Are you in Need of Publicity?
As you can see the Publicity Hound suggested that his subscribers (if interested, it's free) regift his "free gift" so if you are interested...all you need to do it go to the website listed and get a 61-page copy!!!!
My "regift" to you!
1. My Gift to You================================
This is the time of year when smart Publicity Hounds are creating"Best of 2008" lists to squeeze a few more publicity hits into2008.
As for me, it's time for my annual "Best of the Publicity Hound'sTips of the Week" ebook, my gift to you at Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year's. The ebook includes the best 24 tips from this past year, or tips that generated a lot of response from readers.
I encourage you to regift it to your own blog readers, newsletter subscribers, clients, customers, Twitter followers, and MySpaceand Facebook friends.
This year's book includes tips on:
--A fast, inexpensive way to catch the attention of journalistsin your community.
--A clever way to get onto the morning TV talk shows bysuggesting something out-of-the-ordinary.
--A place where you can connect daily with journalists who arelooking for sources. And it won't cost you a penny.
--What to do when you're tempted to strangle a reporter forwasting your time interviewing you, and then leaving your nameout of the story.
--A news story that appears several times a year in almost everycommunity and is PERFECT for piggybacking onto.
--9 ways to use video to pull more traffic to your website, sellmore products, generate publicity, and build the buzz about yourproduct, service, cause or issue.
--11 ways to use a paid or unpaid assistant to help withpublicity-related tasks.--How to make your local Chamber of Commerce one of your biggestpromoters.
--A f~ree tool that tell you whether your press release gets apassing grade or falls flat on its face.
--How to use a popular social networking site to snoop on yourcompetitors--What writers can learn from a beloved dog's obit.
--How to claim the Number 1 spot on Google.
--A publicity mistake that most companies make, and it killstheir chances of ever getting covered
You can get the ebook here, save it to your hard drive and thenshare it on the social networking sites:
If you'd like to excerpt content from the ebook and then link tothe book, let me know and I'll send you the item as a Word document so you can cut and paste. Thanks to all of you for being loyal readers and to many of you for being active participants in this newsletter. Each week, I receive dozens of emails from Hounds who share publicity successstories, contrarian viewpoints, helpful publicity tips, time-saving tools and shortcuts and, of course, Hound jokes, quotes and hysterical videos. Thanks, too, for correcting me when I goof. I'm grateful thatyou're part of my community, and it's because of you that I have the best job in the world.
P.S. Regifting this ebook is entirely appropriate. Share this link:
My "regift" to you!
1. My Gift to You================================
This is the time of year when smart Publicity Hounds are creating"Best of 2008" lists to squeeze a few more publicity hits into2008.
As for me, it's time for my annual "Best of the Publicity Hound'sTips of the Week" ebook, my gift to you at Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year's. The ebook includes the best 24 tips from this past year, or tips that generated a lot of response from readers.
I encourage you to regift it to your own blog readers, newsletter subscribers, clients, customers, Twitter followers, and MySpaceand Facebook friends.
This year's book includes tips on:
--A fast, inexpensive way to catch the attention of journalistsin your community.
--A clever way to get onto the morning TV talk shows bysuggesting something out-of-the-ordinary.
--A place where you can connect daily with journalists who arelooking for sources. And it won't cost you a penny.
--What to do when you're tempted to strangle a reporter forwasting your time interviewing you, and then leaving your nameout of the story.
--A news story that appears several times a year in almost everycommunity and is PERFECT for piggybacking onto.
--9 ways to use video to pull more traffic to your website, sellmore products, generate publicity, and build the buzz about yourproduct, service, cause or issue.
--11 ways to use a paid or unpaid assistant to help withpublicity-related tasks.--How to make your local Chamber of Commerce one of your biggestpromoters.
--A f~ree tool that tell you whether your press release gets apassing grade or falls flat on its face.
--How to use a popular social networking site to snoop on yourcompetitors--What writers can learn from a beloved dog's obit.
--How to claim the Number 1 spot on Google.
--A publicity mistake that most companies make, and it killstheir chances of ever getting covered
You can get the ebook here, save it to your hard drive and thenshare it on the social networking sites:
If you'd like to excerpt content from the ebook and then link tothe book, let me know and I'll send you the item as a Word document so you can cut and paste. Thanks to all of you for being loyal readers and to many of you for being active participants in this newsletter. Each week, I receive dozens of emails from Hounds who share publicity successstories, contrarian viewpoints, helpful publicity tips, time-saving tools and shortcuts and, of course, Hound jokes, quotes and hysterical videos. Thanks, too, for correcting me when I goof. I'm grateful thatyou're part of my community, and it's because of you that I have the best job in the world.
P.S. Regifting this ebook is entirely appropriate. Share this link:
Labels: publicity hound, publicity tips
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