Friday, October 27, 2023

A Single Christian Woman - Open Memoir - His Name is Wonderful! Lift Jesus Higher! For Your Name is Holy! Sing Hallelujah to the Lord!


Jesus has always been my friend... As soon as I was old enough to understand The Holy Trinity, I identified God as my Father - a father that I had not known here on earth--he was killed while my mother carried me... I saw God as the Most Holy, Yet, He had given me Jesus as my best Friend! Who would speak to me through his Holy Spirit within... No matter what books I have read, or what somebody preaches, I knew these were words I would live by...

And, so, when I'm troubled, I would search words of songs that I had memorized to bring Him closer... Seeing another mass murder in America, the wars  overseas--the continual violence I will sing:

When I was in the throes of my deepest depression from job burnout, I often could not sleep. I would lie there waiting, my mind never stopping of thinking of things at work, this or that, nothing, really, of substance... Finally, if His Spirit could not break through with song, I would say the alphabet




Sometimes if it had been a really bad day, I would go all the way through the alphabet and start over... By using the alphabet, I was able to order my thoughts, each letter had to be in the title of the song. I would sing several verses or maybe just a line I could remember of that particular song, but I would need to have a song to go further... Most nights I would fall asleep...

Now? I find I am falling asleep with medication. Getting older requires some meds being taken at night! Restless Leg! Yikes! Who knew such a thing even could happen.. But, also a different type of anxiety that comes to me. It is hard to understand what is happening around the world. And, yet, as I woke up this morning, the first thought was His Name is Wonderful, followed quickly by Lift Jesus Higher!

You know folks, as I listened, I heard the words, Jesus Wept. I found this amazing portrait by Jordan Douglas. There were others, but I had to see--actually see--the tears that I know He is shedding for all of the lives lost in wars caused by those who have used religion to claim war, violence, hate as the answer.

Love is Stronger than Hate! Love is Stronger than Prejudice! Love is for All of Us! Not Just for this group or that group... God Is Love! Spread the word to the young who are creating beautiful words of God's love, the old who remember the songs I know of My Best Friend... Lift Love Higher...Life Love Higher... God's Love is Stronger that anything else... There is NO Violence within God's Love. There is NO hate within God's Love! Life Him Higher! Lift Him Higher!

Amen and Amen

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