Saturday, June 1, 2024

What's Happening at Book Readers Heaven -- Another One (Verizon) Bites MY Dust -- With Help by Marie! Find Her at Morgantown, WV Target Store!


Marie came into my life yesterday... She came strolling up to me and politely asked if I needed help...

Immediately I said Yes (and I'd follow here anywhere to have her provide it, LOL).

Who was she, you might wonder and rightly so... All I can say is that God sent her to me just when I needed her...

I had gone to Target where I hoped to find a representative for Consumer Cellular. There was none. My niece suggested that I could at least look at their phones... My reasoning for this company was that, since Verizon was out of service for at least 50% of the time at my location, then I could at least pay a cheaper cost for the same service... I had learned that, even though Verizon forced us to "upgrade" (whatever that meant), the company really had not yet accomplished this...

I asked the young woman if she was a rep for them. She said no, but she was for AT&T. OK, That was a company that I would at least listen to... Walking with her to her work station, I began to learn so much! She pointed out that my phone was Generation 4; while AT&T had already gone to Generation 5. Immediately I had HOPE... Maybe I would have phone service from just my cell and not have to have a landline! She explained that she too lived on a farm away from town and got good service there... Hope grew...

Before going further, I had two issues of concern. Did AT&T have a phone that could also provide emergency calling... She quickly pointed out how her phone was able to accomplish that...and she added that all AT&T phones provided that service! I shared about another company that had bit the dust--Medical Alert!-- that was one + for AT&T for me... The next was related to my need to have larger print...that I could no longer read many of the messages that were coming in, from Verizon and more... She quickly said that as soon as I had received the selected phone, she would personally increase the size! Wow... I was loving this angel! And started flowering her with compliments...
She reminded me of Abby in NCIS, who was not only bright, but was constantly joyful, working to help me, seeming to delight in the tasks that would lead to my complete satisfaction.  That was Marie!

Marie even dressed in her own personal style, like Abby, and soon I knew this young lady was trustworthy... As some of you know, I had found so many large corporations with questionable levels of trust for more years than I wanted to count... Isn't it sad that it has gotten so bad for customers, that when you meet a totally competent, efficient, and personable sales rep that you want to gush and thank her--for just doing her job!?

But I'm not done yet, just as Jesus did with the Samaritan woman, Marie began to help me through the confusion and frustration of my not understanding how to deal with constant changes from every company who no longer cares for their customers... Marie spoke clearly and strongly--We can do this for you! We will meet your every need! And we will not act as if I was taking up their precious time, even though there were, that day, no other individuals waiting for her quiet, competently given words of guidance. She began to explain about a discount from AARP (in which I had never taken the time to participate) which would result in a discount... and then proceeded to sign me up! And told me each step that I would later do...

And before I knew it, she was talking to Verizon (yes, I discovered that there really are people working there, but by that time, I was no longer interested in talking to them). With one call she requested and received authorization for me to continue to use the same number for my new phone with AT&T...

This wonderful young lady, Marie, will be going places... She is a person who knows all that she needs to know, but, more, goes beyond her job to meet the needs of a tired woman who had just come from the doctor where I talked about a new operation to change a part of my body that was no longer meeting routine needs... Again... She told me the little things I needed to know that Verizon nor anybody else had thought to share... that all the calls which just recently started coming on my cell were robocalls and there was nobody there to actually read the messages I had been responding to! I just looked at her, even sharing one of the messages I had responded to (Verizon) robocall! But I didn't feel embarrassed! This is ALL very wrong...How dare, my telephone number be used for political purposes without my permission, for instance...Yet they come...daily... And, how dare Verizon force a change phones even though they were still in Generation 4...and still be charging more than I would be paying for AT&T, with Gen 5 already functioning!

When companies are supposedly doing all these changes according to their notices (to which you can never respond back to) for security's sake, yet, I and so many others are being inundated by dozens of spam calls!!! or emails? Surely they don't think we are stupid enough to think that they are really concerned about securing our lives--because they aren't! But, sadly, many large corporations have gone beyond... beyond ensuring that their motto was "The Customer Is Always Right" and gone to those places as men such as our former president, that does everything for their own greed or power (both) never realizing that there is indeed payback ahead... AT&T is well beyond meeting my preferred issues being addressed... And, at a lower cost...

I couldn't help but think about the comparison, such as Verizon, (and many others) that no longer allow an email response to their mail... thus ensuring that we rarely raised questions or sought support... This goes for most online sites as well... It is illogical that the customer is no longer a part of the trial and error and need for correction immediately if at all possible...

I applaud Marie from White Oak Strategies Networking Firm... and AT&T for providing staff who works with those of us in need, in understanding all the changes being made in technology! Hopefully, I won't need to have a landline; but I'm now prepared to get what will work in my location! 

Note that this is not yet a review of the phone itself... It's just to remind us that there really are people, like Marie, who works to "help her neighbors..."

God Bless


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