the neat little man in the neat little suit, standing on the platform by the statue of Asmodeus. “Don’t bother, Jayden,” he said calmly. “He’s got you.” Jayden cried out on pain and fear. “No! No!” I stepped forward casually and calmly. Normally, I would consider arresting a perp in her condition. But there would be no way to stop her by human means. I reached down and took her arm. “Let me help you up.” Jayden looked at me in startled confusion. So did the man on the platform. She took my hand, and I raised her to her feet. I grabbed her by both shoulders and carried her so her naked behind could sit on the edge of the platform. My clay-covered hands locked to her wrists as effectively as any handcuffs. “The way I see it,” I told her, “we have two options. We talk to the Vatican, and we keep you in the secret archives next to the Ark of the Covenant—” “That’s at the bottom of the Mediterranean,” the man in the suit corrected me. I gave him a look. He merely shrugged and waited for me to continue. “Or, you get sent back.” Jayden smirked at me and spat in my face mask. “To Hell with you, saint. I would rather spend my last days of existence in the darkest, foulest corners of Hell then let you try to exercise mercy with me.” The man in the suit calmly interjected, “Which is exactly what awaits her.” “I spit on you and all your kind. You! You who were allowed a choice. To serve or to rule. We get to serve, or we are damned. Damn you for your mercy. Damn you for your freedom. Damn you for—” I punched my right fist in her chest and fired the Soul Ring into where her heart should have been. I left a hole big enough to put my arm through. Jayden’s mouth hung open, her eyes wide in shock. She struggled for breath, but couldn’t draw in any. “Go home,” I said gently, then let go of her wrists. Jayden slowly slumped back into the hole she created, and fell into the abyss. Without Jayden as the conduit, the concrete platform rebuilt from the edges, kaleidoscoping shut. There was the gentle sound of applause off to the side. The man in the suit clapped his delicate hands together. “Very well done, she didn’t even see it coming.” I gave him a look and was about to ask him who he was and why he was still unscathed… but then I saw that he was within two circles. One of them was of chalk. The other of them was of salt. The circles went around both him and the statue of Asmodeus. I looked at him and took a step back. “Yes. That’s right. They summoned me a few months ago and had no problem just leaving me here to consult.” “I thought she said that Asmodeus was going to rise within the hour.” The demon Asmodeus shrugged. “She was less literal. I’m not physical yet, Detective Nolan. I’m just … here.” From behind me, a voice called down, “Tommy! Are you all right?” I called over my shoulder, “Right here, Pearson. But I think you’re needed down here. We have to get rid of—” Asmodeus raised his hand. “Ah ah ah! Wait. You can use me, you know. I know things. I know many things. I know who your cult served. I know what’s coming next.”

Finn's creative genius continues to amaze me. His research and exploration of the types of horrible creatures/demons that have been identified by name/type for centuries is comprehensive. I stopped when I first started reading because of a female being in the role of evil--at that time, I wasn't able to read on. Too much had happened to women in America during the last near-decade. But later, remembering that I had already known about the female succubus, I was ready to read on... When you're writing horror, female versus male matters little when you're fighting evil...

So if you have not heard of this writer, let me be clear. His Horror is, for me, better than S. King. Why? Because of his main characters who are always on God's side! And, this writer does an excellent job in ensuring every single sentence is handled in a reverential manner, while exhibiting the magnificent power of God--think "Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20-21."

On a tour bus to Munich, Germany, a young girl, small even for her age, was among those passengers when the bus was stopped. Adara had been in the bathroom and listened as the monsters took control. Would they bypass looking in the bathroom. She pulled herself into the tiniest spot and held her breath, fearing even to breathe. And she waited, but then after it had been quiet for some time, "Click-Thump Click-Thump" and then she heard it stop near her. Suddenly a hand grabbed her ankles and dragged her away!

Back in Tennessee, Tommy had been awakened by his wife, calling that "her water had broken." Actually, he was happy to hear that it was not a call for action into a work situation--no demon to fight! And he proceeded to get up and help the love of his life. He and Jeremy got her to the hospital and started the long wait. Three hours had gone by and then Grace Gabrielle Nolan was born... Thankfully, because he had soon received a call from the Vatican...

And his wife, and son, now enjoying the new addition to the family, simply said, "Go. Be Secret Agent Saint. Come back to us. Got it?”

Now, why he was led away was for a somewhat strange request (at least for we readers). An important witness was dead, cursed by those who can do such a thing... And they wanted Tommy to bring him back to life! Yes, you read that correctly. Did I not say that there is nothing impossible with God? Even Tommy wasn't sure that he could do it--and surely didn't know how to begin to think about doing it! The ADA Carlton had a logical mind and decided that it could be done... Three days later, the witness walked into the courtroom to testify... And, Tommy admitted that all he had to do was pray for an hour, saying Please, Please quite often... You see, when a curse is placed on somebody, as his son spoke knowingly, “God does not let people die from demonic infestation or curses. The only physical harm can be what God wills. If this is a curse, and this man died from it, it’s because God allowed it.” He paused, frowned, and added, “Or he was involved in occult stuff. It left him open to it.” Mariel nodded. “Right.” I should point out that Jeremy considers his father a superhero and loves to explore exactly what powers God has given him...

So, with that miracle taken care of...

Tommy's Vatican contact had already scheduled him on a flight to Munich... Where Adara had been captured and brought as requested...and where we will meet the latest villain that is to be vanquished:

Adara screamed as she was dragged out from under her chair. The kidnapper loomed over her as Adara was raised right off the bus floor. It was a woman. A stunning, darkly beautiful woman with blood-red stiletto boots and hair that looked like it was on fire. “My, aren’t you the tasty looking one?” she said. She licked her lips with her exceptionally long tongue. Adara knew something was wrong, but it didn’t click until the kidnapper licked her lips again. Her tongue was forked. Adara screamed. Her kidnapper rolled her eyes and strode out of the bus, carrying Adara by the ankle in one hand. 

People often say, "you can't make these things up..." Yet Declan Finn does it daily... 

Tommy is rarely alone, there is often a priest traveling with him, along with vials of holy water and all other weapons that have been blessed for a holy war...of gigantic proportions! At first, it was thought that a ring of human traffickers were at work. That would have been easy to deal with. But the woman, Jayden, was a villain who also had demonic powers which she used to bring about what she wanted most of all: Power... and More Power!

Frankly I enjoy reading fiction in which the good guys always win... And with St. Tommy N.Y.P.D. is involved, there is no doubt that, no matter who--or--what is acting against God's Children. They will not Win! If you agree... This latest is extraordinary in the supernatural aspect when God acts through one of His chosen saints... Enjoy!


Monday, September 2, 2024

Old Girls Behaving Badly: Two Strangers. One Wedding. The Adventure of a Lifetime! by Kate Galley - My Guess? If You're over 50 You'll Loves Galley's Books...


Douglas had said on more than one occasion that he just didn’t really get it, as if there was a special something he had to understand more tricky than two people simply loving one another.

‘My goodness, how very disappointing of him,’ Dorothy said. ‘I’m generalising here, I do realise, but women tend to find themselves through friendships and activity, through reading and learning. I think men tend to need some sort of justification for existing through sex.’ There was a beat of silence while we digested those words before Dorothy added her caveat: ‘Not all men, of course.’

‘Dorothy, my friend, you are so insightful and offer up such an impassioned speech with a great argument for independence without shackles and yet, somehow I’m feeling myself even more compelled than ever to do your bidding and find this painting for you. Bravo.’ 
‘I meant every word, you know. I think we can help each other,’ she said. I was about to ask her how she planned to help me, but some of the others’ voices were within earshot again, so I took her hand, gave it a squeeze, and tried not to think about the task before me that was far greater than getting us out of this maze. I then pulled my phone from my pocket and opened my maps app, zoomed in on our location and, watching the flashing blue dot move, I pulled Dorothy gently to the left. ‘Here,’ I said. ‘We don’t need Leonard’s terrible clues to reach the middle; we have technology!’ 
The middle of the maze was surprisingly large, and the entire group were already there, proving that Leonard’s clues were hardly tricky at all. His staff had managed to navigate the labyrinth of hedging and deliver a table laden with food and drinks. There were more plastic rose trees and I remembered the game of croquet earlier. Leonard liked a theme; that was for sure. A huge glass bowl of something that looked like punch sat on one end of the table with a sign next to it – Drink me! 
Platters of meat and cheese, bread, cakes and fruit covered the rest with the obligatory sign – Eat me!
Juliet was crowing over the fact that she had worked out all the clues and wanted to know what her prize was because it couldn’t possibly just be dinner. Leonard smiled, indulgently, and handed her a twenty-pound note from his wallet. She looked surprised at his change in attitude, but then pocketed the money. This was going to be a meal that I couldn’t get out of, I realised as everyone took their seats. Some jazz music began to fill the air around us from hidden speakers and mingled with the sounds of people piling food onto their plates and glasses being filled. 
If it hadn’t been for what Dorothy had planned for me, this all might be a lovely thing to do on a warm summer evening, but instead my mind was twitchy and preoccupied. I opened my photos on my phone and began to scroll through the pictures I’d taken earlier while Leonard was safely at the other end of the table. There was so much of the house I had yet to see and probably many places that would be completely out of bounds to me. He could have it hanging up in the attic rooms or hidden in a shed or storeroom somewhere; he may have even destroyed it. I glanced across at Dorothy who was sitting opposite me on the other side of the table. She had helped herself to some food and was nibbling on a chunk of cheese with slices of apple. She looked like she didn’t want to be there much either and I wondered what would happen if I didn’t find the painting. Dorothy had already said she wouldn’t be able to let it go and move on. She would be consumed with anger when she should really be grieving the death of her husband, but then, wasn’t anger one of the many stages? 
When my beloved mother Ellen died, I had eventually been angry. Firstly, though, I’d wandered aimlessly through my days in a haze as dark as the smoke that had filled our house on that terrible night. There was a numbness to my existence with the occasional awakening to grief and guilt. Ellen was a gentle woman, kind and funny, smart and serious when seriousness was needed. She was appreciated for her work, loved by many, admired by more than just my father and, ultimately, fallible. It had been eighteen months after her death that I met Douglas. The year was 1980 and I was twenty-eight. My friends had dragged me out in some odd celebration after the successful court case, but I couldn’t feel any sort of victory over the man who had started the fire. How could I possibly? Douglas had been drinking with a few of his own friends and as the pub filled and we had to start sharing tables, I found myself talking to him. To this day I can’t remember what was said – I don’t recall much about that time at all – but I must have thought him nice and friendly, because I married him and had his children. I wouldn’t have guessed that a man who would see me through that terrible time with care and compassion would be able to discard me so easily over forty years later. 
I felt a determination settle over me. I would find the painting or certainly find out if Leonard was responsible; then Dorothy could move on with her life.

With a solid mystery, this story is catchy, fun, and somewhat of a page-turner. While at the same time, it is completely character-driven, even though readers may not get to know much about the entire cast. The three or four that are upfront and center necessarily drive the book forward... 

First we have the two female main characters. They are truly characters for whom you will quickly develop a caring concern for both of them. We first meet Gina who was jilted with a short letter when she and her husband were both in their seventies. Needless to say she was shocked, but soon began to deal with the fact that if she were going to be alone, she needed to work to survive. Reading the want ads, she noticed that there were many who were looking for carers or companions. Gina had been caring for three for many years, so applied for one that was listed for only one week with a possible longer time period. She was to be a companion of a woman in her late 80s who would be needing help to attend a week-long guest vacation which would end with one of her relatives getting married.

Dorothy knew nothing about that ad and was quite adamant that she didn't need a companion! However, after scaring the first applicant who quickly left, she was resigned to continuing and was somewhat kinder to Gina since she was an older woman. And, when she learned of her background, she immediately started asking for details... And she was hired...

It was only as they met and talked more, that Gina was to learn exactly what her job would be... And then learned even more that caused her concern, when the driver was quite open about the owner of the place:

‘He’s rich and arrogant according to my wife’s sister, Violet, who cleaned there for a short time a few years back. I’ll bet no more arrogant than any other rich man, though. The house is something else, very grand, but Vi said she wasn’t sorry to lose her job, as she was always terrified of breaking one of his precious art pieces. I’ve never been in there myself. ‘He’s done a little for the village: new planting for the green, a project with a local children’s charity for a fun run around his estate, that sort of stuff. He’s not married and hasn’t got any kids of his own, though. There’s not many that know him well.’ He sounded eccentric, like a nice, kindly old man, but then as uncle to the bride, he couldn’t be that old, I thought. I relaxed a bit then. A week at a country estate in Norfolk for the wedding of Dorothy’s grandson didn’t seem like much of a challenge. A house full of art – I won’t pretend that didn’t interest me. Dorothy Reed herself, who seemed like a person I could get along with. Of course I was to be paid for my services too, which was a huge motivator in this set-up. I settled back in my seat and tried to tell myself not to expect too much, but the truth was, with my life in a state of limbo, I was actually expecting quite a lot.

Arriving at the country mansion, Gina was at once overwhelmed with the house... But, with her past background, she began to be confused. There was no theme to how very extravagant pieces of art were displayed, often with others of much lesser value. As she was led to her room, she noticed a small vase on a windowsill that sat in the corner, rather than, as she thought it should, centering it for display. She even relocated it, but soon saw it back where it had once been... She began to wonder just who the owner of this home was...

And Dorothy's discussion on what she wanted was no real help... You see, she believed that the owner of the house had sent somebody to steal a painting from her home. They had been scheduled to be out of town but had a late change. Dorothy and her husband was in bed when they heard the thief. Her husband ran downstairs and after the intruder and fell that night and died. Dorothy explained how and why she knew who had been behind the theft. She wanted Gina to find that stolen painting, so that he could be indicted for murder!

Instead, what started to happen, during a planned week-long event where the owner, who was uncle of the bride, essentially took charge of everything, serving lavish meals, for which he had a theme, a costume, even if nobody else did, and a way to make him the center of attraction rather than the bride/groom couple. Even at the planned breakfast, he had insisted he be at the head table contrary to the parents' wishes... The bride had agreed...

During all these events, Gina was excusing herself and spent time within the home to try to find the stole picture. The owner was suspicious of her but he had little ability to actually stop her... And she learned that several of the local staff were willing to respond truthfully to specific questions even to the point of condemning their own actions that had taken place and afterward used to blackmail their willing subservience...

Until the wedding was actually underway! And the painting had not been found... Dorothy was beginning to feel as if all of this was a waste of time and she was extremely feeling guilty for putting Gina through what she had asked. She sat thinking that her paycheck must reflect all that she had been forced to do, even in the end willing to help Dorothy. But the wedding was so very beautiful and the after period was a success. Dorothy brightened when the bride, Caroline, came to her and held her tightly thanking her for being there with her and her loved ones...

I enjoyed every single minute of it. Especially when a young teenager who was bored being there among all the family, with little to do. But readers discover that she has been creating her own entertainment... And she had recordings... Because after the bride and groom had left, it was discovered that the owner had disappeared...

Do check this journey to A country estate over in England, where we find a little village with workers and a small church where the wedding is to be held... But be careful, the first event in finding your way to lunch is through a maze... Enjoy!
