Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Dr. Jerry W. Hulse Presents The Sleeping Church - Studying the Parable... The Ten Virgins - Open Memoir


It's Fascinating How His Spirit Can be Found Just About Anywhere when His love is there... I got chills from what happened, did you?

Beloved, God’s Holy Spirit is the one who will help us be prepared and remember, "He is the best man that is left behind to help us be prepared to serve."
 Note: "We must realize that the bottom line in this parable is that some people are not what they appear to be." 
Note: " These foolish people were not willing to help serve and make a sacrifice for the Kingdom of God." 

Beloved reader, these young bridesmaids were friends of the bride but chose to take a chance on her wedding by taking shortcuts thinking they could do it their way and hope all would turn out right in the end but they soon found themselves an embarrassment to themselves and to the bride who had placed her trust in them. 
Dear reader, there are some in the church today who appear to be ready to meet the Lord but have never surrendered their life to Christ. 
Beloved, they go through all the patterns of being right and being a good church member but they have never surrendered to be a servant and serve. 
 Saints and fellow peers, some people have gone forth attempting to build their Kingdom instead of following the command of our Lord to be a light that others may see. 
Beloved, because of these five foolish young maidens choosing to do it their way, the wedding party would be made to walk in less light on a dark path. 

Saints, the church body as a whole today seems to be on rocky ground with more and more pastors resigning because of the stress they face every day taking its toll on their life and family. Pastors today cannot trust anybody to help them because somebody will expose them to better themselves at their expense and that is why God placed it on my heart to build a Pastor's Oasis where they can spend a few days alone with God and get recharged. 
Beloved, some pastors today make statements that their life feels like a person who has found themselves in a powerful earthquake, the buildings around them are falling, concrete and steel is being twisted to pieces and they are losing their balance. Beloved, these pastors make statements like they feel as if they are reeling back and forth as they try to make sense of what is taking place, and their ability to make sound decisions is limited because of all the shock and destruction that is going on around them. 
My question to us dear reader is, "How did we get in this lukewarm condition and what are we going to do to try and make ourselves ready to meet our Lord when he calls?"
Beloved, God’s Holy Spirit is the one who will help us be prepared, and we need to bear in mind that the blessed Holy Spirit is the best man that is left behind to help us be prepared to serve and complete the wedding, and He is the one when things are not going well that will flood us with his divine presence assuring us that our groom loves us with a pure intimate providing love that he alone can give to satisfy a lonely heart.          


Years ago, I had read a study book by John R. Tucker (look to the right) which included an indepth look at the book of Matthew which included the Parable of the 10 Virgins... In this version which is intended for young Christians, beginning at age 9, Dr. Jerry Hulse, also separates out exactly who is prepared for the upcoming visit from the groom...

I remember really loving the song which dwells on the parable... however, yet it really doesn't reflect what Jesus' message was to me... It's that first line of the song, "Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning..." You see, there were many virgins who had been told of the coming of Christ, the Bridegroom. The book talks about those who fell asleep, tired of waiting, or, perhaps, as some would say these days, they were bored. They had nothing to do and were tired of waiting. Or, maybe they played a favorite video game to fill the time, while wondering--Where Is He? Why do I have to wait, surely He knew we would be waiting for Him...

But, really, in Truth, We do not know when He will come to us...to each of us... Of course, this is not really about having oil--or having prepared a large meal assuming it would be on this day or that--but rather that each of us must choose each day who we will follow...

The book is fairly short and has only three chapters. The first dealing with the parable. The second was, for me, somewhat surprising. I don't think I've ever heard a sermon about these people. Yet, in our hearts, we may sometimes find ourselves using the word. Me? I have, especially in the last decade more than any other time... It is about Hypocrites in Church...

I thought it was interesting that the author chose to use the dictionary to define who are hypocrites (I thought that was a wise decision):
Dear reader, the Webster's dictionary defines a hypocrite as a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion, and it also defines a hypocrite as a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.  
 Saints, when someone makes a remark that they are better off where they are than attending your church because there are too many hypocrites in your church are making a statement before all creation that they are spiritual enough to judge the people in that church and without realizing what they are doing, they are bringing a searchlight on their own soul.

Going back to the parable, then, we can easily see that most of us have, at one time or another, chosen "not to be ready" when Christ might come... I have, and have talked about it, and will probably do so again as I write my memoir(s). How often, even as we know that God is a God of Love, who only asks us to love one another, do we find ourselves using hurtful words...

But I must say, however, that we have all seen that Christianity is being used in so many different and offensive ways that we are caught, yes, caught, off guard, not being able to know exactly who are those who claim to be Christians... I think that we must, perhaps for the first time ever, begin to challenge actions by those who claim God is behind what they are doing, especially in America... or in Russia as the leader chose to attack another country for no other reason other than power and a desire for more...

I woke up this morning realizing that I had once again acted on my own emotions rather than placing my faith in Him... He had earlier promised that He was in control of all that could happen... Reminding me, this morning, that he is laughing at us for such fear, because of a lack of, or better said, a desire to help in bringing us back from the brink of chaos here in America. Even while knowing that He has seen this all before, referencing as far back as the day He was crucified, that God's Love is Stronger and Eternal and will Never be Lost to Those who hide behind religions of any kind in order to hate and bring violence upon others of His children...

How soon we forget...

I had a friend send me this pic recently... I think he found it offensive... I found it heartwarming...

Choose this day whom you shall be... God is a God of Truth--of Love... I choose Jesus... Each day... I choose again... Sometimes, stopping and forcing myself to know He is above All... I need not fear...

God Bless,


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