Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Open Memoir - The Beatitudes - More from Jim Wallis - I Am A Christian Against Christian Nationalism! Are you Ready to Turn the World Upside Down? That is What Jesus Requires Of Each of Us!


When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. Then the king will say to those at his right hand, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”  (Please note that I've had to use italics to reflect  Jesus' words. Color changes are no longer possible; I have notified Google)

Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?” 

And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these, who are members of my family, you did it to me.” 

Then he will say to those at his left hand, “You who are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels, for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.” Then they also will answer, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of you?” Then he will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.” And these will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous into eternal life. 

—MATTHEW 25:31–46 This is my own conversion text; it brought me back to faith. Often referred to by biblical scholars as “the parable of the sheep and the goats,” it is the final of three parables about divine judgments. This one is about what will happen when the son of man, Jesus, returns in all of his glory. These parables are divine judgments about human life choices. And in this final and most comprehensive parable, some standing before Jesus will be rewarded for their choice to serve those who are the most vulnerable. They will “inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” And some will be punished. The text uses the Greek words for “accursed,” for “damnation.” They will be sent away from Jesus—that separation perhaps being the worst outcome—for ignoring, neglecting, and perhaps even exploiting those whom Jesus calls “the least of these.” It is still striking for me how surprised the people who heard the words Jesus spoke—both to the sheep and the goats—were about the basis for this final judgment. “When did we see you hungry, thirsty, naked, a stranger, sick, or in prison?” they all asked. “Are you really saying that you were there among the poorest and most vulnerable people—the ones in great need?” “Yes, that was also me,” Jesus says. The text is not just about individuals, but also uses the word “nations.” 

Peoples of many tribes and places—alleged believers and nonbelievers alike—will be judged by Jesus’ words here. It is a very broad judgment and one of the most serious and ultimate in all of Jesus’ parables. Jesus is usually not perceived as “judgmental” in the way many religious people are; but he renders real judgment here. And the ultimate judgment in this last teaching—before he left for Jerusalem to be crucified and then resurrected—is about serving those most in need. 

I believe that white Christian nationalism has failed Jesus’ final test of discipleship. White Christian nationalist leaders and their churches almost never speak of the poor, of God’s priority of a “preferential option” for the poor as Catholic social teaching calls it, or offer any “good news” to the poor as the evangelical revivalists of the nineteenth century did, or the Black churches have always done. While the least of these are central to Jesus’ final test of discipleship, calls to serve the poor and the most vulnerable are almost completely absent in white Christian nationalist circles. Occasionally, some voluntary charity is offered, but never a call to justice for the “least of these.”


Sheltered in the Arms is one of my most favorite songs, especially singing in parts...lovely, don't you think? But, the words are clear about what our God provides to us... He promises that He will be with us, that we not fear for anything we lack... Because, after all, He sent His Son, Jesus, to be with us always... Living Within Us--Guiding Us--Often providing our needs before we even are aware of what we need for that day... El Shaddai was a song I first heard from Amy Grant and I've loved it from that time... It is a prayer of praise built right into the song, providing only the tune by which we can praise the great I Am...

Jim Wallis in The False White Gospel, has a chapter entitled "Jesus' Final Test of Discipleship." (see above for short excerpt) Coming from a poor family, with a single Mom and 4 children, we had little, yet my mother would work day and night to provide for us. We saw her work ethic and followed that throughout our lives... Mom had us in church whenever the doors were open, and would invite our pastor and his wife to Sunday dinner every week... Mom was a role model that was exactly what fatherless children needed to move forward in life... 

It was natural that Jesus was always part of my thoughts... Learning "Jesus Loves Me" as the first song to be sung by the children in Sunday School. And when I learned about The Holy Trinity, I knew exactly what that meant--after all, I had read a small pamphlet and saw a picture of Jesus knocking at our door...asking, waiting to be invited into our Hearts... Even later, having been baptized at the age of 13, I then received the second baptism of the spirit... Even when I broke away from that close relationship for a while in my life, I knew that He would never turn away from me...

We all always participated in the weekly collection, our tithe to the small Baptist Church where I had first began to attend church... Mom would give each of us a small coin as our donation. Giving was a part of our life, giving what we could to others...for a common good...

I first made a specific commitment to another when a young student at WVU approached me one day. He was working his way through school and was raising money through one of the on-campus Christian groups. I committed a sum that would be ongoing until he graduated...

The second time, I had attended a prayer event at a local monastery. One older woman spoke of her financial need... The next day, for some reason, I chose to walk downtown for lunch and went to a restaurant that I rarely visited and sat down and ordered. I looked up and saw that old woman sitting in a booth... I knew I had been led that day to help her. I took out enough cash to pay my bill and when finished with my meal, walked over and handed her all that I had...telling her that God knew of her need and this was to help...

The third time, turned out to be somewhat of a test. For me, that is... I was seeing a man who worked on campus. Later I learned that he was also seeing his secretary. However, she had left and planned on attending a Christian school. God had asked me to help her financially. Accept that I really wasn't too interested in helping my own competition... However, I made the contacts necessary to get her address and I wrote to her and sent money. That activity occurred for several years if my memory is correct. She had children and told me that my help was thankfully accepted to help feed her kids... I won't say we became friends, but I was helping somebody who needed what I could provide...

During my years of moving upward with promotions, I had learned that I had enough to live on. And still help those who were having problems... 

Let me highlight, also, that I have helped family as needed, not because God directed me to... I think when an individual recognizes that God will provide, there is an acceptance that others may need the money I earned, more than I did... Sharing those times to family members is not the same and is not mentioned as relevant to God's directions to all of Us.

Quite recently, some of you may remember that I wrote about an online incident where I got a little bit "snarky" about somebody's post. I thought I was being funny, but realized that it had not been taken that way. By the next day, I felt bad and went hunting for the woman online, When I did a search nothing came up. But, at the same time, a friend had posted and came up in my search, that she had a Go-Fund activity going on and her friend was helping to publicize it. It was almost like His Spirit whispered "You know what is needed..."

First of all, not being able to apologize to her was very frustrating for me... I opened the Go-Fund and saw what the goal was... and I donated that amount. Then I learned that a certain amount was needed for meds, so I added an additional amount. Only to find that because of two different amounts, confusion began on that site and it seemed like the amount she needed immediately would not get to her in time... Ok, I was getting more upset thinking I had lost contact with someone with whom I had interacted often enough to know I wanted to help...

She came back online and I wrote to her and we talked logistics about how to get money to her. We finally agreed that my sending a check through the mail would be the best way... She gave me her home address and I planned to send it overnight mail...

However, what I had learned was that her rent was coming due. I was astonished at the amount she was paying! Even as His spirit covers me now, I was moved the next morning to go to the bank for access to additional funds. So I planned it out in advance, got online for a Google map to take me from my bank to the nearest post office...

And then it started...

Did you ever get the feeling that you're being pulled from two different directions...

I went to my bank and sat down with a man with whom I had worked before, explaining I wanted to take money from my CD. He had worked with me before in this type of transaction, so I knew it was possible. This time, however, he asked me why I was doing this. So, thinking it would be a chance to witness, I said, "Well, since you ask, I'm sending money to a woman who needs help." The bank officer asked if she was a relative to which I said no... Another question, "how long have you known her?" So, I said, "Well, I've never met her but I've interacted online for quite some time..." He said, "it could be a scam..." I responded. "God wants me to do it... I know I am supposed to do this--I've done it before..." He got up and walked around, frowning... I knew what he was thinking, but I knew what I was doing was exactly what I should be doing..." He proceeded to explain the mechanics of what I wanted to do... We decided a check would be the best way since the money could be placed in my account immediately and then sent, clearing by the next day...

I could tell he was unhappy with how much I wanted to send... I added that I even had a google map to get me to the nearest post office... He immediately jumped in again, thinking he was being helpful, and told me to go instead to a nearer post office because not every post office had overnight service.

By the time I got to my car, I knew things weren't going well. I was getting upset, having flashbacks to when I was in an accident in that part of town and knowing that there were a lot of one-way streets... I had already pulled out of the bank lot and turned right as instructed, over the hill, turning right at the first location and was immediately lost. I saw no post office on that road on either side (indeed it was not there)... Soon I was in the middle of roadwork... I started calling out to road workers, thankfully female, asking for directions... Both were from out-of-town, like me, but at least the second woman said, "Just wait there Sweetie, I'll let you know when you can turn...

At that time, I was thinking I might see some place I recognized--I did not...

I was in a residential area, having no clue where to go. I saw a lady coming out of a house--a Black lady--I knew she would take the time to help me... I pulled along side and called to her. She did not know where the post office was... But asked me to pulled off the road so I didn't get hit... By that time, I was crying. She asked me what I was looking for. I explained I needed to get to the post office. I don't remember how I got as far as telling her I needed to send an overnight check to a woman in great need... 

She immediately said, too, it was a scam. Bawling, now, I said, God wants me to send the money. She calmly said, And God sent you right here to me to hear that it might be a scam... Doubt was setting in. Could she be right that God had brought me to her... I grew calmer and this is what I did..." Would you pray for me to receive a sign that I was to send the money. Or not..." I knew she was a praying woman and knew she would do what I asked...How did I know? My experience is that the majority of Black women are Christians... She asked me if I knew of any place in town that she might know. I could only think of the local theatre. She knew where it was, but didn't know how to direct me to it from her home...

I got in my car, continuing on forward, rather than going back into where the road work was happening. I came into some business buildings, still totally lost, took a couple roads when I was forced to turn left or right, but finally winding up having to turn into a one-way road. Taking that turn, I looked to my right and there read U.S. Post Office.  God had been my GPS! Went a little further, a small sign to handicapped parking!

When I went in, I commented about the parking lot. The woman said they didn't have one, only parking on the street (where no space was available). I mentioned the sign and she remembered that was for another company... Anyway, I started talking to her about different mail and times to get there... I started filling out the check right there, asking if I needed to move away from her station, she then started to help me, getting the envelope, taking the address and putting it on for me... In the meantime, another employee came up and started talking about Walter... Discovered that my near neighbor had worked in that post office until retirement...They told me I lived by a good man...

I felt like God was sending me sign after sign after sign that I was to follow through with mailing the check that I already knew I was supposed to send... Doubt was erased! 

Just so you understand, this is not about ME... yet it is, isn't it? Simply because I have heard the words of Jesus and have acted upon His words, His Spirit's direction...  The thing is that, apparently, few "choose" to listen rather use their God-given Free Will to do anything they want... To them, I say, "Been There; Done That" for a short period in my life... And, guess what, When I turned around, He was right there--Waiting!

You know folks, when people try to help, no matter what it is about, there is a certain energy exploding all over the place... This time was about money, but I just wrote about a young woman who came to my aid to get a new upgraded phone... When we, as a nation, work together to move forward, God will be with us...

Loving your neighbor falls well beyond those in your immediate community... I review books... I do it to support writers, especially those self-publishing. Each of us has been given a set of skills, talents, all of which could be used for the Glory of God... 


In seminary, I read Donald Kraybill’s The Upside-
Down Kingdom,
which is still, for me, one of the clearest descriptions of the new order that Jesus brought.3 

Kraybill points out how Jesus’ kingdom of God turns the world’s values of selfishness, consumerism, individualism, militarism, power, and domination upside down.

Therefore, one of the saddest and most dangerous things about white Christian nationalism, and the churches that willingly or unwittingly support it, is how white Christian nationalism literally turns Jesus’ kingdom of God wrong side up. White Christian nationalism has nothing good to say about the poor, and poverty is often described as a character flaw. In fact, Christians are responsible for some of the cruelest things being said in America about “those immigrants” or those “on welfare.” And their individualistic, nationalistic, and racial interpretation of religion—leading to the prosperity gospel, the embracing of military power, the white ethnocentricity, and pride of nation—all directly conflict with Jesus’ teachings about the kingdom of God. 

In Matthew 25, Jesus speaks of what we do, or don’t do, for the poorest and most vulnerable; is what we do, or don’t do—for Him. This was divine poetry for me when I first encountered this text because it fundamentally changes our relationship to millions of people in the world.
And Jesus put himself, his life, at the center of their lives. He was the “stranger,” a Greek word that translates quite literally to “immigrant or refugee,” at the center of our polarized political battles today. 

Jesus says that those who have welcomed the stranger, fed the hungry, given the thirsty something to drink, clothed the naked, visited prisoners in jail, or cared for the health of the sick were his true followers. He was with them, and if you wanted to be with Jesus, you had to be with them too. 

He told his would-be disciples: I will know how much you love me by how you treat them. And those who had offered the gift of their presence and care to the least of these would inherit the kingdom of God. Jesus made very plain what he was saying to all those gathered around him; all of who apparently believed themselves to be his followers. 

I was always very struck by that reality in the text. The people he was addressing all thought they believed in him. They had followed the rules as they understood them, and thought they had done what was necessary to earn their salvation. And they obviously were confused: Lord, when did we see you hungry, thirsty, naked, a stranger, sick, and imprisoned? We didn’t know that was you, Lord! Had we known it was you, we would have done something—like maybe formed a church social action committee. 

But, in Matthew 25, Jesus shows white Christian nationalism adherents the fault in their ways. He explains, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least, who are members of my family, you did it to me.” It was when they cared for the poor, the disenfranchised and the marginalized, that they cared for him. “It was me,” Jesus showed us. I often refer to Matthew 25 as the “It was me text.” How you treated those who had nothing to offer in return, that was how you treated me, he says. 

As a student, this was the most radical thing I’d ever read—more radical than the revolutionaries we young activists were all reading at the time to guide us. 

Jesus was calling for a complete reversal of the current world order. I began to see how the kingdom of God confronted the materialistic, militaristic, and racial values of American culture. In his transforming Sermon on the Mount, the ones whom Jesus calls “blessed” were both the poor and poor in spirit, those with the capacity to weep and mourn over human suffering, those who are meek and humble, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (justice), those who are merciful (compassionate), those who are pure in heart (integrity), and those who are the peacemakers (who resolve conflicts rather than start them). Jesus’ words cut to the heart of economics and politics.

 This was a different value system than the one I had grown up with in my white American church. One day, many years later, when I was fortunate to climb that hillside overlooking the beautiful Sea of Galilee, it seemed so small. 

I sat there quietly for a long time, pondering how Jesus’ sermon was intended to change the world, to turn our lives right side up. 

And Matthew 25 became Jesus’ final test of discipleship: how we treat the poor is literally how we treat him. In his commentary on Matthew 25, Tom Wright speaks of its overriding theme of justice. He says, Justice is one of the most profound longings of the human race. If there is no justice, then deep within ourselves we know that something is out of joint. Justice is hard to define and harder still to put into practice; but it has never stopped human beings and societies seeking it, praying for it, and working to find ways of doing it better. And “justice” doesn’t simply mean “punishing wickedness,” though that is regularly involved. It means bringing the world back into balance.4 The world “balance” is important. All the imbalances I saw as a young activist were deeply motivating me to change things. 

Wright goes on to say, “Part of the biblical image of the coming of the son of man is the announcement that justice will at last be done.” This is how the rule of Christ in the kingdom of God would be exercised—through justice. Wright goes on: Should we not say, then, that this scene of judgment, though in this picture it is spoken of as a one-off future and final event, may actually refer to what is happening throughout human history from the time of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to the present.… Jesus is portrayed as launching his followers on their dangerous and vulnerable mission.5 This new order is both now and coming. 

When is the last time you heard a white Christian nationalist MAGA pastor talk about justice from the pulpit—justice for the poor, for the immigrants, for those being discriminated against? The only words that relate to “justice” are predictions of punishment for all those who oppose their political agenda. In the Bible, as many scholars have pointed out, the word for “justice” and “righteousness” is often the same. But white Christian nationalist preachers translate righteousness into only personal piety, and ignore the biblical language of justice altogether when it comes to the people who are other than them.

In Donald Trump's Trial, we learned that a deal was made between David Pecker and Donald Trump to have the National Enquirer support his campaign through lying...not only to cover up Trump's own actions during his wife's pregnancy, but to create false stories against his opponent... I was shocked when I found the documentation of what that one News agency had done...

I have never read the Enquirer...but apparently many routinely read this type of news that may or may not be true or even have a semblance of truth... However, when I saw the extent of damage promoted against Trump's opponent, together with how Trump treated her and other women--convicted of rape and defamation--and the Civil Fraud conviction... as well as the latest Criminal Case unanimous verdict, I just haven't a clue how so many people could have accepted Trump as their leader (and still do).

Over 2000 years have gone by and yet the needs of God's children continue not to be addressed, based upon, apparently, the republican party for quite some time... Again, I need to point out that my own knowledge began in 2015, so have only seen the radical differences, right now, between the republican and democratic parties... I've said earlier that I was not paying attention, just like many Americans, as to what was happening, until I heard the Infamous Tape Voicing Trump's routine of "grabbing them..." How did we get where we are? It seems to me, finally, that religion itself has led to much of the problem... But that's for another page...

Consider this, as can be seen by the conviction and the proof of the defamation of Hillary Clinton during the campaign, as well as the proven report that Russian had participated in the 2016 presidential campaign, we must be prepared to work to stop this happening again! What has helped me is reading books, written both historically and in the present. 

For, you see, my hope that the Nation which we all know has been split apart, will, more and more realize that the Christian faith has also been torn apart! But not as planned by Jesus! He spoke of how to instigate a world that would be upside down! May we start, finally, in following His directions...

God Bring Finally the Turning Upside Down!


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