Friday, October 13, 2023

War! What Is It Good For?! An Open Memoir - A Single Christian Woman - Brief Opinion Piece of The Coming Deception by Sylvia Bambola


You know folks, I could never have imaged that, in the latter years of my life, I would be going through the worst period of my, and the world's life, where there is such hate, such division, such prejudice...such violence!

My first experience with war, itself, was during the Vietnam war when I began to correspond with the son of one of my mother's friends. I didn't know him but we all felt a need to have Bill Rogan know that there were people who were thinking and praying for him.

In 1945 when I was born, I would not have known about what had been happening during WWII for many years. When I was old enough for school and all the paperwork as well as the times when news referred to what had happened in the past, I remember I asked my mother what nationality I was. She said American. I don't even think I thought about asking for more information at that time. Later, when I learned about the Holocaust and what the Germans had done to the Jews, I was horrified and realized that Mom didn't want to have us connected in any way with what the Germans had done. I was of German descent on both my mother and father's sides of the family.

Growing up in a small country home, we were more involved with family and church life--occasionally going to other churches other than Baptist in which I was baptized; or, for instance, joining with a nearby Presbyterian church, for Sunrise Easter services.

As I grew older, after my mother had died, I would attend various churches or groups. I have talked about attending Full Gospel meetings and now remember I attended a small prayer vigil at a local monastery... It was there that I was to first experience what I now refer to as a God Incident. You see, being there as a single person and new to attend here, I spent my time listening to what was being said by others who asked for prayer... But it was not until the next day that I saw, amazingly, just how God works. You see, one of the participants of that vigil was an older woman who had shared her concerns for her very basic needs. At that time, I was working on the downtown campus, but rarely walked downtown during the lunch hour. For some reason,

I did decide to go out and chose a local well-known, but one I had not visited in the past-- Comuntzis' Restaurant. I waited at the door for seating and was shown to a booth   
by the server. After settling in, I looked up and across from me, further down, I was able to look directly at the woman who had been at the Good Counsel Friary in Morgantown, the night before. In my left ear, which seems to always be the one selected for words of knowledge or guidance, I was told to give her money. When I was finished eating, I pulled out my wallet, pulled out cash, went over to her, who looked at me then surprisingly unable to speak, as I said "God told me to give this to you." Then I smiled and turned and walked away to pay my bill and leave. Several other times I have been guided to sponsor somebody with money. I never refused that guidance, but do have some instances where I had to mail the money and got minimally involved with the individual through mail.

Money or seeking power has never been a part of me, even though I was often selected to serve in leadership roles during my life. Discussion of some of those will be in my sister book, Emotionally Damaged which I am simultaneously writing, as able.

Right now, today, I am full of anguish, frustration, and fear--not for myself, but for all those who have succumbed to the terror of powerful men or women, many claiming it is based upon freedom of religion, while, in my heart I know, that they have chosen to do evil--and NO war, either among family, country, or nations is of God's Will. I do believe in God, simply because He Exists--He is the Great I am...

But as we find, as Christians, who look to Jesus for guidance, we find that He is Love, God even told us that He Gave His Son to Die For US. To me, that is the key. There should be no more need for War... We learn of it as Jesus speaks to the Samaritan and The woman who would have been stoned to death if not for Jesus' words... We know that He is Love, because He loves us even when we turn away from Him. But He Knocks on the door of our hearts, waiting, waiting, until we first, hear the knock...and, second, that we choose Him! Not the other way around, right? (Revelation 3:20)

Fortunately, I learned so much about Jesus through Sunday School and Children's songs. I remember one similar to the one I chose above, which is much longer, but same in intent. I remember having a small picture similar to the one on the left. And now Jesus hangs over a doorway in my home, where I can see Him first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

And yet, there is War. War in Ukrainian where one man, Putin, chose purely for Power, to try to destroy this democracy...

War in Israel, where Hamas, funded by Iran, is trying to create another Holocaust by announcing they will kill all Jews, and are doing it by beheadings, mutilations, rape, and taking hostages, which they hold and threaten the country with to attempt to prevent Israel fighting back...

What happens daily now has me deep into PTSD. My memory is slower, I'm forgetting things. It's hard to concentrate on multiple issues...

And, yes, war in America. For we too our fighting a war with terrorists who want nothing more than to have their "chosen" leader in control of America, a country supposedly also a democracy, but which is now being destroyed in every way possible to move us backward to where women had no rights, Blacks had no rights, non-white immigrants weren't welcomed, and freedom of religion for all is no longer acceptable for anybody who does not accept that Christianity is to be the only religion here in the "United States."

After watching the last video, I was disappointed and wrote the following response (now expanded):
I was disappointed in how, once again, we are left wondering...The heading claims that this is shocking, and "perhaps" it is... Over the last decade I have seen so much that forces me to wonder exactly where we are to turn for guidance. I am a Christian, but I am a Christian who remembers the words of Jesus... To Love... Yet I have watched and seen those who claim Christianity--Crusades and their attempt to ensure everybody declared christianity... Those immigrants who came to America to seek Freedom of Religion, but, chose, at the same time, to subjugate Indigenous Americans and force them into a Christian life... Jews who have been abused by prejudice, Jews who Have Converted and become somewhat fanatical, Muslims, and more come together in what should be mutual peace as we live among each other. As a book reviewer, I have read many personal books written by those of different religions, different nationalities, different races... I have treated each with respect and lack of prejudice, just as Jesus called us to do. To go in peace telling of His Love and Salvation. Yet, so much of what actually happens by government leaders, Power overrides the command to Love. Is the Bible, the Old Testament in particular, a valid book upon which we can believe in, given how prior Christians have failed to follow the words of Jesus? Are we to override/fight against those who look to the past, rather, in my opinion, to look to God Himself, to look to the present and the future. God gave us a will to make decisions. Are we not also to use that will and knowledge to, shall I say, update and use common sense in deciding how we should live as Christians in today's world. Surely God is infinite. Surely He expects us to actually LEARN from the past rather than to try to recreate it!?

 Where is common sense in politics--where is accountability? It literally "blows my mind that what the former president is doing--lying, threatening, inciting violence on those who are trying to act in accordance with law to convict him? And even being allowed to run for president!

I have realized and now know that I am living God's plan for me at this time. I will share of my own experiences in another book, whereby I lost my former career through a changed leadership which was created and implemented with a university-wide desire to work together and manage the resources of a land-grant University. However, a new president came in, immediately changed to an authoritarian environment, where each line manager also became an authoritarian, and immediately began to push what they wanted to do, whether it was the right thing for the university or not. Recently West Virginia University has announced many cutbacks due to lack of enrollment. I can't help but wonder whether it is also based upon the leadership and the environment that soon becomes apparent when the leader acts for his own behalf rather than for others. BTW, I have made no effort at this time to research exactly what happened... These are my present thoughts, based upon my own personal experience in both an organization, and, now the government for the United States...

I want to close out by sharing a little about a book and author I had previously read. I viewed Sylvia Bambola as a wonderful writer and researcher, until I began the book, The Coming Deception...  

Knowing that messaging is everything and can change mindsets and form new ones, the global elites have carefully gained control of our media, which is now in the hands of only six major corporations. And even fewer groups control our educational systems. The fruits of this are evident in the fact that today 30% of young Americans believe socialism and communism are desirable.128 The global elites make up the “shadow government” which is connected to various secret societies such as the Freemasons, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, and the Illuminati. This certainly makes it easier to understand what’s going on with Donald Trump. Yes, he can be crude or brash, and sometimes not very presidential, but that’s not why he’s so hated, especially by other politicians, the media and elites. He is hated because he is a nationalist, an America-First guy and not a globalist. And that’s driving the elites crazy. He is thwarting their globalist agenda, the agenda of the Luciferian elites to create a One World Government by undoing Obama’s regulations and draining the very swamp they have controlled for years. And they don’t like it! There are at least seven shadow organizations trying to bring about a One World Government and that also means a One World Religion. The Rosicrucians, members of an ancient secret Egyptian society, were the forerunners of the Freemasons, which, according to Regius, a Masonic manuscript written in 1390, cites Nimrod as its, “first and most excellent master.” Later, their 1756 manuscript, Thistle, claims Nimrod, “created the Masons.”129 From out of the Masons came the Illuminati which took hold in Europe during 1776 when it began promoting the idea of a New World Order. Karl Marx, the father of Communism, came out of the Illuminati. His Communist Manifesto was virtually a replica of The Illuminati Manifesto. The rise of secular humanism, which ironically has been declared a “religion,” is facilitating the march toward the New Atlantis. Their primary goal is to create a global society and to establish a social and economic order for the redistribution of wealth. It rejects the human need for salvation and believes Christian salvation to be “harmful...”

Sad to say, but our own government has become increasingly hostile to Christianity. One example was exposed on October 23, 2013, when Fox New posted an article to their website written by reporter Todd Sterns. The article covered a view held by some military higherups regarding evangelicals and the Tea Party, and how that view is creeping into the military at-large. Sterns wrote, “Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”148 But praise God, President Trump is trying to reverse these things! But why would our government do this? Because, as we have seen, many in power are connected to secret societies and long for the New Atlantis. That means Christianity, one of the main obstacles preventing it, must be destroyed. And before the New Atlantis can fully emerge, paganism, socialism-communism, and the religion of materialism must take its place. And what is the religion of materialism? Dr. Michael Lake describes it in his book, The Shinar Directive, and lists these belief components: Man is just an animal  There is no creator  There is no god, except for yourself  There are no absolutes  There are no consequences for what we do149  So, what we see in all the above are the seeds of a one world religion. The world is getting ready for antichrist. It’s interesting to note that the three major religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, are now all awaiting their messiah...

I stopped reading this book and will no longer read even the books I have by this author on my TBR list. When I got to page 76 of a total of 147--It was published in 2020--as soon as I saw these two references, I went to her site and posted a question asking what kind of research had been done related to DJ Trump. I never heard anything from her and; frankly, my health took priority and I've never gone back to the book, although it has come to mind often these days as for whatever reasons, the republican party continues to support the past president, even as a criminal, fully indicted with 91 counts, including espionage, even after being impeached by trying to trade money allocated to Ukraine, for his own personal favors, even while the first impeachment ended with a statement that future criminal actions were indicated and should proceed, and which was stopped by AG Barr. And, of course, even after the January 6th Insurrection! 

And, even after claiming that the men who marched in Virginia were good "on both sides," one group who chanted "Jews Will Not Replace Us, together with many groups who have used violence/guns against our children and others because he supports the IRA as do allowing military-grade weapons to be routinely sold! How can a large percentage of Americans ignore Truth?

Seriously, folks, I have no idea what is going on. There are many who have left the evangelical christian ranks because of extremist actions. What I do know is that God does not judge men; He judges our souls. Those of us who believe in God abhor violence, prejudice and acts aimed to fight against anybody who is different. IF WE BELIEVE THAT ALL ARE CREATED BY GOD IN HIS IMAGE, then I have to ask,     




why has power become more important than


I've learned through my reading of books by hundreds of authors, that they, on a daily basis, are concerned about only one thing--trying to live our lives as best we can, caring for our families, working hard to have sufficient funds to meet basic needs... and also to live within a world free of prejudice, hatred, and violence against anybody different.

I have come to the conclusion that the deal made between evangelical christians and Trump is the basis for everything that has occurred during the last decade...

When we try to create God's plan for our lives, it results in the mess we are now in and which continues daily where evil is allowed in order to gain Power...

So, if Christians are not helping the majority of Americans in meeting those needs, but rather trying to create "their" future for them, rather than allowing them to grow in knowing God through our personal actions, then, in my humble opinion, that's how we got to the place we are in. Power corrupts, we've heard. I add Power of Christian Leaders who act for their own benefit, playing with conspiracy theories that may or may not be true and may or may not ever affect any one of us is, to me, simply, wrong.

Jesus said what we do unto the least of these, we do unto Him.

Do you who say this or that is ok because this person (Trump) is doing this or that for some supposed future, but also commits criminal acts, and expect the rest of us to actually believe you are Christians? Sorry, I, for one, cannot. For me, it has come too far to continue to think that evil acts can ever be for the good of the world, including America...

I came here today to add as a closing for my latest blog post at Book Readers Heaven. Where is God's Love in those who are dividing our country over some perception that christians need freedom of religion? I am distraught...because God's love is right here, waiting for us to share it! Not bargain for it with those who would use it for unloving violence, hatred, prejudice?--posted to YouTube 10/12/2023

I've just received and not yet begun to read, "Losing My Religion. I'll be reading and talking about more books like this as part of my research for my own book...

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