Friday, May 18, 2012

When a writer Chooses to be Different...

Deadly Destination

By Cat Denison

When a writer chooses to go with something different for fiction novels, they need to really think about it, in my opinion. It is extremely hard for an individual to, for instance, write in first person and keep that consistent throughout... When you combine that with choosing to tell rather than show the story, well, it makes for a dull book...

Cat Denison has a great concept in her first novel; but her choice to write it as she did left me forcing my way through, because I did want to see what happened...

Another little thing that affected me was that the author apparently has a "thing" about lighthouses (Sam's lighthouses-Kenny's lighthouses) and used it without any type of explanation as to why she chose the term. Unfortunately, she then used it for two characters (Sam and Kenny) who, supposedly, had never met until later in the book, but both looking for lighthouses(?)...Highly unlikely given their different backgrounds and chosen lives, don't you think? Especially when they are not real lighthouses...

The book is divided into parts with one of the characters telling the story for the majority of the book. Sam Murphy is the main character. Perhaps I'd watched too many episodes of Ghost Whisperer or read too many paranormal mysteries, The paranormal  "gift" that Sam has may be real, since she did save her best friend's life; but the character didn't seem to "get into" the role for me, although she does tell us about her early life and how the gift was discovered. The telling is interesting, but did not pull me into the story or convince me of her gift meaning much in her life.

Sam gets married, moves, divorces... and then comes back for a reunion...  She later becomes involved with Harry Metcalf who is a police detective, with the willingness to listen to Sam when she can help on a case...

Kenny Callahan had been abused all his life, or at least until he was 10 when he beat his father to death with a bat... But his early life never did leave him enough to allow him to mature and leave the past... He and his three brothers all felt they deserved a better life, so they began a country-wide trip of small thefts and then quickly moving on. As the characters all meet up for the finale, Sam does help Harry and other officers in the "chase" and the conclusion was satisfying.

I read another review at Amazon which tells the story much better than me; the individual liked the book. I'm sorry, I didn't. Beautiful cover, great other reviews to decide... I won't be following this new series.


Cat Denison is the author of two published books - Simply Soaring, a self-awareness handbook and Deadly Destination, a novel. Deadly Destination introduces a very independent woman, who has been blessed (or is it a blessing) with a sixth sense. You can follow this character in future books as she sails her way into new adventures. Cat's many years sailing on the waters of the Pacific Ocean allow her to paint an accurate picture of her character's escapades on land and sea. Find out more at:

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