Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Robert Sells, Political Commentator, Discusses Latest Court Case of Republican Party Presidential Candidate...Spotlighting Congressional Leader's Actions!


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Mike Johnson: “This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one… a shameful day in American history.”.

No. It was our judicial system working just as it was designed, Mr. Speaker. Since you don’t seem to understand how our legal system works, let me enlighten you.
The district attorney decides what crime to ascribe to a defendant. That is exclusively his prerogative. Whether or not a case should be brought to the criminal court is decided not by the prosecution nor by the defense. Instead, it is decided by a grand jury… twenty or more American citizens who listen to the evidence brought forth by the prosecution. Whether or not the case proceeds to trial is exclusively their responsibility. It was the grand jury, a group of American citizens, who decided to bring the case to trial AS IS DONE IN ALL CRIMINAL CASES. Not President Biden, not the Democrats.
The jury is picked by both the defense and the prosecution equally and fairly. Once the jury is picked, the trial is overseen by a judicial expert, the judge. Donald is certainly not an expert on legal matters so whatever he claims about the judge or the trial is superfluous. Despite what he may want, he does not call the shots in the courtroom. Finally, the jury, twelve Americans, weight the evidence and decide upon guilt or innocence. They decided Donald was guilty on all 34 counts. Donald nor you have any say in this matter, Mr. Speaker of guilt or innocence in the eyes of the law… just the twelve common men and women.
So, the “exercise” was perfectly legal. Admittedly, it wasn’t what Donald wanted. Once again, he has shown himself to be a poor loser by blaming the court instead of himself. Was the process shameful? Not at all, Mr. Speaker. It was a sterling example in which the court system worked perfectly without fear or favor.
What was shameful were the deprecating remarks you and other MAGA Republicans said about the rule of law. Instead of respecting the result, you rejected the rule of law. Shame on you!


Donald, convicted felon, continues to make false statements. Here’s one about why he thought his trial was “unfair”: “The judge allowed them [prosecution] to go into everything I was ever involved in.”
No, not everything, Donald. Nothing was said about how you were stripped of your “charity” because you used it for your own personal gain. Nothing was said about the young ladies in your beauty tournaments who you embarrassed by barging into their dressing rooms unannounced. Nothing was said about you being found liable for defaming columnist E. Jean regarding your sexual assault of her. Nothing was said about you exaggerating the value of his real estate and now having to pay back the government over $500 million. Nothing was said about your intimate involvement regarding the Jan. 6th insurrection. Nothing was said about your deliberate stealing and then deliberate hiding of Top-Secret documents. Nothing was said about your seven bankruptcies. Nothing was said about your unreliable credibility, your many, many lies… over 30,000 of which you made while being president. Finally, nothing was said about you duping your followers by asking them for campaign money which is then being used to pay off your debts.


When under so many indictments, it is wrong for Donald to run for president. He even said so himself!
After Donald found out the FBI were investigating Hillary Clinton for her missing emails, he said the following: "She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way. She has no right to be running, you know that. No right."
LOL. And now Donald is past the investigation phase… four (4) grand juries have viewed the evidence and are convinced he should stand trial in four (4) criminal cases. Four! And, one is already completed and he was found guilty! So, per his own words, he “has no right to be running”. And, MAGA followers, just to quote your master again… “You know that. No right.”

We all wonder when the republican party will face the reality of what has happened... Too much delay has occurred due to the standard justice system where appeals can be made... But, let's face it, so many lies from the republicans have eroded the value of Truth. Robert Sells presents cogent, logical statements of fact, yet there would be many who say he is lying! Simply because they disagree... Because they have heard their choice of president speaking year in and year out lie after lie after lie... How can the average citizen discover and willingly admit that they've been lied to for so long... Will they ever get over that they have been fooled by a conman? Only time will tell...

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