Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Dynamic Duo Has Blasted Us With Their Latest! Seriously Serial Murders! A Ricky Burns Mystery By C. K. Laurence and Jerry Lyons - WOW!!!


Ricky pulled himself out of bed at nine the next morning. He could smell bacon and eggs and hear Collette softly singing “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.” How can she possibly be so cheerful after last night, Ricky wondered. When he’d arrived home, they’d had a marathon of lovemaking. The second he’d fallen into bed, exhausted....he thought he could get right to sleep. Collette turned to him, leaned in to kiss him, and that was all she wrote. All that pent up sexual tension from the club exploded and he couldn’t get enough of her. It had to be five o’clock when they’d finally gone to sleep. ​Driving home last night he’d run what was ahead of him today through his head. He had to talk to Jay about the glass and the DNA. Hoping it wouldn’t end in disaster, he’d finally decided to suggest they talk to Bill and Carol about running the DNA. After breakfast, he was going to call Jay to see what he was up against. ​Collette came into the bedroom just as he finished dressing. ​“What a night,” she smiled. ​“It was amazing, You’re the best!” ​“No, you are, but let’s not argue. I made breakfast.” ​“I smelled it. I’m starving.” ​“Good, because it’s ready and I don’t want it to get cold” ​He followed her into the dining room where the table had already been set. They both sat down and after a few bites, Ricky decided to run his plan by Collette. ​“Babe, I got DNA last night. I want to give it to Bill or Carol to have it checked out, but I have to talk to Jay first. I’m going to tell him that I got it and the only way to find out if there’s a match with Tso’s ex is to have his permission to do it.” ​“When he says ‘no’ what are you going to do?” ​“I have an idea and I hope he’ll give me the chance to tell him.” ​“What kind of an idea?” ​“I thought we could take it to Tso and let him decide.’ ​“Whoa. That could end in disaster.” ​“I know, but I’m in a no-win situation. If I have it run without talking to him and it’s a match, I’m going to have to tell Jay and there’d be hell to pay. If there’s no match, I wouldn’t even have to say anything.” ​“True. You’re right, though. You’ve got to run it by him before you give it to Bill and Carol.” ​“I know. I’m going to call him when we finish breakfast. These biscuits are incredible. Pillsbury?” ​“Nice. No, not Pillsbury. Collette’s special recipe for my special man.” ​“You’re the best!” ​After they’d finished breakfast and he’d helped Collette clean up, he went into his office and made the dreaded call to Jay. As expected, Jay refused. Not too proud to beg, Ricky pleaded with him. Finally, he suggested they go to the jail and meet with Tso...


And another Wow!!! This dynamic duo has moved forward in their latest book, Seriously Serial Murders! Soooo, I'm now thinking this fantastic series is going onward and upward and in for a long run!

So I want to begin by properly introducing the main characters... The series features Ricky Burns, a PI as the main character. In my mind he is exactly the type of individual who should BE in law enforcement. Mainly because he wants justice and that means the individual who is guilty should be charged and punished. In this book, Ricky's search for the truth places him in a difficult situation. Why? Because he works for a defense attorney... And, in seems to me, the defense attorney never really wants to know the truth, just how to get his client off... Ricky agrees!

Jay is his boss and has notified Ricky that they have a new client. Not only has the client paid Jay in advance $50,000, but has also provided a $10,000 payment for an investigator... Frankly, both Jay and Ricky, while being thrilled with this, are also wondering just why this man has acted to be prepared if he is not guilty...of something...

Collette plays a double role. She worked for Jay when Ricky came into the picture. But now holds Ricky's heart and they are living together on a houseboat! Cool, right?!

But there is a serial killer in the area, killing women--women who are of a certain type--each one seemingly prettier than the last one... The MO is consistent, even to leaving a small plastic heart... And kills are escalating!

The book opens with Ricky playing darts with two of his best friends, who are cops he has met since he moved south and left his job as a NY homicide cop. Bill Sewell and Carol Brooklyn are good cops and they have worked a few cases with Ricky in the past. 

This time, however, Jay is hyper about maintaining client confidentiality, while Ricky is struggling with his own doubt about their "client." Why put out $60,000 and not explain? And Bill and Carol are both on the serial killer case as it is near Spring Break when all college students head to Florida for fun and games.

When another murder takes place, they found the man and arrested him immediately. The mayor announced they had their serial killer... but it was a copycat! And two more women were found dead with the original MO... The mayor had to spin his tale to the news staff as they were crying out for information!

Then the case got a break, the condom had been found inside one of the women recently found, apparently having been lost as the killer finished his assault...

And, suddenly it all fell apart as the DNA test showed that an Asian was the killer, but was not it their database...

And Jay and Ricky looked at each other, knowing that their...client...was...Asian...

I could not stop reading! I suffered along with Ricky as he struggled with his own moral code to seek justice for the victim... But, then, as he investigated,  information was confirmed that their client was out of town during the last two murders... But sooner or later, the fact that he was one of the few Asians in this area, just might mean he would be questioned.

Did Ricky follow his heart or would his boss tell him to ensure their new client was protected under the law...

Reading a book all the way to the last page is rare for me... And, I have to tell you, when I did, I was lying in bed reading the last sentence and I began to laugh wildly! Sure glad I don't live with anybody! Laurence has allowed herself to write as the book needed to be told and it shows that she's moving into a must-read author. She notes in her bio that she's tried many things through her life and just lately she's tried writing. Well, I'm finding that she's a natural at it! This book shares the dialogue, the situations, and the people that are encountered with criminally-minded people are encountered in daily life. She doesn't hold back anything, as it should be... And, indeed, it makes this book the best fiction I've read this year! Obviously, it's a personal favorite for me...

But for readers of mystery, true crime, with a touch of appropriate sexual encounters, Laurence has taken the story of the Real Ricky Burns, Jerry Lyon, and presented avid readers with a page-turner that will ensure you, too, will read it through once you get started! High praise for this solid thriller that keeps you guessing. I was fairly certain early on what was happening, but that is only because of the way the writer presented the case... Thank YOU Dynamic Duo for a series that keeps on providing great stories directly from the headlines!


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  1. Can’t wait to read this. Very enticing.

  2. Love these novels- they keep you on your toes

  3. Laurence and Lyons have published another hit. This is a simply a gripping tale of suspense! Brava and bravo!

  4. Great read! Kept me on the edge of my seat! Best un the Ricky Burns series
