Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Case of the Cat Crazy Lady (Buttercup Bend Mysteries Book 1) by Debby De Louise


When Cathy walked in the house, she didn’t see her grandmother, so she put away the groceries and went upstairs figuring Florence was working on Becky’s blanket. The door to her room was closed, so she knocked. “Gran, are you there?” For a moment, she was afraid something had happened. Her fears were alleviated when Florence answered. She was dressed in a figure-flattering lavender dress Cathy had never seen before. It was silky, hugged her curves, and accented her slim waist. The hem ended discretely an inch below the knee. Her white hair was piled up in a French knot that added glamour to her heart-shaped face. Cathy knew she’d been a knockout at her age and was still an attractive woman. “You look gorgeous, Gran, but aren’t you dressed a bit early?” “No. Howard’s picking me up in a half hour. I like to be prompt. Before dinner, we’re going to a Broadway Play. He’s taking me to see Beautiful about Carole King, who was one of my favorite singers. I hear it’s wonderful.” “You’re going to the City?” Cathy was shocked. She thought Howard was taking her grandmother to a local restaurant. There were so many nice ones in the Catskills. “Yes. I haven’t been to New York in ages, and please don’t wait up for me, honey. We’ll probably get in early tomorrow morning, but don’t worry. I’ll make sure I’m back in time for Boots’ memorial service.” Cathy hated to make the same objections as her brother, but she couldn’t help voicing her concern. “You hardly know Howard. That’s a long trip with a stranger.” “I’ll be perfectly fine. I’m not a teenager. I know how to protect myself and, best of all, I don’t need to worry about getting pregnant.” She laughed. If anything, that made Cathy feel worse, but she knew there was no arguing with her grandmother. She just hoped Florence wasn’t blinded by the first man who’d shown interest in her since her grandfather’s death. “Is everything arranged for dinner with Doug and Becky?” Cathy was caught off guard a moment by the change of subject. “I, uh, oh, yes. I think Doug is relieved that I’m cooking for them tonight. I decided to make a stew in your crock pot and bring it over there if you don’t mind.” “Of course not. That sounds nice. I know Becky will also appreciate it.” Florence stepped back inside and grabbed her purse, a slim black evening clutch. “I better wait downstairs. Would you like me to give you a hand with the stew before I leave? Remember, it needs to be browned before being put into the pot. I usually cook the meat on the low setting for six hours, but I know Doug and Becky like to eat early, so maybe you can cook it for four on the high setting.” “That’s what I was planning to do, but I don’t need any help. You’re all dressed, anyway. Just have a seat in the living room and relax.” Cathy had decided to let go of her apprehensions. Florence was right that she was a grown woman and knew how to handle men. While Cathy was preparing the meat and vegetables, her grandmother came into the kitchen. “Don’t forget to add some of my fresh herbs. Parsley and oregano go well with stew meat.” “I know. I’m going out to the garden to cut some soon, but I told you to stay in the living room. Remember the saying about too many cooks in the kitchen.” “Sorry. I admit I’m a little nervous about this date. Not that I’m worried about Howard. It’s me I’m anxious about. What if I say the wrong thing or give him the wrong impression? I haven’t dated in fifty years.” Cathy smiled. “Just be yourself. I know you give me that advice all the time, and I should follow it. It’s only natural to be scared in new situations or ones you haven’t been in for so long. You’ll do fine and if you don’t, it’s Howard’s loss.” Florence smiled. “I have a wise granddaughter. Thank you, Catherine. Now get that meal going. I want to hear rave reviews from Doug and Becky when I return, and I’m sure I will.” 

While Florence waited for Howard in the living room, Cathy went out the kitchen door to the back garden with the shears. The herbs growing there were tall and healthy looking. They’d make a delicious garnish and liven up the meat sauce. She bent down to start clipping when she heard the front gate creak open. Placing the shears on the ground, she hurried to the side of the fence in time to see Howard dressed in a gray suit walk up the path. He held a bunch of spring flowers in his hand, no roses but marigolds, tulips, hyacinths, and lilacs among sprigs of forget-me-nots. She must’ve made a noise because he stopped halfway to the door and turned. She tried to duck back, but it was too late. Changing direction, he strode over to her. “Good afternoon, Miss Carter. I hope I’m not too early. Is Florence home?” “Hello, Mr. Hunt. You can call me Cathy and, yes, my grandmother is inside waiting for you. I was just choosing some herbs from her garden to use for a dinner I’m cooking for my brother and his wife.” “That’s nice of you. Does Florence keep a vegetable garden, too?” “No, just herbs. She’s more a craftsperson than a gardener. Her friend Pauline, I think you met her at the dance, she’s the one seeing the sheriff. She’s the big gardener in Buttercup Bend, and she taught Gran how to plant herbs.” Cathy didn’t know why she was babbling so much. The thought crossed her mind that maybe she was postponing the time Florence would leave with her date. Howard’s gray eyes lit up. “I have a green thumb myself. Do you mind if I come take a look at the garden? I know Florence must be waiting, but it won’t take long.” “Sure.” Cathy unlatched the gate and beckoned Howard to enter. He followed her to the small square plot under the kitchen window where the herbs grew. Howard crouched down but was careful to avoid getting any grass or dirt stains on his pant legs. “Very nice – parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, like that old Simon and Garfunkel song. 

Wait, what’s this?” He pointed to a plant with odd-shaped berries. Cathy recalled her grandmother’s warning about that particular herb. “That’s Nightshade. It produces Belladonna, a poisonous substance, but Gran grows it because it has some medicinal properties.” “I’ve heard of that plant. I hope none of your pets wander here and eat any.” “Oh, no. Oliver doesn’t go out and neither do my brothers’ dogs unless they’re being walked. The rescue pets are indoors-only, too. But even if a stray came in the yard, Gran spritzes this area with citrus. Felines and other animals don’t like the smell of that and are deterred by it.” “Interesting. Well, thanks for showing me, Cathy. I think I’ll go inside now and see Florence. I don’t want her to think I stood her up on our first date.” “About that, Mr. Hunt …” “Howard, please.” “Howard. How come you’re taking Gran into the City? There are lots of local theaters up here.” “That’s true, but Broadway is a special experience. Have you been there? Florence tells me she attended shows many years ago with your grandfather.” “I went to Radio City once for the Christmas show but that was about it. Doug took Becky for a weekend in the City for their anniversary last year. They said they had a wonderful time.” “Well, I’m sure someone will take you there, too. Your grandmother says you’re dating that young man, Steve, who takes care of landscaping your pet cemetery. Maybe he’ll ask you.” Cathy was surprised Florence had shared personal information so soon with Howard, but she knew he’d seen her at the dance with the gardener. Before she could comment, the kitchen door opened. Her grandmother stood there. “I thought I heard voices. Hello, Howard. I’m all set for our trip. Please come in.” Cathy remembered she hadn’t cut the herbs and needed to start cooking the stew or it wouldn’t be ready in time. “I’ll be there in a minute, but don’t wait for me. I hope you both have a great time in New York.” “Thank you.” Florence left the door open after Howard entered. As Cathy snipped the parsley and oregano, she heard Florence and Howard’s voices, low murmurs and then the smooch of a kiss. She felt embarrassed as if she was eavesdropping. Howard had presented her grandmother with the flowers he’d picked from his garden. When she was done gathering the herbs, Cathy went inside. A note lay on the kitchen table. Sorry we didn’t have time to say goodbye, but we don’t want to be late for the show. Thanks

Cathy and her brother were orphaned and both came to live with their grandmother, Florence, in Buttercup Bend. Doug is now married and his wife Becky, is expecting a child soon... All of these individuals are involved with Rainbow Gardens and Rainbow Rescues in one way or another... This includes, of course, working to rescue animals in need and, hopefully find homes for each one. While at the same time, they provide burial services for those pets whose human owners wanted them to be treated lovingly in their loss. 

Buttercup Bend is a small community where everybody knows everybody, especially when the local news agency is owned by the well-known town gossip, Pauline, who is dating a younger man, the local sheriff. So, a death has occurred, which was shown to be a murder upon investigation. Maggie Broom, known as the town’s Cat Crazy Lady, since she’d arrived in town two years ago, was the next-door neighbor of Pauline. And, even though she was one of the likely suspects, since she and Maggie were always fighting about Maggie's cats getting into her garden, and...was the individual who found her with a pillow over her head, the sheriff immediately looked to others who might have hated Maggie enough to kill her...

Even then, when it came to the legal part of settling Maggie's estate, everybody, including Cathy, was surprised to be asked to be at the reading of the will. Only then did the town learned that Maggie had two siblings...and, later, that she had once been married! Learning more and more as Maggie's siblings arrived in town, having to stay at a local B&B because of the death occurring in Maggie's home and was still a crime scene, but that, upon reading of the will, neither of them had received much of the significant large amount of money that Maggie had hidden from everybody but her lawyer--she had won a million dollars! And Cathy, representing the animal shelter, was surprised but, still, excited, that the majority of the estate went to those two entities where her beloved pets would be cared for...

Small town routine living is what keeps the book going... Many in the community had been invited to participate in a pot luck meal and shower for Becky, Doug's wife--and it would be a surprise! Only thing is that, Florence had invited the bereaved sister of Maggie, and that night went the lights went out to await the loving couple, Maggie's sister was...murdered!

I especially enjoyed that Florence, at a local church-sponsored dance, had met a new man to the community and they had immediately become involved. Cathy was concerned about not knowing the man and especially when he invited Florence to head out of state on their first real date! Cathy was trying not to get upset much things weren't adding up and though her grandmother decided she was quite able to take care of herself, Cathy even shared her concern with her brother--so they were both worrying about their grandmother possibly getting hurt... Especially when the Sheriff started looking at this man who was also a new stranger in town.

As most cozies are, the characters and setting drives the storyline... I was not disappointed! Escape into a good mystery is expected and De Louise provided one. I didn't see the ending coming! Great! I love NOT being able to solve the case! My only decision at this point is whether to follow this series...or go on to another where cats are featured in every book... By the way, this is a new author for me... but if you are into cozy mysteries, do check out the many others books here at BRH, by searching cozy mysteries in the right column! In the meantime, I'm starting with Murder at Lavender Lake Library... If a cat is on the cover... I'm In!

By the way, this is the first cat cozy mystery that I've read since the vice-presidential candidate for the republican party ridiculed me and many other single women who love cats but have no children... Plus I've been wanting to use a couple of pictures that I took recently at my home...

Yeah, I'm proud to be a cat fact, if you notice that this coon is also coming for breakfast, you will know that this nocturnal animal feels free enough to come out during the day... I wish they didn't come and frighten my cats, but the coon is one of God's creations, so I provide food and shelter... That's what God expects us to do--to help all of our neighbors, don't you think?

God Bless


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