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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Anticipation by Norma Budden Fast Fun Read!

English: A housefly Musca domestica in Dar es ...
English: A housefly Musca domestica in Dar es salaam, Tanzania (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"Will you stop screaming?" I shouted with frustration,
my hands curled into fists at my sides. "The house isn't
on fire and no one dropped dead, so what's all the commotion about?" I stopped to stare into Tammy Vermont - my first roommate's eyes - hoping a respectable answer would be forthcoming.
"There's a fly buzzing around over there," Tammy responded, while swatting her arms in every direction, as if she could determine where the fly would, or wouldn't pitch.
I swear my jaw must've dropped six inches...

 Janet Elcott Chronicles

By Norma Budden

The front cover suggested a romance, so I was surprised as this short novel began...

Janet Elcott is, of course, the main character and she writes in first person. Her uncle has just decided to relocate to a different continent--after meeting a woman! Janet was not too impressed with her. but when she learned that her uncle was giving his house to her, she was a little more interested to learn more!

But her uncle just may have been doing something that only he could do for his niece...

He put a stipulation on her moving...she was no longer able to live alone. It could be a pet, she could get married, adopt a baby...or, get a roommate. She had some strong feelings on any of these options--she had been close to marriage years ago, but it had not worked out and she wasn't interested in trying again. She was allergic to cats and didn't want to take care of a dog. Raising a child alone? No!

So she would have to get a roommate...or more...

Because she found with the first one, who was afraid of house flies and would scream if one got near to her, that she was not willing to be scared to death by a woman who hated insects...

Readers will enjoy Janet's various visitors, some of whom stayed--her uncle would only allow two weeks in between her roomers. One young teenager, and occasionally her brother, became close to her--the young girl just needed to get away from the beach for awhile. Then there was Sugar Rush, Tiger... and on and on...

One bright stop was that she had in a strange situation - where she was trying to save him, but then he really saved her - Janet met a neighbor. Jackson Spade was a man she felt she could trust and they began to see each other a little, but, for some reason, Janet began to have flashbacks of the man she had once loved, even as she and Jackson grew closer!

As the story moves on, readers will begin to see that there are quite a few well-thought-out inspirational gems to be plucked as Janet meets so many new people and faces the situations confronting her. The only thing I wished was that the story had been longer; however, if that had occurred, would the reader realize all that was happening? I'm not sure. But it took a few hours to finish this delightful story and I enjoyed it so much... so I'm not going to say anything else but that I think you would enjoy the underlying maneuvers that will surprise and delight as the tale comes to a close!


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  • At September 7, 2012 at 12:19 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Thanks, Glenda, for the terrific review! I had noticed the review you left on Amazon but this one was quite a surprise. I stumbled upon it when, on a whim, I searched for my name in a search engine and, lo and behold, this turned up on the first page. :)


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