Monday, October 23, 2023

What's Happening at Book Readers Heaven - Fighting for the Soul of America! Big Time Set of God Incidents!

Hi Everybody!

It's 6:38 AM my time, but I've been up for hours finishing a book (God Incident 1)
One of my Favorite Songs was mentioned
(God Incident 2)

While I was listening to the song, 
my eyes were pulled to the right! 
You know, folks, I have implied that I felt that God was leading our President, Joe Biden...
But now I feel like shouting it!
(God Incident 3)

The power of Kindle died which brought me to read online and, of course, blog
Found the Beautiful Cover of the latest book I've been led to (and got the next two of series)
(God Incident 4)

As of Now, the 3rd person to lead America 
has not been named.
If January 6th-like activities would occur again
Who would lead our Country?

Finished the book which brought me to 
info about the author
Followed Him on Facebook; Found his Bio!
List of ALL His Books! Oh My!
God Incident 5

As a small boy in Lincoln, Nebraska, I listened enrapt to my grandmother reading me children’s stories, such as The Little Engine That Could. I also recall the elementary school librarian who read us Winnie the Pooh, imitating all the voices. And I remember the first summer I was allowed to ride my bike to the library on my own.

​Writing started for me in school. Teachers encouraged me to pursue what they perceived as a gift. For me, my imagination was a challenge as much as a gift. I found the real world so much less enthralling.​

In my Christian high school, the English teacher supplied me with unassigned novels. I wrote the senior class play and served as editor of both the yearbook and the school newspaper.​

At Houghton College, I majored in writing, including coursework in poetry and fiction. But I also majored in biblical studies and was persuaded to take my writing skills in a more “respectable” direction—academia and nonfiction writing. Remember that less enthralling real world?

When all my academic work led to no great employment breakthrough, I hopped from there onto that rapid conveyor known as the tech industry. Starting in the 1990s, I shaped a new career, eventually starting my own computer consulting firm.​

During those years, I focused on raising two boys and cherished the role of doing the bedtime reading, including attempting all the voices in The Chronicles of Narnia series. I also composed a few stories from scratch for my attentive little audience, usually around a campfire.​

I started writing again in 2006. Following a friend’s suggestion, I meditated on scripture by imagining myself present on a day when Jesus healed an entire multitude. That meditation turned into my first novel, And He Healed Them All. Closing the gap between the sparse descriptions in the Gospels and what must have been a rich miraculous experience enticed me.​

A series of unusual events (ask me someday) prodded me to write my second novel, The Reign: Out of Tribulation. I began self-publishing with those first two books. My third novel, Seeing Jesus, expanded into a series when numerous readers begged me for more. As it turns out, that kind of begging is hard to resist.

In all, I have published fifteen books on Amazon, fourteen of them as installments in one of my series. I am constantly working to improve my skills and to better share my message with the reading public.​

Anyone tracking my address could guess that I’ve had some setbacks in my life. But God has stayed the same, even as I evolve and have to start over again.​

Now I am married and living in Vernon Hills, Illinois, attending a vibrant church and meeting new people. I work part-time on my computer consulting business, and I devote much of the rest of my time to writing and marketing my books, with my wife as my highly motivated marketing director.

In the Book, which I'll share more about soon, there was a church called Rescue House
I have, as you all know, been unhappy with the confusion caused when the Evangelical Christians supported Donald Trump for president...
So many different people shouting listen to us,
we are right...yada, yada, yada (I like this phrase)
So, the thought crossed me mind,
this man, whose book I could not put down,
had referred to a specific church name???
You guessed it!
I found the church online
Spent time listening to the opening and will go back for sermon...Maybe I have found a church...
(God Incident 6)

Rescue House


Many different videos available!

Looked over and saw a video with what looked to be an angel with a throne!

Had to listen!

So many creative words of worship 

for God and His Son.

(God Incident 7)

(God Incident 8)

You know, folks, I have been confused, afraid, not knowing who to trust, what, exactly, is the Truth of all the rhetoric that comes flying at us from all directions.

During a scene in this book, a young boy was being prayed for by members of a church and during those prayers, they prayed that he would be free from the deception of those who had burdened him with so many lies (and more...)

During that time, I felt the warmth of The Holy Spirit come over me, ending quickly with the word Deception. I believe the entire night was a miracle, as the Lord spoke, finally, that He would make sure I would not be deceived by those who did not speak God's Truth

One of the things covered in the book The Girl Who Sees Angels, was Spiritual Warfare. I had already considered that this is what was happening right now. But, until tonight, or this morning actually, I had never heard President Biden speak so clearly about what America is facing from the MAGA movement... and what DJ Trump has incited--yes, brought all the haters out of the shadows, the darkness into the light, fighting for power, authority over America the greatest democracy in the world...

YOU, yes, you who are reading/listening this post right now. Do you know that something is very wrong in America right now? Even more importantly, do you know that the God of Truth is also fighting for our Souls? I don't profess to know what it is that you should do. I do know, especially after reading Jeffrey Jones' book, that you must pray...More, you must start to listen to God's voice within you. It is there, waiting to be heard... 

Time for voting is getting close. Realize that the MAGA extremists are working at every level. Your children, right now, are being led by those who have but one gain power over America, above the law, above, in my opinion, even God. In the book, let me share another small excerpt:

“Who are you?” She thought it. She might have said it aloud. “Light. An angel. Of light.” “Angel?” “I have been and am and will be. I am light. I am everywhere. I am in all things on the earth.” She closed her eyes and saw his image burned inside her lids. Was she awake? She opened her eyes. She was awake ... probably. He ... it ... was still there. “Who are you?” “I am the ruler of this world, the prince of the air. I am above all others. And I am available to you.” His breath seemed to fill the room. An odor. An odor like nothing she had ever experienced before. But maybe tinged with sulfur like the breath from Hartman’s decaying head. “Who?” “I am the god of this age.” “Not the God?” “I have the power to give life and to take it. I want to give you a life.” “I have a life.”

President Biden used several quotes spoken by MAGA extremists. One caught my attention since I had just heard these words. "I am your Retribution..." 

You know folks, there are false prophets spoken of in the Bible. If you are hearing words of hate, prejudice, bias, against other people--those who were created in His image, then I hope you will consider that there is only God as Our Savior... If you are hearing promises that could never be fulfilled, then, consider, perhaps, that you are listening to a false prophet... Start reading...listening...allowing His Spirit to guide you!

Watch for Review Next!


God Bless


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