Monday, October 2, 2017

Photography and Poetry from Adolph Caso... Complementary Music...

And Sometimes God Allows Us (Through Adolfo's photo)
 to Capture An Amazing Moment!

Water and Life

Flat and round,
before my eyes.
I see the waves
rolling in,
hitting at my feet--waves
reduced to ripples
of water vanishing
under these feet.
From whence comes life?
Where does it go?
I think of the moon 
and see the answer;
and I bend 
to scoop a cup
to feel the wonderment
of infinity
trickle down my hands
Flat and round,
before my eyes;
I see the waves 
rolling in, 
hitting at my feet--
my essence
will come back to you.
I turn around
and see the earth--
valleys deepened
by mountain peaks, like life,
a chain of ups and downs,
desperation and joy.
And I wonder
when, or
why, or
how I
will turn my back
to feel the water
run down these hands
or let this body float
into the essence
from which it came.


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